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What Lesson We Can Learn From the Big Water?

What Lesson We Can Learn From the Big Water?

God destroy the wicked people dem and save Noah and his family. Genesis 7:11, 12, 23

The rain fall 40 day and 40 night. The big water cover the whole earth. All the wicked people dem die.

All the angel dem who move from behind God leave their human body and become demon.

The people and the animal dem that was in the ark live. Then later on, Noah and his family die one by one. But God say He will bring them back to life and they will live long time on the earth no end.

God coming to destroy all the wicked people dem again and save the good people. Matthew 24:37-39

Satan and the demon dem still fooling people.

Now-Now, just like in Noah day, plenty people not going by what God say they must do. Soon Jehovah will destroy all the bad people dem from the earth.​—2 Peter 2:5, 6

Today, some people just like Noah. They listen to God and do all the thing dem he say. They are Jehovah’s Witnesses.