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Jehovah will make his name to be glorify for forever

Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

How the article “Let Your Name Be Sanctified” in the June 2020 Watchtower make our belief clear about Jehovah name and his way of ruling?

In that article, we learn that we only get one very important matter that concern all angels and human beings. That for Jehovah name to be holy. But another thing that also part of this important matter, that whether Jehovah way of ruling that the best way, and whether human being can remain faithful to God.

Why we say the most important matter that to make Jehovah name holy? Let talk about three reasons.

Satan been spoiling Jehovah name since he, Adam and Eve went against God in the Garden of Eden

First, Satan attack Jehovah name, or the way He can do things. In the garden of Eden the question that Satan ask Eve show that Jehovah was mean, and the thing them He tell Adam and Eve to do was not fair. Then the thing what Jehovah not say that it Satan say. Satan was saying God that liar. So, he tell wicked lie that spoil Jehovah name. Because of this he turn to “the Devil,” which mean “somebody who can tell wicked lie about another person.” (John 8:44) Because Eve believe Satan lies, she disobey God, which show that she never wanted Jehovah to be her ruler. (Gen. 3:​1-6) Even today Satan continue to say lie-lie things about Jehovah. It very easy for people who believe his lies to disobey Jehovah. So to God people, the way Satan spoil Jehovah holy name that the worst thing that ever happen. That the main reason why plenty suffering and wickedness in the world.

Second, to benefit all his creation, Jehovah will clear his name from all the lie-lie things that Satan say about him. Nothing important to Jehovah pass this one. That why he say: “I will certainly sanctify my great name.” (Eze. 36:23) When Jesus say, “Let your name be sanctified,” he show the main thing Jehovah people must pray for. (Matt. 6:9) The Bible make it clear over and over that to glorify Jehovah name really important. Let look at some examples: “Give Jehovah the glory due his name.” (1 Chron. 16:29; Ps. 96:8) “Sing praises to his glorious name.” (Ps. 66:2) “I will glorify your name forever.” (Ps. 86:12) One of the times that Jehovah himself talk from heaven happen to the temple in Jerusalem, where Jesus say: “Father, glorify your name.” Jehovah answer and say: “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.”​—John 12:28. a

Third, Jehovah purpose will always be about his name, or the way he can do things. Think about this: After the final test at the end of Jesus Thousand Year Rule, just think about how Jehovah name will be important. How the angels and the human being them will feel about Jehovah name during that time? To help us answer that question, think about the other two issues: Human being remaining faithful and Jehovah right to rule. You think people who prove that they faithful will still be finding it hard to remain faithful to Jehovah? No. At that time they will be perfect and they will finish passing all the test. They will also be having everlasting life. So, you think Jehovah right to rule will be the main thing people will be talking about or make the angels and people to be divided? No. At that time everybody in heaven and on earth will be united and accept Jehovah rulership. But, you think Jehovah name will still be the most important thing to his people during that time?

By that time, everybody will know the truth about Jehovah name and his name will be clean from all the lie-lie thing them that Satan na say about Him. But, Jehovah name will always be the most important thing to his faithful servant them in heaven and on earth. Why? Because they will continue to see Jehovah doing wonderful thing them. Just think about this one: God will “be all things to everyone” because Jesus will show that he humble by turning all rulership over to Jehovah. (1 Cor. 15:28) Then everybody on earth will enjoy “the glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Rom. 8:21) And Jehovah will fulfill his purpose for all his children that in heaven and on earth to be one united family.​—Eph. 1:10.

How Jehovah family in heaven and on earth will be feeling when all this thing them happen? We will still be having strong desire to praise Jehovah name. The psalmist David wrote: “May Jehovah God be praised . . . May his glorious name be praised forever.” (Ps. 72:​18, 19) We will continue to find new and wonderful ways to keep praising his name forever.

Jehovah name stand for everything about him. Any time we think about Jehovah name, we can think about his love. (1 John 4:8) We will always remember that Jehovah made us because he love us. He gave the ransom because he love us. And we will always remember that Jehovah can rule his people the right way and with love. But we will continue to feel Jehovah love forever. And we will continue to get close to our Father and sing praise to his wonderful name forever.​—Ps. 73:28.

a The Bible also show that Jehovah can do things “for the sake of his name.” For example, he can direct his people, help them, save them, forgive them, and help them to keep living. He can do all this one them just because of his great name, Jehovah.​—Ps. 23:3; 31:3; 79:9; 106:8; 143:11.