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Use Creation to Help Your Children Learn About Jehovah

Use Creation to Help Your Children Learn About Jehovah

“Who has created these things?”—ISA. 40:26.

SONG 11 Creation Praises God


1. Wetin parents want do for their children?

 PARENTS, we know that you want help your children to know and love Jehovah. But we can’t see God. So how you can help your children to see him to be real Person and get close to him?—Jas. 4:8.

2. How parents can teach their children about Jehovah qualities?

2 One main way parents can help their children to get close to Jehovah that by studying the Bible with them. (2 Tim. 3:14-17) But the Bible show another way that young people can learn about Jehovah. In the book of Proverbs, one father remind his son to never forget about Jehovah qualities that creation can show. (Prov. 3:19-21) We coming learn about some ways parents can use creation to help their children learn about Jehovah qualities.


3. How parents must help their children?

3 The Bible say that God “invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.” (Rom. 1:20) Parents, we know you can enjoy spending time with your children outside. Use that time to help your children to see Jehovah qualities in the thing them he made. So now let see what parents can learn from Jesus example.

4. How Jesus use creation to teach his disciples? (Luke 12:24, 27-30)

4 See how Jesus use creation to teach. One time, he ask his disciples to look at the ravens and the lilies. (Read Luke 12:24, 27-30.) Jesus could choose to talk about any animal or plant, but he talk about the bird and the flower that his disciple them knew good-good. The disciple them use to see this bird them flying around and this flowers growing in the field. You can imagine Jesus pointing to this thing them when he was talking? And wetin he do after giving this example them? He teach his disciple them good lessons about how Jehovah kind and free handed. Just how Jehovah can take care of the birds and the flowers, that the same way he will take care of his faithful servant them.

5. How parents can use creation to teach their child about Jehovah?

5 Parents, when you teaching your children, how you can follow Jesus example? You can tell your child about the plant or animal that you really like. When you telling your child about it, you must explain what this thing them teach us about Jehovah. You can also ask your child which of the animal or plant he really like. If you talk about something that he like, he will listen good-good when you talking about Jehovah qualities.

6. Wetin we can learn from the example of Christopher ma?

6 You think parents must spend plenty time to make research on one animal or plant before teaching the child about what that animal or plant teach them about Jehovah? It not really important to do all that one. Jesus not explain plenty things about how the bird them can eat or about how the flower them can grow. Even if your child like learning more about the thing them Jehovah made, sometime if you say something short or you ask one question, it will be alright for them to get the point. Let see what one brother name Christopher remember about the time he was coming up: “My ma just use to say something short to help us learn something from Jehovah creation. For example, when we use to be near mountains, she will say: ‘Look at how the mountain them big and fine! You not think Jehovah wonderful?’ Or when we use to be near the sea, she use to say: ‘Look at how the wave powerful. It just show that God really powerful.’ This simple thing them our ma use to say really make us to think.”

7. How you can teach your children to learn about Jehovah from creation?

7 When your children getting big, you can train them to start thinking about creation and how they can use it to learn about Jehovah qualities. You can just talk about one thing Jehovah made and ask your children, “What this one teach you about Jehovah?” You will be surprise and happy to hear the answer your children will give.—Matt. 21:16.


8. What opportunity Israelite parents were having when they traveling “on the road”?

8 Jehovah told Israelite parents to teach their children his law them when they walking “on the road.” (Deut. 11:19) Most of their roads were bush road. So they use to see different-different animals, bird them, and flowers on the road. When Israelite families use to be traveling on the roads, the parents were having the opportunity to talk to their children about Jehovah creation. Parents, maybe you get this same type of opportunities to use creation to teach your children. Let see how some parents na do it.

9. Wetin you learn from Punitha and Katya?

9 One mother name Punitha, who living in one big city in India say: “When we visit our family in the interior, we can use that opportunity to help our children learn about Jehovah from the thing them he made. I feel my children can understand creation good-good when they not in the city.” It will be hard for your children to forget if you and them go somewhere fine where they can learn about Jehovah. Katya, one sister from Moldova, say: “What I can really remember from my small time that the time I spent with my parents in the interior. They teach me to find time and learn about Jehovah from the thing them he made. I grateful to them for teaching me this when I was small.”

Even in the city, you can find thing them that Jehovah made that you can use to teach your children about Him (See paragraph 10)

10. Wetin parents can do if it hard for them to travel to the interior? (See the box “ Help for Parents.”)

10 What if you not able to travel in the interior? Amol, who also living in India, say: “The place I living, parents can work for long hours, and it expensive to travel in the interior. But you can see Jehovah creation and talk about his good-good ways when you sit down in one small flower garden or when you sit down on one porch.” When you look around your house good-good, you will also see some thing them Jehovah made that you can show to your children. (Ps. 104:24) Maybe you will see thing them like birds, insects, plants, and plenty other things. Karina, from Germany, say: “My ma like flowers, so when I was small, she use to show me some fine-fine flowers when we walking on the road together.” Parents, you can also use the plenty videos and publication them about creation that the organization na make to teach your children. Yes, no matter where you living, you can still help your children to learn from the thing them Jehovah made. Now let talk about some of Jehovah qualities that you can show to your children from creation.


11. How parents can help their children to know that Jehovah love us?

11 To help your children to know that Jehovah can show love, you can talk about the way plenty animals can take care of their baby them. (Matt. 23:37) You can also talk about the different-different thing them Jehovah made that we can enjoy. Karina, who we talk about before say: “When we walking outside, my ma use to encourage me to stop and look at how the flower them fine-fine and different from each other and how it show that Jehovah love us. After some years, I can still take my time to look at the different-different design and color in flowers. They continue to remind me that Jehovah really love us.”

You can talk about the wonderful way Jehovah made our body to teach your children that God wise (See paragraph 12)

12. How parents can help their children to know that God wise? (Psalm 139:14) (Also see the picture.)

12 Help your children to know that God wise. Jehovah wise more than all of us. (Rom. 11:33) For example, you can tell your child about how the water can go up and turn to cloud. And how it easy for the clouds to take the water from place to place. (Job 38:36, 37) You can also tell them about the wonderful way Jehovah made the human body. (Read Psalm 139:14.) See how one father name Vladimir do it. He say: “One day, our son fall down from his bicycle and hurt himself. After some days, the sore got better. Me and my wife explain to him that Jehovah made our body to be able to repair itself. We told him that the thing them human being make not able to do it. For example, when car make accident, it can’t fix itself. This experience help our son to understand that Jehovah wise.”

13. How parents can help their children to know that God get power? (Isaiah 40:26)

13 Jehovah say we must look in the sky and think about how he can use his power to keep the star them in their place. (Read Isaiah 40:26.) Encourage your children to look in the sky and think on what they see. One sister from Taiwan name Tingting, remember something that happen when she was small. She say: “One time, me and my ma left from the city and went somewhere. We were able to see the sky in the night because no light was there. During that time, I was worry about how I was coming to remain faithful to Jehovah. And that because my classmate them were making it hard for me to obey Jehovah. My ma encourage me to think about the power Jehovah use to make all the star them and to remember that He can use that same power to help me go through any problem. After looking at Jehovah creation on that trip, I wanted to know Jehovah good-good and I was ready to remain faithful and serve him.”

14. How parents can use creation to help their children see that Jehovah that happy God?

14 The thing them Jehovah made show that he happy and he want for us to be happy too. Scientists say animals like the birds and fish can play. (Job 40:20) Your children can laugh when they see animal playing? Maybe they na see baby cat running behind football or small-small dog them wrestling up. The next time you see your children laughing when they looking at animal playing, you can remind them that we serving the happy God?—1 Tim. 1:11.


When you and your children enjoying creation together they can be more relax and want talk about what they thinking on (See paragraph 15)

15. What can help parents to know what their children thinking on? (Proverbs 20:5) (Also see the picture.)

15 Sometime, parents can find it hard for their children to talk about the problems they going through. If you in this situation, you need to try hard to know what your children thinking on. (Read Proverbs 20:5.) It can be easy for some parents when they and their children enjoying Jehovah creation together. Why? One reason that because plenty things can’t be there to disturb them. One father in Taiwan name Masahiko talk about another reason: “When we spend time outside with our children, like walking near the mountains or walking on the beach, they can always be relax. So it can be easy for us to make them talk and know what they thinking on.” Katya who we talk about before, say: “After school, my ma use to carry me to one fine flower garden. In that place it can be easy for me to tell her what happen to me in school or wetin I was worrying on.”

16. How families can relax and enjoy their self when they looking at Jehovah creation?

16 When the family looking at Jehovah creation together, they can be relax and they can enjoy their self. It can also make them to love each other more. The Bible say that they get “time to laugh” and “time to skip about.” (Eccl. 3:1, 4, ftn.) Jehovah na make fine-fine place them on earth where we can go to enjoy our self. Plenty families like going together to fine-fine area them like in the interior, around the mountain or on the beach. Some children like running and playing in fine area, looking at animals, or swimming in the river, lake, or the sea. We get plenty opportunities to enjoy the thing them Jehovah made!

17. Why parents must help their children to enjoy Jehovah creation now-now?

17 In God new world, parents and their children will enjoy Jehovah creation more than ever before. During that time, we will not be scare of animals and they will not be scare of us. (Isa. 11:6-9) We will enjoy the thing them Jehovah made forever. (Ps. 22:26) But parents, yor must not wait until that time before you help your children to start enjoying creation. When you use creation to teach your children about Jehovah, maybe they too will agree with what King David say: “O Jehovah, there are no works like yours.”—Ps. 86:8.

SONG 134 Children Are a Trust From God

a Plenty brothers and sisters can still remember some of the good times they spend enjoying creation with their parent them. They can’t forget about how their parents use the time they spend together to teach them about Jehovah good-good ways. If you get children, how you can use creation to teach them about God quality them? We will answer this question in this article.