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When People Die, You Think they Can Live Again?

When People Die, You Think they Can Live Again?

1. What the good news for people who now die?

The time Lazarus died, four days passed before Jesus reached Bethany right near Jerusalem. Jesus went to the grave with Lazarus two sisters Mary and Martha. It not stay long, the place get pack with plenty people. Mary and Martha were too happy the time Jesus brought their brother back to life.​—Read John 11:21-24, 38-44.

Martha already knew the good news about the dead. She knew that the people them who now die will live again.​—Read Job 14:​14, 15.

2. What thing can happen to us when we die?

God told Adam: “You were made from the dust and when you die, you will turn to dust again.”​—GENESIS 3:19.

God made us from dust. (Genesis 2:7; 3:19) Nothing living inside our body called spirit. So when we die, nothing can move from inside us to live somewhere. We can’t think about anything again. That the reason why when Lazarus came back to life, he not say anything about what happen to him the time he died. So it just show that when somebody die, they not know anything.​—Read Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.

You think when people die God can suffer them in fire? The Bible say when somebody die, they not know anything again. So hellfire teaching that lie, and it can spoil God name. Jehovah hate the whole idea of suffering people in fire.​—Read Jeremiah 7:31.

Watch the video What Is the Condition of the Dead?

3. You think the people who now die can talk to us?

The people who now die can’t talk to us. They can’t even hear us. (Psalm 115:17) But some angel them wicked. They can talk to people and act like somebody who now die. (2 Peter 2:4) Jehovah not want us to talk to people who now die.​—Read Deuteronomy 18:​10, 11.

4. Who will come back to life?

Plenty people who now die will come back to life on earth. Some people never knew God and they were doing bad things. But God will bring them back to life.​—Read Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15.

They will learn the truth about God and show that they get faith in Jesus by obeying him. (Revelation 20:11-13) The people that will come back to life and do what God say, will enjoy life on earth forever.​—Read John 5:28, 29.

5. People coming back to life tell us what thing about Jehovah?

God open the way for people who now die to come back to life. He did that by sending Jesus to die for us. It just show that he like us and he good to us. When God bring the people who now die back to life, that who mainly you want see?​—Read John 3:16; Romans 6:23.