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How Jehovah Can Answer Our Prayers?

How Jehovah Can Answer Our Prayers?

“We know that we are to have the things we ask for, since we have asked them of him.”​—1 JOHN 5:15.

SONG 41 Please Hear My Prayer


1-2. When it come to our prayers, sometime wetin we can be thinking on?

 YOU na ever think whether Jehovah answering your prayers? If so, then that not your one can think like that. Plenty of our brother and sister them say they use to think like that mainly when they were going through hard time. If we suffering, sometime it can be hard for us to know how Jehovah answering our prayers too.

2 We coming talk about why we can be sure that Jehovah can answer his people prayer. (1 John 5:15) We will also talk about this question them: Why sometime it can look like Jehovah not answering our prayers? What some of the way them Jehovah can answer our prayers today?


3. Why Jehovah want for us to pray to him?

3 The Bible say Jehovah really love us and we just like chicken egg to him. (Hag. 2:7; 1 John 4:10) That why he say we must pray to him to help us. (1 Pet. 5:​6, 7) He want help us to stay close to him and he want help us to go through all our problem them.

Jehovah answer David prayers by saving him from his enemy them (See paragraph 4)

4. How we know that Jehovah can answer his people prayer? (Also see the picture.)

4 In the Bible, we na read plenty time that Jehovah can answer the prayers of his people them. You can think about one example? One example that King David. Throughout his life, he was having plenty enemy them and most of the time he use to pray to Jehovah for help. One time, he even beg Jehovah. He say: “O Jehovah, hear my prayer; listen to my plea for help. In your faithfulness and in your righteousness, answer me.” (Ps. 143:1) David pray to Jehovah to save him, and Jehovah answer his prayer. (1 Sam. 19:​10, 18-20; 2 Sam. 5:​17-25) That why David say: “Jehovah is near to all those calling on him.” We our self sure about it too.​—Ps. 145:18.

Jehovah answered the apostle Paul prayers by giving him the power to bear his problems (See paragraph 5)

5. Way back, you think Jehovah always use to answer his people prayer the way they were expecting it? Give one example. (Also see the picture.)

5 Sometime Jehovah will not answer our prayers the way we expecting it. That what happen to the apostle Paul. He pray to God to move the “thorn in the flesh”. Paul pray about this serious problem three different times. You think Jehovah answer his prayers? Yes, but Jehovah not answer his prayer the way he was expecting it. Jehovah not move the problem he was in, but Jehovah gave him the strength to remain faithful and continue serving Him.​—2 Cor. 12:​7-10.

6. Sometime, why it can be looking like Jehovah not answering our prayers?

6 Sometime, the answer Jehovah can give us can be different from what we ask him for. But we sure that Jehovah know the best way to help us. He even able to “do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive.” (Eph. 3:20) Because of that, Jehovah can answer our prayers the time we not expecting it or the way we not expecting it.

7. Sometime, why we need to change the thing we praying for? Give one example.

7 Sometime, we will need to change what we praying for when we understand Jehovah will good-good. Let look at Brother Martin Poetzinger example. They put Brother Poetzinger in jail in Nazi concentration camp right after he got marry. First, he pray to Jehovah for them to free him from jail so that he can take care of his wife and start preaching again. But after two weeks, he not see any sign that Jehovah was coming help him to be free from jail. So he pray again: “Jehovah, please show me what you want me to do.” Then he started thinking about what the other brother them in the jail were going through. Plenty of them were really worrying about their wives and children them. So Brother Poetzinger pray: “Jehovah, thank you for the new assignment you gave me. Please help me to encourage my brother them and help them to get strong faith.” He spent nine years in jail helping his brother them!

8. What important thing we must remember when we praying?

8 We must remember that Jehovah promise to do some thing them for us. And he get set time to do the thing them he promise. He promise to move all our problem them forever. He will move problem them like natural disasters, sickness, and death. Jehovah will use his Government to do what he promise. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 21:3, 4) But before that time come, Jehovah allowing Satan to rule the world. b (John 12:31; Rev. 12:9) If Jehovah solve all our problem them now, it will be looking like Satan ruling this world good. Even though we must wait for Jehovah to do what he promise, but this one not mean Jehovah will not help us. Now, let talk about some thing them that Jehovah can do to help us.


9. How Jehovah can help us when we get decisions to make? Give example.

9 He can give us wisdom. Jehovah promise that he will give us wisdom to make good decisions. The main time we need Jehovah wisdom that when we making decisions that will change our whole life. For example, when we thinking about whether we will get marry or remain single. (Jas. 1:5) Let look at the experience of one single sister name Maria. c She was happy regular pioneering when she met one brother. She say: “When our friendship was getting thick we start liking each other. I knew what I suppose to do. So I pray to Jehovah plenty time about it. I wanted Jehovah to direct me, but I also knew that Jehovah will not make decision for me.” She feel that Jehovah answer her prayers to give her wisdom. But how? She made research in our publication them and she was able to find answer to her question them. Her ma who was faithful to Jehovah also gave her wise advice, and she listen to it. That advice help Maria to think good-good about the way she was feeling. In the end, she was able to make wise decision.

How Jehovah can give us the power to bear our problem them? (See paragraph 10)

10. Wetin Philippians 4:13 say Jehovah will do to help his people? Give one example. (Also see the picture.)

10 He can give us the power to bear our problem them. Jehovah will give us the power to bear our problem them the same way he help the apostle Paul. (Read Philippians 4:13.) Let see how Jehovah help one brother name Benjamin to go through hard time. Benjamin spent most of his small boy time living in different-different refugee camps with his family. He say: “I always use to pray to Jehovah to give me the power to obey him. Jehovah answer my prayers by helping me to be brave to continue preaching and making my heart to lay down. He also gave me the publication them that help to make my friendship with him strong.” Benjamin also say, “I use to read experiences about brother and sister them. I learn how Jehovah help them to go through their problems. And that one help me to do my best to remain faithful to Jehovah.”

You na see how Jehovah na use your brother and sister them to help you? (See paragraphs 11-12) d

11-12. How Jehovah can use our brother and sister them to answer our prayers? (Also see the picture.)

11 He can use our brother and sister them. Jesus really pray from his heart on the night before he die. He beg Jehovah so that people can’t think he blasphemer and that because of that he dying. Jehovah not do the thing Jesus ask for. But He send one angel to go encourage Jesus. (Luke 22:​42, 43) Sometime Jehovah can also use our brother or sister them to encourage us. They can do it by calling or visiting us. All of us can look for opportunities to encourage our brother and sister them.​—Prov. 12:25.

12 Let look at the experience about one sister name Miriam. Some weeks after Miriam husband die, she was feeling lonely and she was feeling really-really bad. She was just crying and crying and she really wanted to talk to somebody. She say: “I was not having the strength to call anybody, so I just pray to Jehovah. When I was still crying and praying, my phone start ringing. That one elder was calling and he good friend to me.” The elder and his wife comfort Miriam. She convince that Jehovah was the one who made this brother to call.

Sometime, how Jehovah can use other people to help us? (See paragraphs 13-14)

13. Give one example that show how Jehovah can use people who not worshipping him to answer our prayers.

13 Sometime he can use people who not worshipping him. (Prov. 21:1) Sometime Jehovah can answer our prayers by using people who not worshipping him to help us. For example, He use King Artaxerxes to allow Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem. Nehemiah was going back to start building the city again. (Neh. 2:​3-6) Today too, Jehovah can make people who not worshipping him to help us.

14. How Soo Hing experience encourage you? (Also see the picture.)

14 One sister name Soo Hing say Jehovah use one doctor to help her. Her son was having problems with his brain. He made bad accident, so she and her husband leave their work to take care of him. Because of that, money business was hard on them. Soo Hing say that it was too heavy for her and she was not able to bear it again. So she tell Jehovah everything that in her heart and she ask him to help her. The doctor decide to find way to help she and her family. Because of this, they receive help from the government and also good place to stay. After that, Soo Hing say: “We saw how Jehovah help us. He can really listen to our prayers.”​—Ps. 65:2.


15. Wetin help one sister to know that Jehovah answering her prayers?

15 Most of the time, the answer to our prayers can’t be too clear for us to see. But when Jehovah answer our prayers it can be just what we need to stay faithful to him. So be on the watch to see how Jehovah answering your prayers. One sister name Yoko was feeling that Jehovah not answering her prayers. So she start writing down anything she ask Jehovah for. When some time pass, she can look at what she write down. Then she can see that Jehovah na answer most of her prayers, even the one them she na forget about. From time to time, it good to think about how Jehovah answering our prayers.​—Ps. 66:19, 20.

16. When it come to our prayers, how we can show faith? (Hebrews 11:6)

16 We can show faith by praying to Jehovah and also by accepting the answer to our prayers, no matter how he answer it. (Read Hebrews 11:6.) Let look at the example about Mike and his wife, Chrissy. Their goal was to go to Bethel. Mike say: “Two of us apply to Bethel plenty times and we pray to Jehovah over and over, but they never call us to Bethel.” Mike and Chrissy was always convince that Jehovah know the best way to use them in his service. They continue to do their best by serving as regular pioneers. They use to go where they need more people to preach and help with the organization building projects. They serving as circuit overseer today. Mike also say: “Jehovah not always answer our prayers the way we was expecting it. But the way He na answer our prayers, even better than what we was thinking about.”

17-18. According to Psalm 86:​6, 7, wetin we can we be sure about?

17 Read Psalm 86:6, 7. The psalmist David was sure that Jehovah can hear and answer his prayers. Like David, you can be sure that Jehovah can answer your prayers. The example them we talk about in this article convince us that Jehovah can give us the wisdom and the power to bear our problem them. Sometime, he can use our brother and sister them or even people who not serving him now-now to help us.

18 Even though Jehovah can’t always answer our prayers the way we expecting it, but we know that he will answer them. He will give us just what we need and he will give it the time we need it. So continue to pray and believe that Jehovah will hear you. Also, be sure that Jehovah will take care of you now-now and that he will “satisfy the desire of every living thing” in the new world.​—Ps. 145:16.

SONG 46 We Thank You, Jehovah

a Jehovah tell us say he will answer our prayers so long it agree with his will. When we going through problems, we sure he will give us the help we need to remain faithful to him. Now, yor let talk about how Jehovah can answer our prayers.

b To learn more about why Jehovah allowing Satan to rule this world, see the article “Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue,” that in the June 2017 Watchtower.

c We change some of the name them.

d WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: One woman and her daughter just reach in one country as refugees. Her brother and sister them welcome them and help them.