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Jehovah Test Abraham Faith

Jehovah Test Abraham Faith

Abraham teach his son Isaac to love Jehovah and to trust all the promise dem Jehovah made. But when Isaac wor about 25 years old, Jehovah tell Abraham to do something that wor hard to do. That wetin?

God tell Abraham say: ‘Please, take your only son and sacrifice him on one mountain in Moriah.’ Abraham not know why Jehovah ask him to make this kindna sacrifice. But he still obey Jehovah.

The next day, soon in the morning, Abraham take Isaac and two of his servants and they started going to Moriah. After three days, they started seeing the mountain dem from far off. Abraham tell his servant dem to wait, then he and Isaac go to make the sacrifice. Abraham take the knife, then he gave the wood to Isaac to carry it. Isaac ask his pa say: ‘Where the animal that we going sacrifice?’ Abraham tell him say: ‘My son, Jehovah will provide the animal.’

When they finally reach to the mountain, they build one altar. Then Abraham tie Isaac hands and his foot and put him on the altar.

As soon Abraham take the knife, Jehovah angel talk from heaven and say: ‘Abraham! Don’t harm the boy! Now I know that you get faith in God because you wor willing to sacrifice your son.’ Then Abraham see one sheep, that hitch in the bush. So, he loosen Isaac quick-quick and sacrifice the sheep.

From that day, Jehovah call Abraham his friend. You know why? That because Abraham do everything Jehovah tell him to do, even if he not understand why Jehovah tell him to do it.

Jehovah promise Abraham again and he say: ‘I will bless you, and I will make your children or your offspring dem plenty.’ This one mean that Jehovah will use Abraham family to bless all good people.

“God love the world so much, that he give his only Son who he made by hisself, so that anybody who show faith in him will not be destroy but get everlasting life.”—John 3:16