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You Think the Olympic Game Can Really Bring People Together?—Wetin the Bible Say?

You Think the Olympic Game Can Really Bring People Together?—Wetin the Bible Say?

 During the 2024 Olympic Game, They say that almost five billion people will be watching the people dem that taking part in the game from 206 lands. The president for the International Olympic Committee they call Thomas Bach say “We part of the game that can bring the whole world together in peace,” He also say “Yor let celebrate this game that can make us to live in peace like one family together with all our differences.”

 You think the Olympic game able to do this kindna thing? We get any hope that one day will see real peace and unity?

The Olympic games can bring peace and unity?

 This year Olympic game wor not just about sports. The games wor also focusing on politics and other thing dem that dividing people in our society today. Thing dem like human right, hatred for people because of their skin color or religion, and injustice.

 International game dem like the Olympics can only entertain people. It not able to bring real peace and unity. Because this game dem can promote attitude and encourage thing dem that can divide people.

 The Bible talk about this kindna attitude dem that make it hard for human being to live together in peace. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) To learn more about this Bible prophecy, read the article “Did the Bible Predict the Way People Think and Act Today?

Real hope for peace and unity in the world

 The Bible give us real hope that one day, the whole world will get real peace and unity. It also promise that all human being on earth will live together in peace under one government called “the Kingdom of God.”—Luke 4:43; Matthew 6:10.

 The King for that Kingdom, that Jesus Christ. He will bring peace on the earth. The Bible say:

  •   “The righteous will flourish, and peace will abound.”—Psalm 72:7.

  •   “He will rescue the poor who cry for help . . . From oppression and from violence he will rescue them.”—Psalm 72:12, 14.

 Now-Now seh, we can see how the thing dem Jesus teach in the Bible bringing plenty-plenty people together in 239 lands. Jehovah Witnesses around the world na learn to live together in peace. To know what help them, read the Watchtower magazine with the title “Breaking the Cycle of Hatred.”