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Jehovah Is Our Refuge

Jehovah Is Our Refuge

(Psalm 91)

  1. 1. Jehovah that our father,

    We trust him with our life.

    He always there to safe us;

    And take good care of us.

    That why we must draw close to him,

    Because he will not let us down.

    Jehovah God we trust you,

    Nobody get power like you.

  2. 2. The devil and his people

    Will try to make us scare,

    Their main goal that to stop us

    From worshiping our God.

    But we will not be scare of them;

    Because Jehovah on our side.

    He promise to protect us,

    That why we will stick close to him.

  3. 3. The devil always trying

    To catch us in his trap,

    With trials and temptation,

    But he will not succeed.

    So, we must not even be scare,

    I not care what Satan will do.

    Jehovah will protect us,

    He will keep us safe in his arms.