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Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

That who suppose to do the marking that 2 Thessalonians 3:14 talk about? That the elder dem or that the publishers in the congregation?

The apostle Paul write one letter to the Christians in Thessalonica. He tell them say: “If anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked.” (2 Thess. 3:14) Before, we use to say that the elder dem suppose to do the marking. If somebody in the congregation refuse to follow Bible principles even though the elder dem na counsel that person over and over, then the elders can give warning talk to the congregation. After that, publishers will not spend time with the person for any entertainment.

But, we need to change our understanding. The counsel that Paul gave wor talking about the decision that each Christian must make depending on the situation. So no need for the elder dem to give warning talk. Why we need to change our understanding? Well, let see what Paul wor talking about when he gave this counsel.

Paul notice that some people in the congregation wor “walking disorderly.” They wor not obeying the counsel from God Word. During one of his visit, he say: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.” But some people wor still refusing to work to support their self, even though they wor able to do it. Also, they wor putting their mouth in other people business. How Christians suppose to treat people dem like this?—2 Thess. 3:​6, 10-12.

Paul say: “Keep this one marked.” The Greek word they use here mean that, you must know the person and be careful with them. Paul wor giving this counsel to the whole congregation, not just the elder dem. (2 Thess. 1:1; 3:6) So that time, each Christian who see their brother or sister refusing to obey counsel from the Bible use to decide to “stop associating with” that kindna person.

You think this one mean that they use to treat the person like somebody they na move from the congregation? No. Paul also say: “Continue admonishing him as a brother.” So each Christian still use to go around that person in meetings and in field service. But they use to decide to not spend time with the person when they doing entertainment. Why? Paul say, “That he may become ashamed.” Because of the marking, maybe the person will get shame and change their bad ways.—2 Thess. 3:​14, 15.

How Christians today can apply this counsel? First, we must make sure that the person behavior really show that they “disorderly,” according to what Paul say. Paul wor not talking about people who conscience different from our own or who can do things different way that not against the Bible. He wor not also talking about people who hurt our feelings. But he wor talking about people who mean it to disobey the clear counsel that God gave.

Today, if we see that our brother or sister continue to disobey the counsel from God Word, a we can choose to not spend time with them during entertainment or recreation. Since this one that personal decision, we must not talk about it to other people who not part of our family. And we can still go around the person when we in meetings and in field service. When he change his bad ways, then we can do our normal thing dem with him again.

a For example, maybe our brother or sister refuse to work to support their self even though they able to do it, they continue to date somebody who not Jehovah Witness, or they say ugly-ugly things that can divide the congregation. (1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14; 2 Thess. 3:​11, 12; 1 Tim. 5:13) Those who continue doing this kindna thing dem that “disorderly” people