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Help to Keep the Congregation Together

Help to Keep the Congregation Together

When we among our brother and sister them, we can feel the same way King David use to feel. He said: “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) Our unity can’t come by chance. Everybody can play their part to keep the congregation together.

1. Wetin can happen among God people that so different?

If you go to meetings in different country, maybe you will not understand the language but you will still feel that love. Why? Because we can use the same publications everywhere to study the Bible. And we can try our best to show love to one another. No matter where we living, all of us can “call on the name of Jehovah, to worship him in unity.”Zephaniah 3:9, footnote.

2. Wetin you must do so that the congregation can be together?

“Love one another intensely from the heart.” (1 Peter 1:22) How you can follow this Bible advice? Instead of only looking at other people mistakes, look for their good ways. Don’t only go around people who like the same thing you like, but try to know other brothers and sisters from different background. We must also fight hard to move any hatred we get in our heart for people from different background.—Read 1 Peter 2:17. a

3. Wetin you will do when problem between you and any brother or sister?

We united, but we not perfect. Sometime we can say or do things that can hurt one another. So the Bible tell us to “continue . . . forgiving one another,” it also say: “Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same.” (Read Colossians 3:13) We na make Jehovah to feel bad plenty times but he can still forgive us. So he want us to forgive our brother and sister them. If you know that you make somebody to feel bad, be the first to go to the person and make peace.—Read Matthew 5:23, 24. b


Think about what you can do to keep the congregation together in peace.

Wetin you will do to make peace?

4. Overcome hatred for other people

We love all our brother and sister them. But sometime, it can be hard to go around people from different background. What can help us? Read Acts 10:34, 35, and answer the question them together:

  • Jehovah can accept anybody from anywhere to come serve him. How you can follow his example in the way you feel about other brother and sister them from different background?

  • Wetin some people can do in your area that show that they not like people from different background? Why you want avoid it?

Read 2 Corinthians 6:11-13, and answer the question together:

  • What will help you to draw close to your brother and sister them from different background?

5. Forgive freely and make peace

Jehovah can forgive us freely even though he not need us to forgive him. Read Psalm 86:5, and answer the question them together:

  • What we learn from this Bible verse about the way Jehovah can forgive?

  • Why you thankful that Jehovah can forgive us?

  • What some of the thing them that can make it hard for us to be in peace with our brother and sister them?

How we can follow Jehovah example and stay united with our brother and sister them? Read Proverbs 19:11, and answer the question together:

  • When somebody make you vex, wetin you can do to control the situation?

Sometime we can make other people vex. When it happen, wetin you must do? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, what the sister did to make peace?

6. Focus on the good-good ways your brother and sister them get

When we get closer to our brother and sister them, we will know their good ways and their weak points. How we can focus on their good ways? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin can help you to see the good-good ways your brother and sister them get?

Jehovah can focus on our good-good ways. Read 2 Chronicles 16:9a, and answer the question together:

  • How it make you feel to know that Jehovah can focus on your good-good ways?

Even fine diamond can get mark, but it can still get value. That the same way all our brother and sister them not perfect, but Jehovah value them

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I can forgive, but I can’t forget.”

  • Why we must be willing to forgive other people?


You can help to keep the congregation together when you forgive and show love to all your brother and sister them.


  • How you can overcome hatred for people from different place and tribe?

  • Wetin you will do when problem between you and any brother or sister?

  • Why you want follow Jehovah example and forgive other people?

Try This


Learn how one of Jesus parables can help us to avoid judging other people.

Move the Rafter (6:56)

You think we must say sorry when we know that we not do anything wrong?

“Saying Sorry Important For Making Peace” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2002)

See how some people learn to not pick and choose in the way they can treat other people.

Donʼt Value People by What They Get (5:06)

Learn how you can fix problems with someone before it cause trouble in the congregation.

“When You Making Peace, Do It With Love” (The Watchtower, May 2016)

a Endnote 6 talk about how love can help Christians not to spread bad sickness.

b Endnote 7 talk about how we can settle business matter and other things that get to do with the law.