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You Na Hear This One Before?

You Na Hear This One Before?

What type of chariot the Ethiopian man was riding in when Philip came to him?

THE original-language word they translate as “chariot” in the New World Translation can refer to different-different type of chariots. (Acts 8:​28, 29, 38) But it look like the Ethiopian man was riding in one big chariot instead of the small-small chariot people use in war or for race. Let see some reasons why we say this one.

The Ethiopian man was big man in the government who travel long distance. He was having authority under Candace, queen for the Ethiopians, and he was taking care of all her valuable thing them. (Acts 8:27) Sudan and the south part of Egypt today was part of Ethiopia way back. Maybe the man not ride the same chariot for the whole trip, but he carry plenty thing them with him that he needed for that long journey. Some of the chariots they use in the first century C.E. was having four-wheel and cover to carry passengers. One book call Acts—An Exegetical Commentary say, “This kind na chariot was having more space to carry bags and other thing them. It also make traveling more easy and it make it possible for people to travel long-long distances.

The Ethiopian man was reading when Philip came to him. The Bible say “Philip ran alongside and heard [the eunuch] reading aloud Isaiah the prophet.” (Acts 8:30) The chariots they use for traveling never use to run fast. Because the chariot was going slow-slow, it make it possible for the Ethiopian man to read and for Philip to catch up with the chariot.

The Ethiopian man “urged Philip to get on and sit down with him.” (Acts 8:31) The rider them use to stand when they riding chariots they use for racing. But in the chariot that they made for traveling, space was there for the Ethiopian man and Philip to sit down.

Because of what Acts chapter 8 say and other proof from history, our publication them in recent time na show pictures about the Ethiopian man riding in one big chariot, instead of the small-small one them they use in war or for race.