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Section 3 Review

Section 3 Review

You and your teacher must answer the question them together:

  1. Read Proverbs 27:11.

    • Why you want stick to Jehovah?

      (See Lesson 34.)

  2. How you can make good decisions when the Bible not give clear command?

    (See Lesson 35.)

  3. How you can be fair in everything?

    (See Lesson 36.)

  4. Read Matthew 6:33.

    • How you can keep “seeking first the Kingdom” when it come to work and money business?

      (See Lesson 37.)

  5. What some of ways you can show that you value life the same way Jehovah value life?

    (See Lesson 38.)

  6. Read Acts 15:29.

    • How you can obey Jehovah law about blood?

    • You think it easy for us to obey God laws?

      (See Lesson 39.)

  7. Read 2 Corinthians 7:1.

    • What it mean to be clean physically and morally?

      (See Lesson 40.)

  8. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.

    • Wetin the Bible say about man and woman business? You agree with it?

    • Wetin the Bible say about drinking liquor?

      (See Lessons 41 and 43.)

  9. Read Matthew 19:4-6, 9.

    • What law God give for marry people?

    • Why those who want get marry or divorce must get paper from the government?

      (See Lesson 42.)

  10. What some of the holidays that can’t make Jehovah happy, and why?

    (See Lesson 44.)

  11. Read John 17:16 and Acts 5:29.

    • How you can be neutral?

    • When human law go against God law, wetin you will do?

      (See Lesson 45.)

  12. Read Mark 12:30.

    • How you can show that you love Jehovah?

      (See Lessons 46 and 47.)