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What It Mean to Be Neutral

What It Mean to Be Neutral

Jesus said that his followers must be “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) One way we can be no part of the world that to be neutral. It mean we must not take part in wars and politics. To talk the truth, it can’t always be easy to be neutral. Some people can laugh at us because we neutral. But how we can be neutral and stick to Jehovah God?

1. How true Christians must look at human governments?

Christians must respect human government. We can do the thing Jesus say and “pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar.” That mean we obey the laws of the country, like paying all our tax. (Mark 12:17) The Bible say human government ruling because Jehovah allowing them to rule. (Romans 13:1) We understand that God government get authority more than human government. So we depending on God and his Kingdom to solve all our problem them.

2. How we can show that we neutral?

Just like Jesus, we can’t put our hand in politics. When the people saw one of Jesus miracles, they wanted to make him their king on earth, but Jesus refuse. (John 6:15) Why? Because, as Jesus said, “my Kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) Since we Jesus disciples, we can show that we neutral in plenty different-different ways. For example, we can’t fight war. (Read Micah 4:3.) We respect national symbol, for example the flags. But we can’t give them the kind na honor that we can give God. (1 John 5:21) We must not be for any political party or anybody that running for position, and we must not be against them. When we stay neutral and not put our hand in politics, we will show that we sticking to God Kingdom.


Learn about some situation them that can make it hard for us to make good decisions, and see how we can make good decisions that will make Jehovah happy.

3. True Christians neutral

Jesus and his disciples set that example for us. Read Romans 13:1, 5-7 and 1 Peter 2:13, 14. Then, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • Why we must respect human government?

  • What some of the ways we can show that we respect them?

Sometime when they fighting war, some country can say that they neutral, but they can be helping each of the groups that fighting the war. What it really mean to be neutral? Read John 17:16. Then, play the VIDEO and answer the question together.

  • What it mean to be neutral?

In case the government tell you to do something that against God law? Read Acts 5:28, 29. Then, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • When human law not agree with God law, which one you must obey?

  • You can think about anything that can make Christian not to obey the government?

4. We must be neutral in what we think about and do

Read 1 John 5:21. Then, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, why Ayenge decide not to join any political party or to take part in certain government program, for example saluting the flag?

  • You think he made the right decision?

What other situation them can make it hard for us to stay neutral? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • How we can remain neutral when we watching game that different-different country playing?

  • How we can remain neutral when politicians make decisions that affect us for good or for bad?

  • How the thing them we hear in the news about our friend them can make it hard for us to stay neutral?

What some of the areas Christian must stay neutral in the way they can think and act?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: Why you can’t salute the flag or sing the national anthem?

  • Wetin you will say?


Christians must try their best not to put their hand in politics by what they think about, what they say, and what they do.


  • Wetin we owe human governments?

  • Why we can’t put our hand in politics?

  • Wetin can make it hard for us to stay neutral?

Try This


What some of the sacrifices we need to make to remain neutral?

Jehovah Never Let Us Down (3:14)

Wetin family can do now-now to prepare theirself for any situation that will make it hard for them to stay neutral?

Stay Neutral When You Go for Program or Game (4:25)

Why defending your country not the only thing that can give you high respect?

“With God Everything Possible” (5:19)

Learn how you can be no part of the world when you looking for Job.

“Everybody Will Carry Their Own Load” (The Watchtower, March 15, 2006)