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Jesus Will End War

Jesus Will End War

 When Jesus was on earth he show real love for people. He even die for them. (Matthew 20:28; John 15:13) Very soon, he will prove his love for people again by using his authority as King for God Kingdom to “end wars all over the earth.”​—⁠Psalm 46:⁠9.

 Just see what the Bible say about what Jesus will do:

  •   “He will rescue the poor who cry for help, also the lowly one and whoever has no helper. He will have pity on the lowly and the poor, and the lives of the poor he will save. From oppression and from violence he will rescue them.”​—⁠Psalm 72:​12-14.

 How we can tell Jesus thank you for all the thing them he na do and will do for us? In Luke 22:​19, Jesus tell his disciple them to remember his death. That the reason why every year, on the day that Jesus die, Jehovah Witnesses can come together to remember his death. We inviting you to come on Sunday, March 24, 2024 so all of us can remember Jesus death together.

Find the place we will be having the Memorial