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Why You Must Get Baptize?

Why You Must Get Baptize?

“Let each one of you be baptized.”​—ACTS 2:38.

SONG 34 Walking in Integrity


1-2. What can always happen when people get baptize, and wetin we coming discuss in this article?

 YOU na see people getting baptize before? You can know that they convince from the way they can answer the two questions before they get baptize. You can see that their family members and friends can be happy. When the person come from in the water, you can hear other people clapping and you can know that the person really happy. Every week plenty people can give their lives to Jehovah and get baptize.

2 How about you? If you thinking about getting baptize, then you someone special in this wicked world because you “seeking Jehovah.” (Ps. 14:​1, 2) They write this article for you whether you young or old. But for us who already baptize, this article can help us to continue serving Jehovah forever. So, yor let talk about three reasons why we want serve Jehovah.


Satan been lying on Jehovah name for long time and he still doing it (See paragraphs 3-4)

3. Why Jehovah people love the truth and to do the right thing? (Psalm 119:​128, 163)

3 Jehovah told his people to “love truth.” (Zech. 8:19) Jesus encourage his disciples to always try hard to do the right thing. (Matt. 5:6) So it mean we must really be willing to do the thing them that good in God eye. You love the truth and you want do the right thing? Yes, we sure about this. You hate lying and anything that wrong and wicked. (Read Psalm 119:​128, 163.) Anybody who can lie following Satan example, the ruler of this world. (John 8:44; 12:31) One of Satan goals that to tell wicked lie about Jehovah holy name. Since Satan went against Jehovah in the garden of Eden, he been spreading wicked lie about our God. He make people to think that Jehovah that selfish and bad Ruler who hiding good-good things from people. (Gen. 3:​1, 4, 5) The way Satan lie on Jehovah na make people to think that Jehovah that bad person. When people decide to not ‘love the truth,’ Satan can make them to do all kind na wicked things.​—Rom. 1:​25-31.

4. How Jehovah na prove that he “the God of truth”?

4 Jehovah that “the God of truth,” and he can teach the truth to those who love him. (Ps. 31:5) By teaching them the truth, he help them so that they can’t let Satan to fool them with his lies. Jehovah can also teach his people to be honest and to do the right thing. It can help them to feel good about their self and have peace of mind. (Prov. 13:​5, 6) From the time you start studying the Bible, Jehovah na do this one for you? You finish learning that Jehovah ways that the best for you and for everybody. (Ps. 77:13) So you want do what God say. (Matt. 6:33) You want tell people the truth to prove that what Satan say about our God, Jehovah, that lie. How you can do it?

5. How you can support the truth and do the right thing?

5 You can live your life in the way that show to everybody that you not accept Satan lie and you supporting the truth. You can show that you want Jehovah to be your Ruler and you want do what he say. How you can do it? By telling Jehovah in prayer that you want serve him forever and show it by getting baptize. One main reason for getting baptize that love for the truth and to do the right thing.


6. What reasons Psalm 45:4 give that can make us to love Jesus Christ?

6 Why you love Jesus Christ? See some good reasons in Psalm 45:4. (Read.) Jesus love the truth, he humble and he like doing the right thing. If you love the truth and love doing the right thing, it show that you also love Jesus Christ. Just think about how Jesus was brave to tell people about the truth. (John 18:37) But how Jesus encourage other people to be humble?

7. Wetin you like about the way Jesus humble?

7 Jesus encourage other people to be humble by his example. For example, he never gave glory to himself but he gave it to his Father. (Mark 10:​17, 18; John 5:19) How you feel about the way Jesus humble? It make you to love Jesus and follow his example? Yes, it make us to love him. Why Jesus humble? Jesus humble because he love his Father who humble and he can follow his example. (Ps. 18:35; Heb. 1:3) This one make you to want get close to Jesus, who can show the same qualities his father get?

8. Why we happy for Jesus to be our King?

8 We happy for Jesus to be our King because he the best Ruler. That Jehovah self train his Son and make him king. (Isa. 50:​4, 5) Also, think about all the thing them Jesus na do for us. (John 13:1) Because Jesus that your King, you must do your best to love him. He explain that those who really love him can show their love by obeying what he say and he can call them his friends. (John 14:15; 15:​14, 15) To be friend of Jehovah Son, that real blessing!

9. How Christians baptism looking like Jesus own?

9 One of the things Jesus tell his disciple them to do that to get baptize. (Matt. 28:​19, 20) He himself set the example. His baptism different from his disciple them own in some ways. (See the box “ How Jesus Baptism Different From His Disciple Them Own?”) But it looking the same in some ways. When Jesus got baptize, he show that he was ready to do his Father will. (Heb. 10:7) Like Jesus, his disciples can dedicate their self and get baptize to show that they ready to do God will and not their own. So, they following their Master example.

10. What reasons you get to love Jesus, and what that love must make you to do?

10 You believe that Jesus that Jehovah only-begotten Son and you happy that God made him King. You know that Jesus perfect and he just like his Father. You learn that he gave the hungry people food, he comfort people who were discourage, and even heal sick people. (Matt. 14:​14-21) You na see how he directing the congregation today. (Matt. 23:10) Since he King for God Kingdom, he will do more than this one in the future. How you can show that you love him? By following his example. (John 14:21) One of the first thing them you can do, that to give your life to Jehovah and get baptize.


11. What the main reason we must get baptize?

11 What the main reason we must get baptize? Jesus show us God greatest commandment by saying: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.” (Mark 12:30) You get this type of strong love for God?

All the good-good thing them you enjoying and will enjoy in the future, coming from Jehovah (See paragraphs 12-13)

12. Why you love Jehovah? (Also see the picture.)

12 We get plenty reasons to love Jehovah. For example, you na understand that he gave us life and that he can give us “every good gift and every perfect present.” (Ps. 36:9; Jas. 1:17) Every good thing that you can enjoy coming from our loving God who free handed.

13. Why the ransom that the greatest gift?

13 The ransom that the greatest gift Jehovah gave us. Why we say so? Think about the close friendship between Jehovah and His son. Jesus said: “The Father love me” and “I love the Father.” (John 10:17; 14:31) The long time they spent together really made their friendship thick. (Prov. 8:​22, 23, 30) So now, think about how it really hurt Jehovah to see His son suffering and dying. Jehovah love you and everybody so much that he was willing to let his son die so that you and other people can live forever. (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20) That the main reason we get to love God.

14. What the best goal you can set in life?

14 Your love for Jehovah na get strong because you na learn plenty things about him. We sure you want get closer to him now-now and forever. And you can make it. He encourage you to make him happy. (Prov. 23:​15, 16) You can do it by what you say and do. The way you live your life will show that you really love Jehovah. (1 John 5:3) That the best goal you can ever set in life.

15. How you can show your love for Jehovah?

15 How you can show your love for Jehovah? First, you can say one special prayer to tell Jehovah that you giving your life to him. (Ps. 40:8) Then, you can get baptize to let everybody know that you finish giving your life to Jehovah. Just what we say from the beginning of this article, your baptism that happy and important time in your life. You will start living new life, not for yourself, but for Jehovah. (Rom. 14:8; 1 Pet. 4:​1, 2) It sounding like big decision to make and that big decision. But it make it possible for you to live the best life ever. How?

16. From Psalm 41:​12, how Jehovah will bless those who continue to serve him with their whole life?

16 Nobody can give more than Jehovah. Jehovah will always give more than anything you give him. (Mark 10:​29, 30) If you use your life to serve Jehovah, he will give you the best life possible, even now in this wicked world. And that just the beginning. The life that you started after you got baptize must not end. You must continue serving your Father forever. The love between you and your Father will continue to get strong. And so long Jehovah living, you will continue to live forever.​—Read Psalm 41:12.

17. Wetin you can give Jehovah that he not get yet?

17 When you give your life to Jehovah and get baptize, you get the opportunity to give your father something that he really value. He na gave you everything for you to enjoy your life. To show that you grateful, you can give the Owner of heaven and earth something that he not get yet, and that for you to be willing to serve him forever. (Job 1:8; 41:11; Prov. 27:11) That the best way to live your life. We convince that your love for Jehovah that the best reason for you to get baptize.


18. What question them you can ask yourself?

18 If somebody ask you this question: ‘You will get baptize?’ How you will answer? That only you can answer it. But it will help you if you ask yourself this question, ‘Wetin I waiting for to get baptize?’ (Acts 8:36) Think about the three reasons that we na talk about. First, you love the truth and to do the right thing. So, ask yourself, ‘I really want see the time that everybody will say the truth and do the right thing?’ Second, you love Jesus Christ. So, ask yourself, ‘I want for God Son to be my King and I want follow his example?’ And third, the main reason that because you love Jehovah. So, ask yourself, ‘I want make Jehovah happy by serving him?’ If your answers to this question them that yes, then wetin you waiting for to get baptize?​—Acts 16:33.

19. Why you must not waste time to get baptize? Give example. (John 4:34)

19 If you not sure about whether you must get baptize, think about this example that Jesus gave. (Read John 4:34.) Notice that Jesus say that doing his Father will looking just like food. Why? Because food good for us. Jesus knew that everything that Jehovah tell us to do can benefit us. Jehovah not want us to do anything that will harm us. You think Jehovah want you to get baptize? Yes. (Acts 2:38) So you can be sure that when you obey Jehovah and get baptize, you will benefit. If you will not waste time to enjoy good food, then why you must waste time to get baptize?

20. What question we will answer in the next article?

20 Why some people can wait? Plenty of them can say, “I not ready yet.” To talk the truth, the most important decision you will ever make that to give your life to Jehovah and get baptize. So you need to think good-good about that decision. It will take time and effort for you to get ready. But if you really want get baptize, wetin you can do now-now to prepare yourself? We will answer that question in the next article.

SONG 28 Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship

a Baptism that important step for every Bible student. Wetin can make Bible student to take that step? That love. But love for what and for who? We will find the answer them in this article and we will discuss how life will be like when we get baptize.