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Idea For Study

Idea For Study

Learn More About Jehovah Fine-Fine Quality Them

When we read the Bible, we can use different-different study tools to help us understand what we read. But we not want study just to know plenty thing in the Bible. We want learn about Jehovah fine-fine quality them that will make us to love him more. To do this one, we must ask ourselves, ‘Wetin this Bible verse teach me about Jehovah?’

For example, you can try to learn more about how Jehovah na show his love, wisdom, justice and power. But Jehovah get plenty other fine-fine quality them you can learn about. Where place you can find more information about this quality them?

Look at the list that get more than 50 other quality them in the Watch Tower Publications Index under the heading “Jehovah” and then the subheading “Qualities by Name.” Make research on the one them that match with the Bible story you reading about. (If you only get the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses, look under the heading “Jehovah God” and then the subheading “Jehovah’s Qualities.”)