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That All Celebrations and Holidays Can Make God Happy?

That All Celebrations and Holidays Can Make God Happy?

Jehovah want us to enjoy our life and to celebrate sometime. You think that all celebrations and holidays can make God happy? When it come to celebrations, how we can show that we love Jehovah?

1. Why Jehovah can’t be happy with plenty celebrations?

You will be surprise to know that plenty of the celebrations not coming from the Bible. And the people who started it were worshiping false god. This celebration them get something to do with spiritism or the idea that the soul can’t die. Some of the celebration them really coming from false beliefs or belief in good luck. (Isaiah 65:11) Jehovah warn his people: “Separate yourselves . . . and quit touching the unclean thing.”2 Corinthians 6:17. a

2. How Jehovah can feel about celebrations that give too much honor to human being?

Jehovah warn us not to put our “trust in mere humans.” (Read Jeremiah 17:5.) Some holidays can honor people who ruling or soldiers. Other people can celebrate national symbols or independence day. (1 John 5:21) Still, other people can promote political or social organizations. How Jehovah will feel when we give that kind na honor to somebody or organization, especially the one them that promoting ideas that against his will?

3. What kind na behavior can make celebrations not to be good?

The Bible condemns “overdrinking, wild parties, [and] drinking bouts.” (1 Peter 4:3) In some celebrations, people can’t control their self and they can do some rude-rude thing them. For us to remain Jehovah friend, we need to stay away from all this thing them because they not clean in Jehovah eye.


Find out how you can make Jehovah happy by making good decisions about holidays and celebrations.

4. Say no to celebrations that can’t make Jehovah happy

Read Ephesians 5:10, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin we must make sure to know before we decide whether to celebrate any holiday?

  • What some of the holiday them plenty people can celebrate in your area?

  • You think this holiday them can make Jehovah happy?

For example, you na ever think about how God can feel when we celebrate birthday? The Bible not say that any of the people who were worshiping Jehovah celebrate birthday. It talk about two people who celebrated their birthday. But they were not serving Jehovah. Read Genesis 40:20-22 and Matthew 14:6-10 and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin this two birthday celebrations get in common?

  • From this two Bible stories, how you think Jehovah feel about birthday celebration?

Maybe you still thinking, ‘how Jehovah will feel when I put my hand in birthday business or other celebrations that against the Bible?’ Read Exodus 32:1-8. Then, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • Why we need to make sure to do the thing them that Jehovah like?

  • How we can do it?

How we can know if God not like certain celebrations?

  • It coming from teaching that not in the Bible? If you want know, find out how the celebration started.

  • It giving honor to human being, organizations, or national symbols? We honor Jehovah more than all this thing them and we trust him that he will solve all the problems in the world.

  • The thing them that people can do on that holiday agree with what the Bible say? We need to always be morally clean.

5. Help other people to respect your beliefs

It can be hard to say no when people on your back to take part in celebrations that will not make Jehovah happy. When you explaining your belief to them, you must be patient and do it with respect. To see one example about how to do it, play the VIDEO.

Read Matthew 7:12, and answer the question them together:

  • From this Bible verse, you think you suppose to tell your family members who not serving Jehovah that they must not celebrate holiday?

  • What you can do to let your family members know that even though you will not celebrate with them, you still love and care for them?

6. Jehovah want us to be happy

Jehovah want us to enjoy good time with our family and friends. Read Ecclesiastes 8:15, and answer the question together:

  • How this Bible verse show that Jehovah want us to be happy?

Jehovah want his people to be happy and enjoy good time together. Play the VIDEO to see how it happen to our international conventions.

Read Galatians 6:10, and answer the question them together:

  • You think we need to celebrate holiday to do “what is good” to others?

  • What kind na giving can make you more happy, to give on holiday because everybody giving or to give because you want do so?

  • Sometime, plenty Jehovah Witnesses can do something special for their children and even surprise them with gifts. If you get children, what some of the thing you can do to make them happy?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “The reason people started celebrating the holiday not important. We just want enjoy ourselves with friends and family members.”

  • Wetin you will say?


Jehovah want us to enjoy good time with family and friends. But he not want us to take part in celebrations that can’t make him happy.


  • What some of the question them that help us to know whether certain celebrations can’t make God happy?

  • How we can help our family members and friends to understand our decisions about holidays?

  • How you know that Jehovah want us to be happy and enjoy ourselves?

Try This


Learn about some particular holiday them that Christians can’t celebrate.

“Why Jehovah Witnesses Can’t Celebrate Certain Holidays?” (Web article)

See four reasons why we believe that celebrating birthday can’t make God happy.

“Why Jehovah Witnesses Can’t Celebrate Birthdays?” (Web article)

See how young children who love Jehovah can please him during the holidays.

You Important to Jehovah (11:35)

Plenty Christians na decide not to celebrate Christmas. How they can feel about their decision?

“They Found Something Better” (The Watchtower, December 1, 2012)

a See Endnote 5 to learn what you can do when other people celebrating holidays.