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How You Can Know The Right Way to Worship God?

How You Can Know The Right Way to Worship God?

1. You think they get only one correct way to worship God?

“Be careful with false christian.”​—MATTHEW 7:15.

Jesus taught his disciples only one correct way to worship God. It just like the road that can carry you to everlasting life. Jesus self say plenty people not on that road. (Matthew 7:14) The only worship God can accept, that the one that coming from the Bible. All the people that worshiping God the correct way, can worship him the same way.​—Read John 4:​23, 24; 14:6; Ephesians 4:​4, 5.

Watch the video Does God Accept All Forms of Worship?

2. What thing Jesus say about false Christian?

“They can tell people that they know God, but their behavior can show that they turn their back on him.”​—TITUS 1:16.

Jesus say false Christian will spoil the way true Christian suppose to worship God. When you see them, they can look like true Christian. They can even say that they true Christian. But you can know that they not true Christian. How you can know? By the way they can act. Only true Christian can show good-good way that people can see.​—Read Matthew 7:13-23.

3. How you can know the people that worshiping God the right way?

Let see five thing that can help you:

  • True Christian get respect for the Bible. They can try hard to live by what the Bible say. But for false Christian, they can worship the way they think. (Matthew 15:​7-9) True Christian can do what they teach.​—Read John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:​16, 17.

  • True Christian get high respect for God name, Jehovah. Jesus show high respect for God’s name, by helping people to know it. He also taught them to pray for God name to be holy. (Matthew 6:9) The place where you living, that who them can preach to people about God name?​—Read John 17:26; Romans 10:​13, 14.

  • True Christian preach about God Kingdom. God sent Jesus on earth to preach about the Kingdom. Only God Kingdom will solve our problem. Jesus was preaching about it until he died. (Luke 4:43; 8:1; 23:​42, 43) He told his disciples to preach about the kingdom too. If someone come preach to you about God Kingdom, what kind of religion you think he coming from?​—Read Matthew 24:14.

  • True Christian can’t follow the wicked people in this world. They can’t put their self in government business. They can’t follow people who can come together to cause trouble. (John 17:16; 18:36) They can’t follow the bad-bad thing them that other people can do.​—Read James 4:4.

  • True Christian get real love for one another. They learn from the Bible to respect people from different-different tribe. False Christian can put their hand in war business. But true Christian can’t fight war. (Micah 4:​1-3) They can use their time to teach people, and to help them do the right thing.​—Read John 13:34, 35; 1 John 4:20.

4. You know the people them that worshiping God the correct way now?

Who them can teach from the Bible? Who them get high respect for God name? Who them can preach that only God Kingdom can solve our problem? Who them can show real love for one another, and can’t put their hand in war business? You think that who them?​—Read 1 John 3:​10-12.