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You Able to Bear Persecution

You Able to Bear Persecution

All Christians must expect that people will turn against them one day. They may even persecute them. You think this one must make us worry?

1. Why we must expect persecution?

The Bible make it clear that “all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12) They persecuted Jesus because he was not part of Satan world. Since we too we not part of the world, we must not be surprise when the governments and religion them persecute us.—John 15:18, 19.

2. How we can prepare for persecution?

Now-now, we need to trust in Jehovah more. Set time to pray to him and read some part of the Bible every day. We must also go to meeting all the time. When you do this thing them, it can give you strength to be brave and bear any persecution even when it come from your family people. The apostle Paul, who was persecuted plenty times, said: “Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.”Hebrews 13:6.

When we preaching all the time, it can help us to be brave more. When we preaching, we can learn to trust in Jehovah and overcome any fear of man. (Proverbs 29:25) If you brave to preach now, you will be prepare good-good to continue preaching even if the government try to stop us.—1 Thessalonians 2:2.

3. How we can benefit when we bear persecution?

Even though we can’t be happy when they persecute us, but when we bear it to the end our faith can get more strong. It can also make us to draw close to Jehovah because he can help us when we feel that we no longer able to bear it. (Read James 1:2-4.) Jehovah can feel bad when he see us suffering, but he can be happy when we bear it to the end. The Bible say: “If you endure suffering because of doing good, this is an agreeable thing to God.” (1 Peter 2:20) When we stay faithful, Jehovah will give us everlasting life in the new world. All those who will be living there will serve Jehovah and nobody will go against them.—Matthew 24:13.


Learn why it possible for us to stay faithful to Jehovah even when people persecute us. Also learn how Jehovah will bless us if we stay faithful to him.

4. You able to bear it when your family go against you

Jesus himself said that our family may go against us when we decide to serve Jehovah. Read Matthew 10:34-36, and answer the question together:

  • What can happen when someone from the family decide to serve Jehovah?

To see one example, play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin you will do if family members or friends try to stop you from serving Jehovah?

Read Psalm 27:10 and Mark 10:29, 30. After reading each of the scripture, answer the question together:

  • If your family members or friends try to stop you from serving Jehovah, how this promise can help you?

5. Continue to serve Jehovah even when people persecute you

It can’t be easy when people trying to stop us from serving Jehovah. So we need courage to continue. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • How the example them in this video give you more courage?

Read Acts 5:27-29 and Hebrews 10:24, 25. After reading each of the scripture, answer the question together:

  • Why it so important to continue serving Jehovah even if the government say we must not preach or meet together?

6. Jehovah will help you to bear it

Jehovah Witnesses, young and old, all over the world continue to serve Jehovah even when people persecute them. To see what help them, play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, what help the Witnesses to bear it?

Read Romans 8:35, 37-39 and Philippians 4:13. After reading each of the scripture, answer the question together:

  • How this scripture help you to know that you can bear anything that will test your faith?

Read Matthew 5:10-12, and answer the question together:

  • Why it possible to be happy even if people persecute you?

Plenty brothers and sisters continue to bear it when people went against them. You can do the same thing too!

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I not able to bear persecution.”

  • Which scriptures can help them to be sure that they able to bear persecution?


Jehovah can be happy when we continue to serve him even if people persecute us. With Jehovah help, we can bear any persecution!


  • Why Christians must expect persecution?

  • Wetin you can do now-now to be prepare for persecution?

  • Wetin can help you to be convince that you can serve Jehovah even when you going through any problem?

Try This


Watch this video and see how Jehovah help one young brother to bear it when they put him in jail because he refuse to join the army.

Bearing Persecution (2:34)

See what help one man and his wife to stay faithful to Jehovah for plenty years even though people were against them.

They Continue to Serve Jehovah Even When Things Change (7:11)

Learn what can help you to be brave when people persecute you.

“Prepare Now for Persecution” (The Watchtower, July 2019)

How we must feel when our family members go against us? What we can do to still be in peace with them and remain faithful to Jehovah?

“The Truth Can Bring, ‘War, Not Peace’” (The Watchtower, October 2017)