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Support Your Congregation

Support Your Congregation

All over the world, plenty people happy to be worshipping Jehovah in plenty different-different congregations. They thankful for the way Jehovah teaching and guiding them. And they willing to support the congregation in plenty ways. That how you can feel about your congregation?

1. How you can use your time and strength to support the congregation?

All of us can help in the congregation. For example, you get sick or old people in your congregation? You able to help them to go to the meetings? You able to help them buy some thing them they need or do some work to their house? (Read James 1:27.) We can also help keep our Kingdom Hall clean and in good condition. No one can force us to do this thing them. That love for our God and our brother them can make us to “offer [ourselves] willingly.”Psalm 110:3.

Baptize brothers and sisters can support the congregation in different ways. Brothers who qualify base on what the Bible say can serve as ministerial servants and later on, as elders. Both brothers and sisters can help to support the preaching work by serving as pioneers. Some brother and sister them can help to build the different-different places we can worship or they can move to some area where congregation need help.

2. How we can use our money and material things to support the congregation?

We can “honor Jehovah with [our] valuable things.” (Proverbs 3:9) We happy to give money and other material thing them to support the congregation and the preaching work all over the world. (Read 2 Corinthians 9:7.) They can use our contribution them to help our brother and sister them when bad things happen. Some people can decide to keep small-small money all the time for contribution. (Read 1 Corinthians 16:2.) We can put our money in the contribution box that to the Kingdom Hall or anywhere we go for worship. We can also use the Internet at Jehovah give us the opportunity to show our love for him by the way we decide to use our material things.


Learn some of the ways we can support the congregation.

3. We can use our material things

Jehovah and Jesus love people who can be happy to give. Jesus talk good about one poor widow who was having small money but she still gave something to Jehovah. Read Luke 21:1-4, and answer the question them together:

  • You think we need to give plenty money to make Jehovah happy?

  • How Jehovah and Jesus can feel when we give from our hearts?

To learn how they can use our contribution, play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • How they can use the contribution to help the congregation them around the world?

4. We can help willingly

Way back, the people who were worshipping Jehovah use to work hard to take care of the place them they use to go for worship. But it was more than just giving money. Read 2 Chronicles 34:9-11, and answer the question together:

  • How all the Israelite them use to help to take care of Jehovah house, or the place they use to worship?

To see how Jehovah Witnesses following their example, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • Why it important for us to keep our Kingdom Hall clean and in good condition?

  • How you can help?

5. The brother them can work hard to be qualify to do more for the congregation

The Bible encourage the brother them to work hard to be qualify and do more to support the congregation. To see one example, play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, wetin Ryan do to be qualify to do more for the congregation?

The Bible explain what the brother them can do to qualify to serve as ministerial servants and elders. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-13, and answer the question them together:

  • How the ministerial servant and elder them suppose to act?

  • How their family member them suppose to act?—See verses 4 and 11.

  • How everybody in the congregation can benefit when the brother them try hard to qualify to be ministerial servants and elders?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “Where Jehovah Witnesses can get money from to do their work?”

  • How you will answer them?


When we use our time, strength, and material things to help the congregation, it can really make Jehovah happy.


  • How we can use our time and our strength to help the congregation?

  • How we can use our material things to help the congregation?

  • Wetin you want do to help the congregation?

Try This


Learn why it not force for Jehovah people to pay tithe.

“Wetin the Bible Say About Paying Tithe?” (Web article)

The Bible say baptize brothers must do certain work in the congregation. What if sister need to do that work?

“Understanding Headship in the Congregation” (The Watchtower, February 2021)

Hear from some brave brother them who can really make sacrifice to carry publications to their brothers and sisters.

How They Can Carry Publications From Place to Place in Congo (4:25)

Find out how the way we can get money to do our work different from the way other religions can do it.

“How Jehovah Witnesses Can Get Money to Do Their Work?” (Web article)