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Who Was Jesus?

Who Was Jesus?

Jehovah sent Jesus to earth. 1 John 4:9

If we want make Jehovah happy, then we need to listen to another important person. Way back, before making Adam, Jehovah make a strong and powerful spirit person in the heaven.

When time pass, Jehovah sent him to be born in Bethlehem to a woman call Mary, who was not know about man-business. The child name was Jesus.​—John 6:38.

As a man on earth, Jesus show all his pa way with no mistake. He use to love people, do good for them and it was easy for people to go to him. He was not scare to teach them the true about Jehovah.

Jesus do good but still people not use to like him. 1 Peter 2:21-24

Jesus make the sick people dem well and bring some people who die back to life.

The big-big God people in Jesus time never use to like him because he show all the lie-lie thing they were teaching and their wicked way.

The big-big God people make the Roman to beat Jesus and kill him.