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You Na Hear This One Before?

You Na Hear This One Before?

Mordecai was real person?

ONE JEWISH man name Mordecai play important part in the Bible book of Esther. He was in exile working for the king in the Persian palace. It was the beginning of the fifth century B.C.E., “in the days of [King] Ahasuerus.” (Today plenty people believe that this king was Xerxes.) When people plan to kill the king, that Mordecai put stop to it. The king was so happy that he decided to honor Mordecai in front of plenty people. Later on, when Haman the enemy to Mordecai and the other Jews die, the king made Mordecai the prime minister. When they wanted to kill all the Jews that were in the Persian empire, Mordecai use his position to save them.​—​Esther 1:1; 2:​5, 21-23; 8:​1, 2; 9:​16.

Some People who study history in the 20th-century say the book of Esther not true and that Mordecai was not real person. But in 1941, some archaeologists found prove that support what the Bible say about Mordecai. Wetin they find?

Those that were doing the research found one way back Persian writing that had one man name Marduka (in English Mordecai). He was administrator, or maybe accountant in Shushan. When they found that document, Arthur Ungnad who study the history of that place good-good, said it was the “first time for them to see the name Mordecai apart from the Bible “

Since Ungnad talk this thing, big-big book people started translating plenty other Persian document . The Persepolis tablets that some of the things they found. They found it in the place they use to keep their thing them way back, it was right near the city wall. They wrote these document them the same time Xerxes was ruling. The document them in the Elamite language and they get some names that in the book of Esther. a

The name Mordecai in the Persian writing that (Marduka)

Some Persepolis tablets get the name Marduka, who serve as secretary for the king when Xerxes was ruling. One of the tablet describe Marduka as translator. And it just match what the Bible say about Mordecai. He was working with King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) and he use to speak about two different languages. Mordecai always use to be sitting to the king gate in the palace of Shushan. (Esther 2:​19, 21; 3:​3) This royal gate, that was building where the official them use to work.

The Marduka the tablet describe and the Mordecai the Bible describe get some interesting things in common. They were living the same time, in the same place, and they were having the same position and working to the same place. All these thing them show that the Marduka the archaeologists found, that the same Mordecai the Bible book of Esther talk about.

a In 1992 Professor Edwin M. Yamauchi wrote ten names from the Persepolis writing that also in the book of Esther.