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Mark Your Progress Here

Mark Your Progress Here
  1. Correct Introduction

  2. Talk Like You Lecturing

  3. How to Use Questions

  4. The Right Way to Introduce Scriptures

  5. How to Read Good

  6. Your Reason for Reading the Scripture Must Be Clear

  7. Talk the Truth and Convince People

  8. Examples That People Can Learn From

  9. Use Pictures and Videos to Teach

  10. Be Changing the Tone of Your Voice

  11. Talk With Zeal

  12. Understand People and Talk With Love

  13. Show How the People Can Benefit

  14. Make the Main Points Clear

  15. Show That You Convince About Your Message

  16. Be Encouraging

  17. Your Message Must Be Easy to Understand

  18. Help the People Learn Something

  19. Try Hard to Touch the People Heart

  20. The Right Way to End Your Talk