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What Thing We Can Do to Make God Happy?

What Thing We Can Do to Make God Happy?

Move your hand from bad-bad thing dem. 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10

If we say we love Jehovah, then we will hate all the thing dem he hate.

Jehovah not want us to steal, get drunk, or take in drugs.

God not like killing, taking out belly, man and man loving or woman and woman loving. And also he not want us to be greedy or fight other people dem.

We must not pray to picture or anything dem that cannot talk, see, or hear (idols). And we must not go to juju man.

No bad people will be in Paradise.

Do good. Matthew 7:12

To make God happy, let try to be like him.

Show love to people by helping them, and giving them freely from your heart.

Be fair and not cheat.

Feel sorry and forgive.

Preach to other people dem about Jehovah and his way.​—Isaiah 43:10.