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What the Bible Say About Man and Woman Business?

What the Bible Say About Man and Woman Business?

Plenty people can be shame to talk about man and woman business. Any time the Bible talk about man and woman business, it can’t beat around the bush, but it can do it with respect. What the Bible say can benefit us. And it make sense because that Jehovah made us and he know what good for us. He tell us what we must do to make him happy and what will help us to enjoy life now and for forever.

1. Wetin Jehovah say about man and woman business?

Man and woman business that gift from Jehovah. He want the man and the woman who marry to each other to enjoy it. This gift can’t only allow marry people to born children, but it can also allow them to show love to each other and to enjoy theirself. That why the Bible say: “May you rejoice with the wife of your youth.” (Proverbs 5:18, 19) Jehovah want marry Christians to stick to each other so that nobody will cheat on their friend (commit adultery).—Read Hebrews 13:4.

2. Wetin sexual immorality mean?

The Bible tell us that “those who are sexually immoral . . . will not inherit God’s Kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) The Greek word the writer them use for sexual immorality, that por·neiʹa. That word mean man and woman business between (1) man and woman who not marry to each other, a (2) man and man or woman and woman and (3) human being and animal. When we stay away from sexual immorality, we will make Jehovah happy and we will benefit ourselves.—1 Thessalonians 4:3.


Learn how you can stay away from sexual immorality and how you can benefit when you stay morally clean.

3. Run away from sexual immorality

The faithful man Joseph run away from the woman who wanted him to lay down with her. Read Genesis 39:1-12, and answer the question them together:

  • Why Joseph run away?—See verse 9.

  • You think Joseph made good decision? Why?

How young people can follow Joseph example and run away from sexual immorality today? Play the VIDEO.

Jehovah want all of us to stay away from boyfriend and girlfriend business. Read 1 Corinthians 6:18, and answer the question them together:

  • What condition can make somebody to put their hand in boyfriend and girlfriend business?

  • How you can run away from boyfriend and girlfriend business?

4. You can fight temptation

Wetin can make it hard for us to fight the temptation to put our hand in sexual immorality? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • When the brother in the video knew that the way he was thinking and the thing he was doing was coming made him to cheat on his wife, what he did?

Sometime, it can be hard for faithful Christians to think on good things. Wetin can help you not to be thinking on man and woman business all the time? Read Philippians 4:8, and answer the question them together:

  • What kind na things you must be thinking on?

  • How doing Bible reading and making ourselves busy in doing Jehovah work can help us to fight temptation?

5. Jehovah laws can benefit us

Jehovah know wetin good for us. He tell us how to keep morally clean and the benefit we will get when we do it. Read Proverbs 7:7-27 or play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • How the young man put his self in temptation?—See Proverbs 7:8, 9.

  • Proverbs 7:23, 26 say, sexual immorality can affect us bad way. If we stay morally clean, what problem them we will not get in?

  • When we stay morally clean, how it can help us to enjoy life forever?

Some people think that, what the Bible say about man and woman business between two men or two women not show that Jehovah love us. But Jehovah that God of love and he want everybody to enjoy life forever. To enjoy life forever, we must live by Jehovah laws. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, and answer the question together:

  • From what God say, you think sex between two men or two women that the only one he not like?

For us to make God happy, all of us need to change the way we live our life. You think you will benefit when you do it? Read Psalm 19:8, 11, and answer the question them together:

  • You think Jehovah law on man and woman business hard for us? Why?

Jehovah na help plenty people to change their lives and obey his law. He can help you too

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “It not wrong for any two people to do man and woman business so long they love each other.”

  • What you say?


Man and woman business that gift from Jehovah and he want husband and wife to enjoy it.


  • What some of the thing them that part of sexual immorality?

  • What will help us not to put our hand in sexual immorality?

  • How we will benefit when we follow Jehovah laws on man and woman business?

Try This


Learn why God want for the man and the woman who want live together to get marry.

“Wetin the Bible Say About Man and Woman Living Together When They Not Marry?” (Web article)

Even though the Bible say man and woman business between two men and two women wrong, learn why we must not hate the people who doing it.

“Sex Between Two Men or Two Women Wrong?” (Web article)

Learn how God law about man and woman business can protect us.

“Oral Sex That Real Sex?” (Web article)

In the story, “They Show Me Respect,” see why one man who use to love to his friend man change his way to make Jehovah happy.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2011)

a Beside man and woman business between people who not marry, por nei’a also include different-different things like oral sex, anal sex, and playing with another person private part.