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Show That You Someone People Can Trust

Show That You Someone People Can Trust

“The trustworthy person keeps a confidence.”​—​PROV. 11:​13.

SONG 101 Working Together in Unity


1. How we can know whether we can trust someone?

 SOMEONE who people can trust can fight hard to do what he promise and talk the truth. (Ps. 15:​4) People know that they can depend on him. We want our brother and sister them to feel like that about us. So, wetin we can do for them to trust us?

2. Wetin we can do for people to trust us?

2 We can’t force other people to trust us. The things we can do must make them to trust us. People can say trust looking like money. You can work hard to get it but it quick to finish. Jehovah na do plenty thing them that make us to trust him. He will not do anything that will make us not to trust him because “everything he does is trustworthy.” (Ps. 33:​4) And he want us to follow his example. (Eph. 5:​1) Let learn from some of Jehovah servants who follow his example and prove that other people can trust them. We will also learn about five qualities that will help us to be someone who other people can trust.


3-4. Wetin Daniel do for people to trust him, and what questions we must think on?

3 The prophet Daniel set very good example that make people to trust him. He prove that people can trust him even though he was in Babylon. How he did it? When Jehovah help him to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar dream, it made people to trust him more. One time, Daniel told the king that Jehovah was not happy with him and no king will want hear that kind na message. Daniel needed to be brave because King Nebuchadnezzar was having bad temper! (Dan. 2:12; 4:​20-22, 25) After many years, Daniel show again that people can trust him by giving the correct meaning of the message that appear on the palace wall in Babylon. (Dan. 5:​5, 25-29) And later, King Darius and those working with him also notice that he was different and they also knew that Daniel was faithful in everything he did. (Dan. 6:​3, 4) Yes, even the big-big people in the government who were not worshiping Jehovah, put their trust in Daniel!

4 From what we just learn about Daniel, we need to ask ourself this question them: ‘How people who not serving Jehovah know me to be? They know me to be someone who can take my responsibilities serious and someone they can trust?’ Why we must answer these question them? Because when people know us to be someone they can trust, it can bring praise to Jehovah.

Nehemiah look for men that he could depend on to take care of important work (See paragraph 5)

5. Why people use to trust Hananiah?

5 In 455 B.C.E., after Governor Nehemiah finish building the walls of Jerusalem, he look for men who he can depend on to take good care of the city. Nehemiah choose the chief of the Fortress, call Hananiah. The Bible say that Hananiah was “a most trustworthy man [who] feared the true God more than many others.” (Neh. 7:​2) Hananiah use to take his work serious because he love Jehovah, and never wanted to do anything that will make him feel bad. When we get qualities like this, it will make people to depend on us in our service to God.

6. How Tychicus prove to be someone that the apostle Paul trusted?

6 Let see the example of Tychicus, who the apostle Paul trusted. When Paul was under house arrest, he use to depend on Tychicus. The apostle Paul even describe him as a “faithful minister.” (Eph. 6:​21, 22) Paul use to trust him to deliver letters to the brother them in Ephesus and Colossae, and also to encourage and comfort them. Tychicus example make us to think about our faithful brother them, who taking care of our spiritual needs today.​—​Col. 4:​7-9.

7. Wetin you learn from the elders and the ministerial servants about trust?

7 Today we really grateful that we can trust the elders and ministerial servants. They can be serious with their work just like Daniel, Hananiah, and Tychicus. For example, when we attend the midweek meeting, we can’t be worrying whether the elder them finish assigning all the parts on the meeting. And the elder them can really be happy when those they assign prepare their parts good-good, and be ready to give it to the meeting! For example, we can’t be scare to invite our Bible students to attend the weekend meeting, thinking that nobody will be there to give the public talk. And we trust that we will get all the materials we need for field service. We grateful for the way these brother them taking care of us, and we thank Jehovah for them! What we can do for other people to trust us?


8. How we must be careful when we showing interest in other people? (Proverbs 11:​13)

8 We love our brothers and sisters, and we can want know how they doing. But, we must be careful and respect their privacy. Way back, some brother them in the Christian congregation use to be “gossipers and meddlers in other people’s affairs, talking about things they should not.” (1 Tim. 5:13) We not want be like them. Suppose someone tell us something about theirself and they tell us not to tell other people about it? For example, suppose one sister tell us about her sickness or the problem she going through, and she tell us to keep it to ourself. We must do what she say. b (Read Proverbs 11:13.) Now let talk about some important situation them that we must keep private.

9. What each person in the family can do for them to trust each other?

9 Be someone your family can trust. Each person in the family must try to keep certain family matter only in the family. For example, maybe one sister get certain habit that looking funny to her husband. You think he must talk about it in front of people to embarrass her? No! He love his wife. So he will not want do anything that will make her feel bad. (Eph. 5:33) When the children getting big, try to treat them with respect. It important for parents to remember this one. They must not make their children shame by telling other people about their mistakes. (Col. 3:21) Children must not carry certain family information outside that will embarrass someone in the family. (Deut. 5:16) When each person in the family try their best to not carry certain information about the family outside, it will draw them close to one another.

10. What it mean to be true friend? (Proverbs 17:​17)

10 Be someone that your friend them can trust. Sometime, we can want tell our close friend them something that really on our mind. It can’t be easy because we not use to it. We can really feel bad when we know that our friends told other people what we told them to keep to theirself. But we can be grateful to have friends who we can tell what in our hearts, and they will not tell other people! That person that “true friend.”​—​Read Proverbs 17:​17.

Elders can’t tell their family about congregation private matters (See paragraph 11) c

11. (a) How elders and their wives can show that they want other people to trust them? (b) What we can learn from one elder who handle congregation matter and he not tell his family? (See the picture.)

11 Be someone that your brothers and sisters can trust. Elders who can keep people private matter, looking like “hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment” for their brothers. (Isa. 32:​2) We can feel free to tell the elder them anything because we trust that they will keep it to theirself. We must not be behind the elders to tell us things that private. And we also respect our elders wives because we know they will not ask their husbands for private information. It good that the elder them can’t tell their wives about their brothers and sisters personal information. One elder wife said she happy that her husband can’t tell her about those he making shepherding visit on. She also said that she grateful that her husband can keep people private information to himself. So she can’t worry about something she not able to do anything about. It make her to be free with everybody in the congregation. And she also trust her husband that when she tell him anything about herself he will not tell anybody in the congregation. All of us want people to trust us. What qualities will help us to reach that goal? Let talk about five of them.


12. Why we can say love that the foundation for trust? Give one example.

12 Love that the foundation for trust. Jesus said the two greatest commandments that to love Jehovah and our neighbor. (Matt. 22:​37-39) Love for Jehovah must make us to follow his example because he can always do things for people to trust him. For example, love for our brothers and sisters must make us to keep their personal matters private. We must not say things about our brothers and sisters that will harm, embarrass, or make them to feel bad.​—​John 15:​12.

13. How humility can make other people to trust us?

13 Humility will make other people to trust us. Any Christian that humble will not always be the first to give information to make people feel that they on top of things. (Phil. 2:​3) He will not make himself too important by making people to feel that he get important information that he not suppose to talk about. Humility will also make us to not spread things that the Bible or the publication them not talk about.

14. When we wise, how it can make other people to trust us?

14 When we wise, we will know when to ‘keep quiet and when to talk.’ (Eccl. 3:​7) In some culture they can say, “talking that silver, but to keep quiet that gold.” That mean, sometime it good to keep quiet than to talk. That why Proverbs 11:12 say: “The man of true discernment remains silent.” Let look at one example. Most of the time one experience elder can go help other congregations that get serious problem. See what another elder say about this experience elder. He said, “this experience elder can be careful to not share important information about other congregations.” Because of that the other elder them in the congregation respect him. They sure that he will not give important information about other people.

15. Give one example to show how you can trust someone who honest.

15 Honesty can also make people to trust you. We can trust honest people because we know they will always talk the truth. (Eph. 4:25; Heb. 13:18) For example, maybe you want improve the way you can teach. So you ask someone to listen to your talk and help you to know how you can improve. Who will be honest and tell you the truth? You think it will be somebody who will tell you just what you want hear or somebody who can tell you the truth in a kind way? You already know the answer. The Bible say: “Open reproof is better than concealed love. The wounds inflicted by a friend are faithful.” (Prov. 27:​5, 6) If your friend honest and tell you the truth, it will benefit you in the future, even though from the beginning it will be hard for you to accept it.

16. How Proverbs 10:19 show that we need self-control?

16 Self-control important if we want other people to trust us. This quality can help us to keep quiet when we tempted to talk about other people private matter. (Read Proverbs 10:19.) It can be hard for us to have self-control when we on the Internet. If we not careful, we will give private information to plenty people before we come to our self. And when that information spread on the Internet, we will not get control over how people will use it or the damage it will cause. Self-control will make us to not talk certain things to people who against us so that we can’t put our brother them in trouble. When people who against us try to trick us to say certain things about our brothers and sisters that will put them in trouble, self-control will help us to keep quiet. This one can happen in country where the government stop our work and the police people asking plenty questions. We can apply the principle to “guard [our] mouth with a muzzle” in this situation and other situation them too. (Ps. 39:​1) Whether we dealing with our family, our friends, our brothers and sisters, or anybody else, we must do things for people to trust us. And for people to trust us we need self-control.

17. What we can do that will help us to trust each other in the congregation?

17 We thankful that Jehovah draw us to his organization where we can find people who loving and who we can trust! All of us get the responsibility to do things that will make our brothers and sisters to trust us. If each of us in the congregation work hard to show love, be humble, wise, honest and get self-control, we will do things that will make us to trust each other. For people to trust us not one day thing. So let imitate Jehovah God and keep doing things that will make other people to trust us.

SONG 123 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

a If we want other people to trust us, we must first do thing them to make them to trust us. In this article, we will learn why it so important to trust one another. We will also learn about qualities that will help us to be someone who other people can trust.

b When we know that someone na commit serious sin in the congregation, we must encourage him to go to the elders for help. If he not do it, we must tell the elder them because we want stick to Jehovah and the congregation.

c WHAT THE PICTURE TALKING ABOUT: One elder come from handling congregation matter but he not discussing it with his family.