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Which Leader You Will Choose?—Wetin the Bible Say?

Which Leader You Will Choose?—Wetin the Bible Say?

 This coming few weeks, election business will be going on in different-different countries around the world. People making important decisions about which leader they will choose.

 Wetin the Bible say?

Human leaders get limit

 The Bible tell us one of the thing that human leader not get control over.

  •   “Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation. His breath goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish.”—Psalm 146:3, 4, footnote.

 Even the most powerful leader on earth will still die one day. And they not even know if the person that will take their place will continue the good work they wor doing.—Ecclesiastes 2:18, 19.

 The Bible say for true that God not made human being to rule theirself.

  •   “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”—Jeremiah 10:23.

 They get anybody who can be good leader today?

The leader that God choose

 The Bible tell us that God na choose the leader who qualify more than any other leader. And that leader that Jesus Christ. (Psalm 2:6) Jesus that the King for God Kingdom, the government that will rule from heaven.—Matthew 6:10.

 You will choose Jesus as your leader? The Bible tell us why this question here important:

  •   “Honor the son [Jesus Christ], or God will become indignant and you will perish from the way, for His anger flares up quickly. Happy are all those taking refuge in Him.”—Psalm 2:12.

 That time here now for you to make your decision. Bible prophecy tell us that Jesus started ruling in 1914, and God Kingdom will soon move all human government.—Daniel 2:44.

 To learn more about how you can support Jesus leadership, read the article “Choose to Support God’s Kingdom Now!