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You Think Corruption Will Finish One Day?

You Think Corruption Will Finish One Day?

 This corruption business that serious problem all around the world. And the big-big government officials that the main people who hand inside. a For example, during the time COVID-19 started, they accuse some big-big government officials for stealing money that they suppose to use to fight the sickness. Because of that, people were not getting the treatment they suppose to get, and that one made plenty people to suffer and die.

 Plenty bad-bad things can happen because of corruption. One man they call David Cameron, who was prime minister in the United Kingdom say: “Corruption that one big problem that affecting all the country them around the world.”

 But we can be sure that corruption will soon finish. Why? Let see what the Bible say God will do.

How we know that God will end corruption

 In the Bible God say: “I, Jehovah, love justice; I hate robbery and unrighteousness.” b (Isaiah 61:8) God know how people suffering because of the way human being corrupt. (Proverbs 14:31) So in Psalm 12:5 he promise that: “Because the afflicted are oppressed,. . . I will rise up to act.”

 Wetin God will do? Instead of improving the governments that already ruling, he will replace them with his own government in heaven they called “God Kingdom.” (Mark 1:​14, 15; Matthew 6:10) The Bible say: “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that . . . will crush and put an end to all these [other] kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44) Yes, God will surely end the corruption we see today.

The government that not get no corruption

 How we know that God government will not be corrupt? Let look at the thing them that down here.

  1.  1. Power. The power the Kingdom get coming from the Almighty God.​—Revelation 11:15.

     Why this one important? For human government to be able to work good-good, they can depend on their citizens for money. And this one can make some big-big government people to take bribe, steal and even lie just to get money. But God Kingdom not looking like that. That God self supporting his kingdom and he will make sure to provide all the things his people need.​—Psalm 145:16.

  2.  2. Ruler. God na appoint Jesus to be Ruler for his Kingdom.​—Daniel 7:​13, 14.

     Why this one important? Even the best human rulers can still do bad things. (Ecclesiastes 7:20) But Jesus not looking like that, nobody can bribe him. (Matthew 4:​8-11) Beside that, he get real love for his people, and he really want help them.​—Psalm 72:​12-14.

  3.  3. Laws. The laws of God Kingdom perfect, and it can even make us to feel good.​—Psalm 19:​7, 8.

     Why this one important? Most of the time, human laws can be hard to understand, hard to obey, and sometime they can’t even stick to it. This one can make it easy for people to be corrupt. But God laws different from human being laws, it can benefit us and it easy to obey. (Isaiah 48:​17, 18) Beside that, God laws not only about what we can do, but also what we can think on. (Matthew 22:​37, 39) God know the things that in our heart, and he can make sure to give laws that we able to obey.​—Jeremiah 17:10.

 The Bible promise that in the future there will be no corruption, so we encouraging you to learn more about it.

a One dictionary say, “corruption” mean when people misuse their power just to benefit their self.

b Jehovah that God name. (Psalm 83:18) See the article “Who Is Jehovah?