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Using Violence to Bring Changes In Politics—Wetin the Bible Say?

Using Violence to Bring Changes In Politics—Wetin the Bible Say?

 Plenty violence happening all over the world today because people want changes in politics, and it making plenty people to worry bad way.

  •   In Mexico, they kill 39 politicians who wor running in the 2023-2024 election. The amount of politicians that died wor more than before, and plenty other violent thing dem happen that made people scare during the election.

  •   In recent time, plenty violence been happening in Europe because of politics. On May 15, 2024 they almost kill the prime minister for Slovakia.

  •   People in America mouth full because of the thing that happen on July 13, 2024. Somebody almost kill the former president Donald Trump.

 Why all this violence happening for? It will ever end one day? Wetin the Bible Say?

The Bible say that people will be divided when it come to politics

 The Bible say that in our time, or in the “the last days,” plenty people will get the kindna attitude dem that can cause violence and make it hard for people to agree on anything.

  •   “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be . . . unthankful, disloyal, . . . not open to any agreement, . . . fierce, . . . betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride.”—2 Timothy 3:1-4.

 The Bible also say that in our time, we will see people going against the governments. We will also see plenty problems and suffering because of politics. (Luke 21:9, footnote) But, the violence politics can cause and the way it can divide people will soon end.

Using violence to bring changes in politics will soon end

 The Bible explain that God will move all human governments and bring his own heavenly government.

  •   “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that . . . will crush and put an end to all these [other] kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”—Daniel 2:44.

 God Kingdom will bring people together and make the whole world to be peaceful.

  •   Jesus Christ that the King for that Kingdom, and the Bible call him the “Prince of Peace.” He will make sure that ‘peace, will last forever.’—Isaiah 9:6, 7.

  •   Right now, the people who this kingdom ruling over learning how to live in peace. That the reason why, the Bible say: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.”—Isaiah 2:3, 4.

 To learn more, read the article “What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?” and watch the video Wetin They Call God Kingdom?