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Wetin the Bible Say About Drinking Liquor?

Wetin the Bible Say About Drinking Liquor?

All over the world, people get different-different thinking about liquor. Some people can enjoy drinking one-one time with their friend them. Other people decide not to drink at all. But other people can drink until they get drunk. Wetin the Bible say about drinking liquor?

1. You think it wrong to drink liquor?

The Bible not say it wrong to drink. In fact, liquor among the plenty good-good things that Jehovah give us. The Bible say “wine that makes man’s heart rejoice.” (Psalm 104:14, 15) The Bible talk about some faithful men and women who used to drink.—1 Timothy 5:23.

2. What advice the Bible get for people who decide to drink?

Jehovah not want for people to drink plenty and get drunk. (Galatians 5:21) The Bible say: “Do not be among those who drink too much wine.” (Proverbs 23:20) So if we want drink liquor, whether we by ourselves or we among other people, we must not drink until we can’t think clear, control what we say and do, or we get sick. If we know that liquor not good for us, it will be good to stop drinking altogether.

3. How we can show respect for other people decisions about liquor?

Everybody must decide for theirself whether they want drink liquor. We must not judge somebody who decide to drink liquor that they able to control. And we must not force somebody who not want drink. (Romans 14:10) We can decide not to drink if we know it will cause problem for other people. (Read Romans 14:21.) We seek “not [our] own advantage, but that of the other person.”—Read 1 Corinthians 10:23, 24.


Learn Bible advice that will help you decide if you will drink and how much you will drink. Also find out what you can do if you get drinking problem.

4. Decide whether you will drink or not

Wetin Jesus say about drinking liquor? To know the answer, read about Jesus first miracle. Read John 2:1-11, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin we learn from this miracle about how Jesus feel about liquor and those who can drink?

  • Since Jesus not say it wrong to drink, how Christian must feel about somebody who decide to drink?

Even though it not wrong for Christian to drink liquor, it not mean that it good to drink it all the time. Read Proverbs 22:3, and talk about how this different-different thing them can help you to decide whether you will drink:

  • When you driving or working with machine.

  • When you pregnant.

  • When the doctor na advise you to stop drinking liquor.

  • When you not able to control the amount of liquor you can drink.

  • When the law say you must not drink liquor.

  • When you with somebody who decide not to drink at all because they get drinking problem.

It good to serve liquor to wedding receptions or other programs? To see what can help you to decide, play the VIDEO.

Read Romans 13:13 and 1 Corinthians 10:31, 32. When you finish reading each of the Bible verse them, answer the question together:

  • When you follow this Bible advice, how it can help you to make decision that will make Jehovah happy?

Every Christian must decide for himself whether he will drink liquor or not. So even if he can drink liquor sometime, he may decide not to drink another time

5. Decide how much you will drink

If you decide to drink liquor, remember this: Even though Jehovah not say it wrong to drink, he say it wrong to drink too much. Why? Read Hosea 4:11, 18, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin can happen when somebody drink too much?

What can help us not to drink plenty? We need to know how much liquor to drink. Read Proverbs 11:2, and answer the question together:

  • Why it good for you to know the amount of liquor you must drink?

6. What can help someone to stop drinking too much

See what help one man to stop drinking plenty liquor. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In this video, how Dmitry use to act when he drink?

  • He was able to stop drinking right away?

  • How he was able to stop drinking plenty liquor?

Read 1 Corinthians 6:10, 11, and answer the question them together:

  • Why drunkenness that serious sin?

  • What show that somebody who can drink too much able to change?

Read Matthew 5:30, and answer the question together:

  • In this example, to cut off the hand mean to make sacrifice that will make Jehovah happy. Wetin you can do when you fighting hard to stop drinking plenty? a

Read 1 Corinthians 15:33, and answer the question together:

  • How your friend them can make you to drink plenty liquor or not to drink plenty?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “You think it wrong to drink liquor?”

  • Wetin you will say?


Jehovah give us liquor for us to enjoy ourselves, but he not like for people to drink plenty and get drunk.


  • What the Bible say about liquor?

  • Why drinking plenty liquor not good?

  • How we can show respect for other people decisions about drinking?

Try This


How young people can make good decisions about drinking?

Think Before You Drink (2:31)

Learn what you can do to stop drinking plenty.

“How You can Stop Drinking Plenty?” (The Watchtower, January 1, 2010)

In the story, “Liquor Not Use to Do Anything to Me,” see how one man stop drinking plenty.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, May 1, 2012)

a Some people who can drink too much need special help from book people who can help drunkers to stop drinking. Plenty doctors say it not good for people who get drinking problem to drink at all.