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Why God Put His People Together?

Why God Put His People Together?

1. Why God put the Israelites together?

God put Abraham children together and give them his laws. He called them “Israel.” He told them to take care of the laws and true worship. (Psalm 147:​19, 20) Through the Israelites, God was coming to bless people from all over the earth.​—Read Genesis 22:18.

God chose the Israelites to be witness for him. Their example show us how we can benefit when we obey God laws. (Deuteronomy 4:6) The Israelites were supposed to teach other people to know about God.​—Read Isaiah 43:​10, 12.

2. Why God put true Christian together?

The Israelites not do the thing them that God told them to do. So God stopped using them and chose the Christian congregation. (Matthew 21:43; 23:​37, 38) Today, instead of the Israelites, true Christian that witnesses for Jehovah.​—Read Acts 15:​14, 17.

Jesus put his disciples together to preach the good news all over the world, and teach people to follow him. (Matthew 10:​7, 11; 24:14; 28:19, 20) Since God will soon finish wickedness, it means, this preaching work will soon end. For the first time, God now bring plenty-plenty people together to worship him the right way. (Revelation 7:9, 10) He also put them together so that they can encourage one another. Jehovah people can learn the same thing from the Bible all over the world.​—Read Hebrews 10:​24, 25.

3. How Jehovah Witnesses started?

There was small group of Bible students in the year 1870. They started finding the true-true thing them in the Bible that people forgot about. They found out that Jesus put his disciples together to preach. So they started preaching in different-different country. Then in 1931, they got their name Jehovah Witnesses.​—Read Acts 1:8; 2:​1, 4; 5:42.

4. How God can direct his people today?

Way back, there were group of men taking care of true worship. They called them Governing Body. They used to direct Jehovah people in different-different congregation. They knew that Jesus that the leader for the congregation. (Acts 16:​4, 5) That the same way today, the Governing Body, the group of men that taking care of true worship, can direct Jehovah witnesses all over the world. They can direct all the branch office them around the world. The branch office them can put the book them we can use to study with people, in more than 750 different-different dialect. They can divide them all over the world. The Governing Body can encourage and direct more than 118,000 congregations of Jehovah witnesses. In each of the congregation, they get men that taking care of the congregation. They call them elders.​—Read 1 Peter 5:2, 3

Jehovah people work together to preach the good news. They can preach from house to house just like Jesus disciples. (Acts 20:20) We can study with people who really want know the truth about God. Jehovah Witnesses not just group of people. We one family, and we get one Pa who like us. We brothers and sisters, and we care for one another. (2 Thessalonians 1:3) Since Jehovah people working together to serve him and help other people, they happy more than anybody on earth.​—Read Psalm 33:12; Acts 20:35.