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Why It Important to Think About the Way We Dress and the Way We Look

Why It Important to Think About the Way We Dress and the Way We Look

Everybody can decide to dress and look the way they like. But when we follow some simple Bible principles, we will not only wear what we like, but we will also wear clothes that will make Jehovah happy. Let learn some of the Bible principles.

1. What Bible principles can help us to decide what we will wear and how we will look?

We must choose “appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind,” and always be looking clean so that other people can see our “devotion to God.” (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) Let see four Bible principles. (1) The clothes we wear must be alright. To the congregation meetings, maybe you na see that Jehovah people can dress different-different ways but all their clothes and hair styles can show respect for God. (2) To dress with modesty mean we must not dress in a way that will make someone heart to go on man and woman business, or for people to just be looking at us. (3) We can show that we sound when we not follow all the new ways of dressing because plenty people like it. (4) The way we look must always show that we serving God. It must be easy for other people to see that we worshiping the true God.—1 Corinthians 10:31.

2. Why we must think about our brother and sister them when we deciding what to wear?

Even though we free to choose what we want wear, it good to think about whether the way we dress will cause problems for other people. We must try our best not to make other people to feel bad. But to “please [our] neighbor for his good, to build him up.”—Read Romans 15:1, 2.

3. How the way we dress can make people to want learn more about Jehovah?

We always try to dress the right way, but we must be more careful about how we dress when we going to meeting and field service. The way we dress must not make people to refuse our message. But it must make people to want learn more about the truth and to “adorn the teaching of our Savior.”Titus 2:10.


Learn how we can make sure that the way we dress and look, will make other people to see that we true Christians.

The way we dress can show whether we get respect for people who in power. Even though Jehovah can see what in our heart, the way we look will also show that we get respect for him

4. When we dress good, it show that we respect Jehovah

What the most important reason why we want dress good? Read Psalm 47:2, and answer the question them together:

  • Why having Jehovah name on us must affect the way we dress?

  • You think it really important for us to be concern about the way we looking when we going to meetings and field service? Why?

5. Wetin can help us to decide what to wear and how we want look?

Play the VIDEO.

Whether our clothes expensive or cheap, it must be clean and neat. And it must be alright for the place we going or the things we doing. Read 1 Corinthians 10:24 and 1 Timothy 2:9, 10. Then, yor talk about why we must not wear clothes . . .

  • that not neat and clean, or not alright for the occasion.

  • that too tight, people can see through, or that can make someone start thinking on man and woman business.

Even though Christians not under the Mosaic Law, but it can help us to know plenty things on how Jehovah can think. Read Deuteronomy 22:5, and answer the question together:

  • Why we must avoid clothes and hair styles that can make man to look like woman or woman to look like man?

Read 1 Corinthians 10:32, 33 and 1 John 2:15, 16, and answer the question them together:

  • Why we must be thinking about whether the way we dress can make some people in our area or in the congregation to feel bad?

  • In your area, what kind na clothes and hair styles the people like?

  • You think some of the style them not good for Christian? Why?

We can dress and fix our hair different-different ways and still make Jehovah happy

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I get the right to wear anything I want wear.”

  • You agree with them? Why?


When we make good decisions about what to wear and how to look, we show that we get respect for Jehovah and for other people.


  • Why the way we dress and look important to Jehovah?

  • What some of the Bible principles that can help us to make good decisions about how to look?

  • How the way we look can affect the way other people feel about true worship?

Try This


See what other people can think about you when they see the clothes you wearing.

“How My Clothes Looking?” (Web article)

Learn why you must think good-good before you put tattoos on yourself.

“Wetin the Bible Say About Tattoos?” (Web article)

Look at other Bible advice that can help us to make good decisions.

“You Think the Way You Can Dress Can Bring Glory to God?” (The Watchtower, September 2016)

One woman really wanted to make God happy. How she learn to accept other people decisions about dressing?

“I Was Having Problems With the Way Other People Use to Dress” (Awake!, December 22, 2003)