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Choose Entertainment That Can Make Jehovah Happy

Choose Entertainment That Can Make Jehovah Happy

Jehovah is “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) He want us to be happy and to enjoy our life. He can be happy when we take some time from work to rest and enjoy ourselves. In this lesson, we will see how we can use our free time to enjoy ourselves and be satisfy, and also make Jehovah happy.

1. Wetin we must remember when we choosing entertainment?

Wetin you like to do when you get small time to relax? Some people like to spend their free time to their house to read book, listen to music, watch show or go on the Internet. Other people like to be with their friend them, walking around, swimming or playing game. Anything you choose to do to enjoy yourself, you must just make sure that it “acceptable to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:10) It important for us to understand this one because plenty entertainment get thing them inside that Jehovah hate, like violence, boyfriend and girlfriend business, or spiritism. (Read Psalm 11:5.) Wetin will help us to choose the right entertainment?

If we make friends with people who love Jehovah, they will help us to choose the right entertainment. We learn in one of the lessons that “the one walking with the wise will become wise.” But if we always around people who not get love for God laws, we “will fare badly.”—Proverbs 13:20.

2. Why it important to control the amount of time we can use for entertainment?

Even if we choose good entertainment, we must be careful not to spend too much time on it. Because if we not careful, we will not be having enough time to do other thing them that more important. The Bible encourage us to make “the best use of [our] time.”—Read Ephesians 5:15, 16.


Learn how to make good decisions about your entertainment.

3. Avoid bad entertainment

Why we must be careful when we choosing our entertainment? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • How the game them people use to play way back in Rome, looking like some of the game them people can enjoy playing today?

  • In the video, wetin Danny learn about entertainment?

Read Romans 12:9, and answer the question together:

  • How this Bible verse can help you to choose the right entertainment?

What some of the thing them that Jehovah hate? Read Proverbs 6:16, 17 and Galatians 5:19-21. After reading each of this Bible verse them, answer the question together:

  • All the things this Bible verse them talk about, which one we can see happening plenty today?

 How to choose good entertainment

You must ask yourself:

  • What? This entertainment get anything inside that Jehovah hate?

  • When? It can take the time I suppose to use for thing them that more important?

  • Who? It can make me to always be with people who not get love for Jehovah?

It better to do your best to stay far away from danger. That why it good to stay away from any entertainment that we think will not be good for us

4. Use your time wisely

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Even though the brother in the video was not watching anything bad, how the way he was using his free time was affecting him?

Read Philippians 1:10, and answer the question together:

  • How this Bible verse can help us to decide how much time we must spend on enjoyment?

5. Choose good entertainment

Even though some entertainment them can’t make Jehovah happy, they get plenty other ways we can enjoy ourselves and make Jehovah happy. Read Ecclesiastes 8:15 and Philippians 4:8, and answer the question together:

  • What kind na good entertainment you like?

You can enjoy good entertainment

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “Nothing wrong with entertainment that get violence, boyfriend and girlfriend business, or spiritism inside, so long myself not doing them.”

  • Wetin you will say?


Jehovah want us to choose and enjoy good entertainment.


  • What kind na entertainment Christians must avoid?

  • Why we must be careful with how much time we spend on entertainment?

  • Why you want choose entertainment that can make Jehovah happy?

Try This


See how you can make good decisions about how to use your free time to enjoy yourself.

“You Benefiting From Your recreation?” (The Watchtower, October 15, 2011)

In the story “I Even Stop Hating People,” see why one man change his entertainment.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, February 1, 2010)

See how one woman make good decision about watching show that get spiritism inside.

Avoid Watching Show That Get Spiritism Inside (2:02)