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What the Bible Say About People Who Marry and People Who Not Marry?

What the Bible Say About People Who Marry and People Who Not Marry?

In some cultures, people believe that when you not marry you can’t be happy. But some marry people not happy and some single people happy. The Bible say that to be single or to be marry that gift from Jehovah.

1. When we not marry, what some of the benefit?

The Bible say: “Whoever marries does well, but whoever does not marry will do better.” (Read 1 Corinthians 7:32, 33, 38.) What some of the ways that people who not marry can “do better”? People who not marry can’t be worrying about taking care of their wife or husband. So they can be free to do plenty things. Some of them able to do more in the preaching work. For example, they able to travel to different-different country to preach the good news. But the most important one, they can spend more time drawing close to Jehovah.

2. What some of the benefits when you legally marry?

Marry people also get some benefits that single people not get. The Bible say that “two are better than one.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9) And it can happen especially among true Christian who can follow Bible advice in their marriage. People who marry legally can make promise to love, respect and take care of each other. Because of that, they can feel safe more than people who just living together but not marry. And it can also make the children to feel safe.

3. Wetin Jehovah say about marriage?

When Jehovah put the first man and woman together, he said: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife.” (Genesis 2:24) Jehovah want for the husband and the wife to love each other and to stay together until they die. The only time Jehovah say they can divorce that, when one person cheat on their friend. When it happen, Jehovah give the person who faithful the right to decide whether they will divorce. a (Matthew 19:9) Jehovah not want any Christian to marry more than one person.—1 Timothy 3:2.


Learn how you can be happy and make Jehovah happy whether you marry or single.

4. Make good use of the time you not marry

Jesus say to be single that gift. (Matthew 19:11, 12) Read Matthew 4:23, and answer the question together:

  • Since Jesus was not marry, how he use that gift to help other people?

Christians who not marry can use their life like Jesus. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • How Christians who not marry can use their life to benefit theirself and other people?

You na hear this one before?

The Bible not give exact age somebody must reach before they get marry. But it encourage people to wait until they “past the bloom of youth.” That the time strong feeling for man and woman business can make it hard for young people to make good decision.—1 Corinthians 7:36.

5. Take time to choose the person you will marry

To choose the person you will marry, that one of the most important decision you will ever make. Read Matthew 19:4-6, 9, and answer the question together:

  • Why Christians must not rush to get marry?

The Bible can help you to know what to look for in the person you want marry. And the most important thing, the person must love Jehovah. b Read 1 Corinthians 7:39 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 and answer the question them together:

  • Why we must only marry someone who serving Jehovah?

  • How you think Jehovah will feel if you marry someone who not serving him?

When you tie two animals that not equal together, they will suffer. That the same way when Christian marry somebody that not serving Jehovah, they can get plenty problems

6. Look at marriage the same way Jehovah look at it

Way back in Israel, some men them use to divorce their wives just to satisfy theirself. Read Malachi 2:13, 14, 16, and answer the question together:

  • Why Jehovah hate for people to divorce for reason that not in line with the Bible?

When somebody cheat on their friend and when people divorce, the person who faithful and the children can suffer

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • If you already marry to somebody who not serving Jehovah, wetin you can do to still be happy in your marriage?

7. Live by the laws Jehovah give to marry people

For somebody to live by the laws Jehovah give to marry people, they really need to fight hard. c But Jehovah can bless those who can do it. Play the VIDEO.

Read Hebrews 13:4, and answer the question them together:

  • You think Jehovah laws for marriage hard? Why?

In most of the country them, the governments can ask people to get paper when they want marry or divorce. So, Jehovah expect Christians to get paper from the governments when they want marry or divorce. Read Titus 3:1, and answer the question together:

  • If you marry, you sure you get the right paper from the government?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “Why I must get marry? It force for man and woman who already living together to get marry?”

  • How you will answer them?


Whether you single or marry, that gift from Jehovah. Single people and marry people can be happy and satisfy when they live in line with Jehovah will.


  • How somebody can make good use of the time they not marry?

  • Why the Bible say we must only marry somebody who serving Jehovah?

  • What the only reason the Bible give for divorce?

Try This


What it mean to marry “only in the Lord”?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2004)

Watch three short videos that will help you to make good decisions about dating and marriage.

How to Prepare for Marriage (11:53)

Learn why one brother say that the thing Jehovah na give him, get value more than anything he sacrifice.

I Was Having Hope That She Will Learn the Truth (1:56)

What some of the things somebody must think on before talking about divorce or separation?

“Honor ‘What God Na Put Together’” (The Watchtower, December 2018)

a Go to Endnote 4 to see what time someone can separate from their partner even if nobody cheat.

b IIn some cultures, some parents can choose the person their son or daughter will marry. In country them like that, parents who love their children must not just look at the money or the position, but they must see whether the person really love Jehovah.

c If you living with somebody who you not marry to, that yourself can decide whether to leave that person or to marry them.