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You Ready Now to Get Baptize?

You Ready Now to Get Baptize?

You na learn plenty things about Jehovah from studying the Bible. Maybe you na make some changes to apply what you learning. But maybe some thing them stopping you from giving yourself to Jehovah and getting baptize. This lesson will talk about some problem them that can stop you from getting baptize and how you can overcome them.

1. How much things you need to know before you get baptize?

Before you get baptize, you need to get “an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) It not mean that you need to know the answer for every Bible question before you get baptize. Even Christians who been baptize for long time still learning. (Colossians 1:9, 10) But you need to know some main teachings from the Bible. The elder them in the congregation will help you to know whether you understand enough Bible teaching.

2. What some of the thing them you need to do before you get baptize?

Before you get baptize, you must “repent . . . and turn around.” (Read Acts 3:19.) It mean that you must really feel bad about any sin you committed in the past and ask Jehovah to forgive you. You must also decide in your heart not to do the thing them that bad in Jehovah eyes. And try your best to do what will make him happy. Besides that one, you must start going to meeting and be unbaptize publisher to start preaching with the congregation.

3. Why you must not let fear to stop you?

Some people can be scary that when they get baptize they will not be able to do what they promise Jehovah. That true, sometime you will make mistakes, even some faithful men and women the Bible talk about use to make mistakes. Jehovah know that we not perfect. (Read Psalm 103:13, 14.) He can be happy when you do your best! He will help you. In fact Jehovah say, nothing “will be able to separate us from [his] love.”—Read Romans 8:38, 39.


See how knowing Jehovah good-good and accepting his help, can help you to overcome any problem that can stop you from getting baptize.

4. Know Jehovah good-good

How much things you need to know about Jehovah before you get baptize? You need to know him good-good, to love him and want to make him happy. Play the VIDEO to see how Bible students all over the world been doing it. Then answer the question together.

  • In the video, wetin help some people to prepare for baptism?

Read Romans 12:2, and answer the question them question them together:

  • Anything in the Bible that you not too sure about, or whether Jehovah Witnesses teaching the truth?

  • If you not too sure, what you need to do?

5. You can overcome some thing them that can stop people from getting baptize

When we decide to give ourselves to Jehovah and get baptize, we will face some problems. To see one example, play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, what problems Narangerel overcome to serve Jehovah?

  • How love for Jehovah help her to overcome them?

Read Proverbs 29:25 and 2 Timothy 1:7, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin can make us brave to go through problems?

6. Trust that Jehovah can help you

Jehovah will help you to make him happy. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, wetin was stopping the Bible student from getting baptize?

  • Wetin he learn that help him to trust in Jehovah more?

Read Isaiah 41:10, 13, and answer the question together:

  • Why you can be sure that you able to live by your promise to do Jehovah will?

7. Show that you really thankful for the way Jehovah love you

The more you think about the way Jehovah love you, the more you will be thankful to him and that the more you will want to serve him forever. Read Psalm 40:5, and answer the question together:

  • What blessing from Jehovah you really thankful for?

The prophet Jeremiah love Jehovah and his word, and he was really thankful to bear Jehovah name. He said: “Your word became to me the exultation and the rejoicing of my heart, for your name has been called on me,  Jehovah God.” (Jeremiah 15:16) Answer the question them:

  • Why that special blessing to be Jehovah Witness?

  • You want get baptize to be Jehovah Witness?

  • Anything stopping you from doing it?

  • What you think you need to do to get baptize?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I not think I able to live by Jehovah law when I get baptize.”

  • That how you feeling?


Jehovah can help you to overcome anything that stopping you from getting baptize.


  • How much things you need to know before you get baptized?

  • What some of the changes you need to make to get baptized?

  • Why you must not allow fear to stop you?

Try This


Learn the main reason why you must get baptize.

“You Ready to Get Baptize?” (The Watchtower, March 2020)

Learn how you can overcome some of the problem them that can stop you.

“Wetin Stopping Me From Getting Baptize?” (The Watchtower, March 2019

See how one man was able to overcome some serious problems that was stopping him from getting baptize.

‘Why You Wasting Time to Get Baptize?’ (1:10)

First, one man named Ataa was not sure whether he must get baptize. See what convinced him to get baptize.

I Really Deserve This? (7:21)