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What Thing God Get in Mind For the Earth?

What Thing God Get in Mind For the Earth?

1. What thing God make the earth for?

Jehovah made the earth for human being to live on it. So God not make Adam and Eve to live in heaven. (Job 38:4, 7) He made angel to live there, and made Adam and Eve to live on earth. He made them to live in the fine place called garden of Eden. (Genesis 2:​15-17) Jehovah told Adam that he and his children were coming to enjoy life on earth forever and ever.​—Read Psalm 37:29; 115:16.

The time God made the earth, that only the garden of Eden was paradise. God told them to born plenty children and take care of the whole earth. (Genesis 1:28) God will not destroy the earth. That the place human being will live forever.​—Read Psalm 104:5.

Watch the video Why Did God Create the Earth?

2. Why the earth not paradise now?

Adam and Eve not listen to God, so he moved them from the garden. Jehovah took it from them, and no human being was able to give them that fine place back. From that time, bad people take over the earth.​—Job 9:24.​—Read Genesis 3:23, 24.

You think Jehovah now forget the thing them he get in mind for human being? No. He can’t forget, anything he say, he can do it. (Isaiah 45:18) He will make good people to live on earth forever.​—Read Psalm 37:11, 34.

3. How God will make the earth Paradise again?

God will make the earth fine again when Jesus be king over the earth. Jesus and the angel them will destroy all the bad people in the war the Bible called Armageddon. Jesus will put Satan in jail for 1,000 years. God people will not die in the war because Jesus will protect them. They will enjoy life forever and ever on the earth.​—Read Revelation 20:​1-3; 21:3, 4.

4. What time suffering will end?

What time God will finish all the bad-bad thing them that happening on the earth? Jesus say, we will see some thing them happening to show that the end time near. And the way bad-bad thing them plenty now, it means that we living in the end time.​—Read Matthew 24:3, 7-14, 21, 22.

The time Jesus will be King for 1,000 years over the earth, he will finish all our suffering. (Isaiah 9:6, 7; 11:9) Jesus will also be priest, and he will take away all our sins. Then God will use Jesus to finish sickness, old age and death.​—Read Isaiah 25:8; 33:24.

5. Who them will live in that fine place call Paradise?

To the Kingdom Hall, you will see people who like God business, and who really want make him happy

Only the people who will obey God will live in that fine place. (1 John 2:17) Jesus told his disciples to look for people who want know about God. And he say, they must teach them the things God want them to do. Jehovah helping plenty people to live in that fine place. (Zephaniah 2:3) To the Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall, people can learn to be good husbands and good wives. You can also learn to be good ma and good pa. Children can sit down with their ma and pa in the Kingdom Hall to learn about God.​—Read Micah 4:1-4.