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Yan Zabolotnyi/


Wickedness Getting Plenty All Over the World​—Wetin the Bible Say?

Wickedness Getting Plenty All Over the World​—Wetin the Bible Say?

 Violence plenty in Haiti because of the Gangster them. Violent crime making people to suffer in South Africa, Mexico and other Latin American country them. Even in countries where violence not too plenty, people can still be scare and worry when they hear about the things the criminal them doing.

 Wetin the Bible say about the wickedness that happening all over the world?

What the Bible say about wickedness

 The Bible say that wickedness will be part of the sign in “the last days of this world.” (Matthew 24:3) When Jesus was talking about thing them that will be part of the sign, he say:

  •   “And because wicked things will continue to get plenty more and more, the love that plenty people get will go down.”​—Matthew 24:12.

 The Bible also say that “in the last days” people would be “without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness.” (2 Timothy 3:​1-5) That this selfish behavior them making wickedness to be plenty in the world today.

 But we get hope, because the Bible promise that God will soon move wickedness from the earth.

  •   “Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; you will look at where they were, and they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”​—Psalm 37:​10, 11.

 Learn more about the message in the Bible that can give us hope. And why you can be sure that the thing them we see today making Bible prophecy to come true. Read this article them down here.

 A Real Hope for a Better Tomorrow

 What Is the Sign of ‘the Last Days,’ or ‘End Times’?

 Did the Bible Predict the Way People Think and Act Today?