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Two New Governing Body Members

Two New Governing Body Members

ON WEDNESDAY, January 18, 2023, they made one special announcement on that they na appoint Brothers Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winder to be members of the Governing Body of Jehovah Witnesses. Two of them na stay long serving Jehovah faithfully.

Gage Fleegle and his wife, Nadia

Brother Fleegle grew up in the west part of Pennsylvania in America. He was raise in the truth by his faithful parents. When he was teenager, his family move to one small town in the interior, where they needed more people to preach. It not stay long, he got baptize on November 20, 1988.

Brother Fleegle parents always use to encourage him to enter full-time service. Most of the time, they use to invite circuit overseers and Bethelites to their house, and Brother Fleegle use to see how this brother and sister them use to be happy. It not stay too long after he got baptize, he started regular pioneering on September 1, 1989. After two years, he reach one goal he set when he was 12 years old, and that the goal to serve in Bethel. He started serving in Brooklyn Bethel in October 1991.

In Bethel, Brother Fleegle work for eight years in the department where they use to fix books. Later on, they assign him to the Service Department. During that time, he serve in one Russian-language congregation for some years. In 2006 he marry his wife, Nadia, and she join him to serve in Bethel. Two of them serve in the Portuguese congregation and they serve in the Spanish congregation for over ten years. After Brother Fleegle spent plenty years serving in the Service Department, they assign him to work in the Teaching Committee Office and later on, to the Service Committee Office. In March 2022 they appoint him to serve as helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body.

Jeffrey Winder and his wife, Angela

Brother Winder grew up in Murrieta, California in America. His parents raise him in the truth, and he got baptize on March 29, 1986. One month after that, he started auxiliary pioneering. He enjoy it so much that he wanted to continue. After he spent some months auxiliary pioneering, he started regular pioneering on October 1, 1986.

When he was teenager, Brother Winder went to visit his two big brothers who were serving in Bethel that time. That visit made him to get the desire to want serve in Bethel when he get big. And in May 1990, they invite him to serve to Wallkill Bethel.

In Bethel, Brother Winder work in different-different departments like the Cleaning Department, the Farm Department, and the Bethel Office. He marry his wife, Angela, in 1997, and since that time, two of them been serving together in Bethel. In 2014 they move to Warwick, where Brother Winder help with construction work on the world headquarters project. In 2016 they move to the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, where Brother Winder work in Audio/Video Services. Four years later, they move back to Warwick, and they assign Brother Winder to work in the Personnel Committee Office. In March 2022 they appoint him to be helper to the Personnel Committee of the Governing Body.

We pray for Jehovah to bless this “gifts in men” as they continue working hard for Kingdom interests.—Eph. 4:8.