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Ideas for Personal and Family Worship

Ideas for Personal and Family Worship

We can’t only worship Jehovah in big groups like going to meetings, assemblies, and conventions. But we can also worship Jehovah by doing personal study or family worship. Here some ideas you can use for your personal study and family worship:

  • Prepare for congregation meetings. You can also practice our songs and help everybody in the family to prepare one comment.

  • Read one Bible story. After that, draw picture about something in the story you just read and write down something you learn from the story.

  • Study one prayer in the Bible and think about how it can help you to make your prayers better.

  • Watch one video from and tell other people about it or write down anything you learn from the video.

  • Prepare for field service. Maybe one person in the family can act like the householder you preaching to, and you can practice what you want say.

  • Look at the thing them Jehovah na make and think about it, or yor can talk about the lessons yor learn from it about Jehovah. a

a See the article “Use Creation to Learn More About Jehovah” in the March 2023 Watchtower.