Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va

Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va


Zɛɓɛi Gala Kɔlɔi Ɣa Dɛ Ga Diɛ E Vile Gala Ba?

Zɛɓɛi Gala Kɔlɔi Ɣa Dɛ Ga Diɛ E Vile Gala Ba?

“Niitiɛ gè bosu e ma te pɛ ponɛ kɔlɔi zu.”—JER. 30:2.

GUI 96 God’s Own Book​—A Treasure


1. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ de wuuzu nɛɛ Gala Kɔlɔi ʋaa ma?

 WE REALLY grateful to Jehovah for giving us the Bible! Jehovah gave us good-good advice in the Bible to help us go through our problem them we can face today. He also gave us wonderful hope for the future. But more important, Jehovah na use the Bible to show us his good-good quality them. When we think on his fine-fine quality them, it can really touch our heart and we can want get close to him by making him our friend.​—Ps. 25:14.

2. De levegɛ ɣɛ le de faa wɛ̃ɛ e vile Jehova va?

2 Jehovah want for people to know him. Way back, he use dreams, visions, and even angels for people to know him. (Num. 12:6; Acts 10:​3, 4) But if they were not coming write these dreams, visions, or message them from angels, how we were going to know them? That the reason why Jehovah make some men them to write the things he wanted us to know in one book. (Jer. 30:2) We sure that the way Jehovah can talk with us today that the best way and it can benefit us because He perfect.​—Ps. 18:30.

3. Jehova ɓaani daa woi maazu ɣɛ le? (Isaiah 40:8)

3 Read Isaiah 40:8. The Bible na give good advice to faithful men and women for plenty of years. How that one happen? That good question because they write the Bible way back, and the thing them they write it on first were quick to spoil. So today we not get any of the first-first copy of the Bible. But Jehovah make sure for other people to copy it over and over. Even though the people that were copying the Bible over and over were not perfect, they were really careful. For example, see what one big book man say about the Hebrew Scriptures: “We sure that no other book they copy way back correct like the copy of the Bible them they na make.” That true they write the Bible way back and the thing them they write it on was quick to spoil. And also, the people who copy it were not perfect. But we still convince that everything we get in the Bible today coming from Jehovah.

4. Zɛɓɛi de vaazu maa wolizu kɔlɔi nii zu?

4 “Every good gift” coming from Jehovah. (Jas. 1:17) The Bible that one of the best gifts Jehovah na give us. When somebody give us gift, it can show whether the person know us or not. That the same thing with the person that gave us the Bible. When we go through this gift, we can learn plenty things about Jehovah. We can learn how he know us good-good and know what we need. In this article, we will discuss what we can learn from the Bible about three of Jehovah good-good ways: his wisdom, justice, and love. First, let talk about how the Bible prove that Jehovah get wisdom.


5. Da wulo ɣɛ le Gala Kɔlɔi zu-nu-ma?

5 Jehovah know we need his wise advice. And this gift, the Bible, get his wisdom inside. The Bible can benefit us. It can change people lives. When Moses wrote the first book them that in the Bible he told the Israelites: “This is no empty word for you, but it means your life.” (Deut. 32:47) Those who follow what the Bible say will be happy in life. (Ps. 1:​2, 3) Even though they write the Bible way back, it still get the power to change people lives. For example, on jw.org, in the series “The Bible Changes Lives,” you will find more than 50 real-life examples of people who change their lives today because they obey what the Bible say.​—1 Thess. 2:13.

6. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ da ɣɛ tea Gala Kɔlɔi ʋize wogɛ e leve kɔlɔi zɔitiɛ va?

6 No other book like the Bible. Why we say so? Because Jehovah God who gave us the Bible get power, everlasting life, and wisdom pass anybody. People can continue to read other books even after the person who wrote it die. But most of the time, the advice in those book can’t get use later on. But the wise advice in the Bible can always benefit people no matter what time they live. So we must read this holy book and think on what we learn. Then Jehovah who gave us the Bible can use his powerful holy spirit to help us see how we can apply the advice in the Bible. (Ps. 119:27; Mal. 3:16; Heb. 4:12) Yes, Jehovah who gave us the Bible really want help you. Just that one must make you to want read the Bible every day!

How the Bible united Jehovah people way back and how it uniting people today? (See paragraphs 7-8)

7. Wɔlɔ-wɔlɔi zu Gala Kɔlɔi Jehova na numaitiɛ yee vilini kiizu ɣɛ le?

7 Something else show that the Bible get God wisdom inside. That the way it can help God people to be united. When the Israelite them enter the Promise Land, they were living in different-different area. Since the Israelite them were living different-different area, it could make it easy for them to stop thinking about each other. But Jehovah made arrangement for the Israelite them to meet together different-different time to hear his word. (Deut. 31:​10-13; Neh. 8:​2, 8, 18) Just imagine how the faithful Israelites were feeling when they came in Jerusalem and saw plenty of their fellow Israelite them from different part of the country! Jehovah use this to help his people to be united. Later on, the Christian them use to speak plenty different-different languages. Some of them were big-big people in the community and some of them were nobody. Some of them were rich and some of them were poor. But because all of them love the Bible, it made them to be united in worshiping Jehovah. Those who took the truth understand God Word because their fellow believers help them and they use to meet together.​—Acts 2:42; 8:​30, 31.

8. Zaa Gala Kɔlɔi ɣa Jehova na numaitiɛ yee vilisu kiizu ɣɛ le?

8 Today, our wise God continue to use the Bible to teach and to make his people to be united. Everything about Jehovah that we need to know coming from the Bible. We can always meet together to our meetings, assemblies, and conventions to listen to our brother them teaching us from the Bible. So the Bible that very important tool that Jehovah using to help his people “serve him shoulder to shoulder.”​—Zeph. 3:9.

9. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de kɛ ga de Gala Kɔlɔi ɣaa ɣa? (Luki 10:21)

9 Let learn about another proof that show that Jehovah wise. Only humble people can understand the Bible because of the way Jehovah made the men them to write it. (Read Luke 10:21.) People everywhere can read the Bible. One big book man say, “plenty people can read the Bible more than any other book. And they can be more careful when they reading it than any other book.” But only humble people can really understand and do what it say.​—2 Cor. 3:​15, 16.

10. Nu ɣa Jehova na kele-ɣelegi vɛtɛ ɣɛ le Gala Kɔlɔi zu?

10 Let see another way we can still learn about Jehovah wisdom in the Bible. Jehovah can use the Bible to teach his people in group and to teach us one by one. When we read the Bible, we can see that Jehovah get interest in each of us. (Isa. 30:21) Most of the time when we facing problem, we can read the Bible. And we can always find scripture that can just fit our situation. But still, they wrote the Bible so that plenty people can understand it. So how come it get information that just fit your situation? It possible only because the person who gave us the Bible wise pass anybody in the whole world.​—2 Tim. 3:​16, 17.


11. Gala Kɔlɔ wonɛ velei dɛɛvɛ ɣɛ le ga Jehova lɛ su-yɛvɛ boga?

11 Justice that another quality that Jehovah get. (Deut. 32:4) Someone who fair can’t pick and choose. And Jehovah can’t pick and choose. (Acts 10:​34, 35; Rom. 2:11) We can see that Jehovah can’t pick and choose from the way they wrote the Bible. They wrote it in the language that plenty people use to speak at that time. They wrote most of the first 39 Bible books in Hebrew because it was easy for God people to understand it at that time. But in the first century C.E., plenty people use to speak Greek. So, they wrote the last 27 books in that language. Jehovah not say that only one language they must write the Bible in. Today all the people on earth can speak plenty different-different languages. So how these plenty people will learn about Jehovah?

12. Nii Daniel 12:4 boga tɔ zaa ɣɛɛzu ɣɛ le?

12 Jehovah use the prophet Daniel to make one promise. He said that in the last days, “the true knowledge” in the Bible will be plenty.” Plenty people were going to understand it. (Read Daniel 12:4.) One way this knowledge na get plenty that the way they translating, producing, and giving Bibles and other publication them to people. They na translate the Bible in plenty different-different languages more than any other book. And plenty people get it more than any other book in the world. Sometime, the Bible other company them can produce can be too dear. Jehovah people na translate the whole Bible or part of it in more than 240 languages, and anybody can get it free of charge. Because of that, plenty people learning about the “good news of the Kingdom” before the end can come. (Matt. 24:14) Our fair God, Jehovah, want for plenty people to get the opportunity to know him by reading the Bible. That because he love all of us very much.


13. Gala Kɔlɔi dɛɛvɛ ɣɛ le ga wõila ɣa Jehova ya? (Jɔ̃ 21:25)

13 The Bible help us to understand that Jehovah main quality that love. (1 John 4:8) Think about all the thing them that Jehovah put in the Bible and the one them he not put there. He gave us just what we need for us to be his friend, to be happy now-now, and to get everlasting life. But, because Jehovah love us, he not give us plenty information that we not need.​—Read John 21:25.

14. Ki-daa wodoitiɛ te Gala Kɔlɔi zu, te dɛɛvɛ ɣɛ le ga wõila ɣa Gala zeea de ʋaa ma?

14 Jehovah show that he respect us by the way he talk to us in the Bible. That another way he show that he love us. Jehovah not give us laws in the Bible to control every small thing we do. But he use real-life stories, prophecies, and good advice to help us make good decisions. That how the Bible can make us to love and obey Jehovah from our heart.

Why we must think about the way Jehovah use to treat his servants way back? (See paragraph 15)

15. (a) Jehova dɛɛvɛ ɣɛ le ga wõila ɣa zeea niitiɛ ʋaa ma ta daa woi lodo? (b) Footei nii zu, po-kɔ̃ɔ-ma taniga ta ga zɛɓɛi te Gala Kɔlɔi zu ga numai niitiɛ te ɣi-gaa-ziɛzu ma? (Gen. 39:1, 10-12; 2 Ki. 5:1-3; Luki 2:25-38)

15 The Bible show that Jehovah really care about us. How? The Bible get plenty real-life story them that show how people can feel. We can understand those people them because they were having feelings like us. (Jas. 5:17) More important, when we see how Jehovah use to treat those people them it can help us to understand that ‘Jehovah very tender in affection and merciful.’​—Jas. 5:11.

16. Ani da faa maa wolina Gala kɔlɔi zu e vile niitiɛ va te ziɣini pele va, zɛɓɛi na ɣa dɛ ga diɛ e vile Jehova va? (Isaiah 55:7)

16 The Bible show another way that Jehovah love us. It promise us that our God will not turn his back on us when we make mistakes. The Israelite them use to sin against Jehovah over and over. But when they repent, He use to forgave them. (Read Isaiah 55:7.) The first-century Christians knew that Jehovah really love them. Jehovah holy spirit make the apostle Paul to encourage his fellow Christians to “forgive and comfort” one man. This man was practicing serious sin but he repented. (2 Cor. 2:​6, 7; 1 Cor. 5:​1-5) It really touch our heart to see that Jehovah not forget about his people just because they made mistake! But because Jehovah love them, He gave them correction and help them to be His friends again. He promise to do the same thing for anybody who make mistake and repent today.​—Jas. 4:​8-10.


17. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ Gala Kɔlɔi ga faa-nɛɛ nii kuloai ba lei laa?

17 Jehovah na give us beautiful gift. Why the Bible that important gift? We na learn that the Bible prove that God get wisdom, he fair, and he love us. It also prove that Jehovah want us to know him and be his friends.

18. Da dɛ ɣɛ le ga de wuuzu nɛɛvɛ faa-nɛi nii ʋaa ma Jehova kɛɛ de vɛ?

18 We must always remember that the Bible that “good gift”. (Jas. 1:17) So we must continue to show that we grateful for it. We can do it by reading the Bible and thinking on it. When we do it, we can be sure that the person who gave us the Bible will bless us and we “will find the knowledge of God.”​—Prov. 2:5.

GUI 98 The Scriptures​—Inspired of God

a The Bible can help us to get close to Jehovah. Wetin we can learn from this holy book about God wisdom, justice, and love? What we will learn can help us to be more grateful for the Bible. It can also help us to understand that the Bible that gift from Jehovah.