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[from left to right] Marcelo, Yomara, and Hiver. Each of them holding the Spanish New World Translation in braille

The Congregation Really Show Them Love

The Congregation Really Show Them Love

YOMARA and her brothers Marcelo and Hiver were living in one small village in Guatemala. Yomara started studying with Jehovah Witnesses. Later on, her brother them started studying too. But they were facing one problem. All of them were blind and they never knew how to read braille. So, their conductor use to read the paragraphs and the Bible verses to them.

Also, it was not easy to attend the meetings. That 40-minute distance to go to the Kingdom Hall that was close to them. So, it was not possible for them to go to the Kingdom Hall on their own. But the brother them in the congregation make arrangements so they can attend all the meetings. The brothers also help them to memorize their parts when they started giving talk on the midweek meeting.

In May 2019, the brother them started having meetings in the village where they were living. By that time, one brother and his wife, who were regular pioneers, move to the village. This brother and his wife never knew how to read and write braille. But they wanted to teach Yomara and her brothers to know how to read and write it. So, they went to the library and got books about braille so that they can learn how to teach other people to read and write braille.

Marcelo giving comment in meeting

After some months, Yomara and her brothers knew how to read braille good-good and it help them to get strong friendship with Jehovah. a Now-now Yomara, Marcelo and Hiver regular pioneering. Marcelo that Ministerial Servant. They can be busy with spiritual things during the whole week. Their zeal na make other brothers to be having zeal too.

Yomara, Marcelo and Hiver really grateful for the way the congregation helping them. Yomara say, “From the time we bother with Jehovah Witnesses, they been showing us true Christian love.” Then Marcelo say, “We get good-good friend them in our congregation. And we get our family all over the world that united because they love each other.” Yomara and her brother them really waiting to see how Jehovah will change the earth to paradise. —Ps. 37:10, 11; Isa. 35:5.

a Jehovah Organization made one brochure with the title Learn to Read Braille. They make this brochure to help people who blind or people who can’t see clear to learn how to read and write braille.