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You Get Faith?

You Get Faith?

To make Jehovah happy, we must get faith. But the Bible say “faith is not a possession of all people.” (2 Thess. 3:2) When the apostle Paul say this one he was talking about “harmful and wicked men,” who was persecuting him. But what he say also apply to other people. Some people can’t want believe that God real and that He Create all things. (Rom. 1:20) And other people can say they believe in God. But this one not enough to make Jehovah happy

We need to be convince that Jehovah real and that he can bless those who get strong faith in Him. (Heb. 11:6) To get this kind na faith we need God holy spirit. When we pray to Jehovah it can help us to get holy spirit. (Luke 11:​9, 10, 13) One main way we can get holy spirit that by reading the Bible. Then we must think good-good about what we read and try hard to apply the things we learn. When we do it, it mean we allowing Jehovah holy spirit to help us live our life in the way that show that we get the kind na faith that can make Jehovah happy.