Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va

Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va


Ya Leve Ɣɛ Le E Ɓɔɔ Ɣavele Ɓɛtɛ Ga E Bataizei Maa Zɔlɔwo

Ya Leve Ɣɛ Le E Ɓɔɔ Ɣavele Ɓɛtɛ Ga E Bataizei Maa Zɔlɔwo

“Zɛɓɛi sa ya bataize ɣɛɛ ʋai ziɣi ma gaazu?”​—TE ƔƐƐ ƲAITIƐ 8:36.

GUI 50 My Prayer of Dedication


All over the world, young and old people making progress and getting baptize (See paragraphs 1-2)

1-2. Ani e ɣavele lɛ dɛ ɓɛtɛni ga ɔ bataizei maa zɔlɔwo, zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ maa lɛ nɛɛni e yii ɔ zuuli? (Wɛlɛ footei va kɔlɔi nii wuluvɛ.)

 YOU na set good goal for yourself if you thinking about getting baptize. You ready to get baptize now-now? If you sure you ready and the elder them agree, then try to get baptize to the next assembly or convention. If you do it, Jehovah will bless you when you serving him.

2 But somebody na tell you to work on some thing them before you get baptize? Or you yourself na see something to work on? If so, don’t feel bad. Whether you young or old, you able to make progress and get baptize.


3. Gaa-zaɣa-kɛɛ zɛɓɛi Iitiopia zunui boni ga Fele? Na ɣa ɣɛɛna gaa-zaɣa-kɛɛ zɛɓɛi ɔ ɣi-gaa-ziɛ ma na wului? (Te Ɣɛɛ Ʋaitiɛ 8:36, 38)

3 Read Acts 8:36, 38. The Ethiopian man ask Philip the evangelizer: “Wetin stopping me from getting baptize?” The Ethiopian man wanted to get baptize, but you think he was really ready to get baptize?

The Ethiopian man really wanted to continue learning about Jehovah (See paragraph 4)

4. Iitiopia zunui dɛɛni ɣɛ le ga e ɣɛni wõini e ɣaa-ɓaa ga yiɛ faa lamaa maa woli?

4 The Ethiopian man ‘went to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah.’ (Acts 8:27) This one mean that he change his religion and join the Jewish religion. So, he learn about Jehovah from the Hebrew Scriptures. But he still wanted to learn more. In fact, wetin he was doing when Philip saw him on the road? He was reading part of the prophecy in Isaiah and that was deep Bible truths. (Acts 8:28) The Ethiopian man was not just satisfy with learning some basic Bible teachings but he wanted to continue learning.

5. Zɛɓɛ Iitiopia zunui kɛɛni ga niitiɛ e ɣɛni maa wolizu?

5 This man was big man under Candace, the Queen for Ethiopia. He ‘was taking care of all her treasure.’ (Acts 8:27) So he was having plenty work to do. But still, he find time to worship Jehovah. He not just learn the truth but he also did the things he was learning. So, he travel from Ethiopia and went all the way to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah in the temple. That trip took time and it was very expensive. But he not mind that one, he just wanted to worship Jehovah.

6-7. Wõilai e ɣɛni Iitiopia zunui nii ya Jehova ʋaa ma, su ɣɛni wɔɔlɔzu ma ɣɛ le?

6 Philip teach the Ethiopian man some important new truths. One of them that was to know who the Messiah. (Acts 8:34, 35) He was really happy to learn about what Jesus na do for him. Wetin he do after he learn this Bible truth them? He could choose to stay in the Jewish religion. But his strong love for Jehovah and Jesus encourage him to make the important decision to get baptize and be Jesus disciple. Philip baptize him because he saw that the man was ready.

7 You can get ready for baptism if you follow the Ethiopian man example. When you do that one, you will be able to say, “Wetin stopping me from getting baptize?” Let see how you can do the same thing them the Ethiopian man do: He continue learning, he do what he learn, and his love for God continue to get strong.


8. Nii Jɔ̃ 17:3 boga, pilegɛ e va ɣɛ le?

8 Read John 17:3. The thing Jesus say in this verse, help you to start studying the Bible? That what help most of us. But you think this verse also tell us to continue learning? Yes. We will never stop “coming to know . . . the only true God.” (Eccl. 3:11) We will continue learning about him forever. The more we learn about Jehovah, that the more we will get close to him.—Ps. 73:28.

9. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de kɛ ani da faa ɓigiitiɛ maa wolina e vile gaamai va?

9 When we started learning about Jehovah, we learn only basic Bible teachings. The apostle Paul call the basic teachings “the elementary things.” He was not saying “the primary doctrine” was not important, but he was comparing it to milk that can make the baby strong. (Heb. 5:12; 6:1) But he also encourage all Christians to not be satisfy with the basic Bible teachings but to continue learning deep Bible truths. You really want learn the deep teachings in the Bible? You willing to continue learning about Jehovah and the thing them he promise?

10. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ na ɣa ɓaa numaa taniga ya ga te kɔlɔ maa woli?

10 For plenty of us, it can really be hard to study. How about you? In school, you learn how to read and study good? You can enjoy studying because you know that it will benefit you? Or you feel that it hard for you to learn from reading books? Plenty people can feel the same way. With all that, Jehovah can still help you. He perfect and that the best teacher you can ever think about.

11. Jehova vɛɛ dɛɛzu ɣɛ le ga towa e ga Kalamɔ Ɓɔɔɓɔɔgi?

11 Jehovah say, he our Grand Instructor. (Isa. 30:20, 21) He patient and kind, and he can understand his student them. He can look for the good in all of them. (Ps. 130:3) And he can’t tell us to do what we not able to do. Remember he the one made your brain and that wonderful gift. (Ps. 139:14) All of us were made with the desire to learn. Jehovah want us to continue learning and to enjoy doing it. So that wise thing for us to “form a longing” for Bible truth now-now. (1 Pet. 2:2) Set goals that you able to reach and try to read the Bible everyday. (Josh. 1:8) With Jehovah help you will learn to enjoy reading and thinking about him more and more.

12. Ani da ɣɛna Gala Kɔlɔi maa wolizu ɓɔɔ yee-ma, zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ maa nɛɛ de ɣaazu ɓado Ziizɛ va?

12 During this hard time, it really important for us to follow Jesus example if we want serve Jehovah. (1 Pet. 2:21) Jesus not hide it from his disciples, he tell them that they was coming face problems. (Luke 14:27, 28) But he was very sure that his true disciple them will remain faithful just like him. (John 16:33) So learn more about Jesus life and do your best to follow his example everyday in your life.

13. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ e ɣaa-ɓaa yiɛ Jehova ɣaa-zaɣa-kɛ ma? Zɛɓɛ ʋaa ma?

13 You must not only take in knowledge. But you will benefit more if you let that knowledge help you learn more about Jehovah and help you get qualities like love and faith in him. (1 Cor. 8:1-3) Continue learning, but at the same time don’t stop praying to Jehovah to help you get more faith. (Luke 17:5) Jehovah can answer prayer them like this. Real faith that come from true knowledge about our God can help us to make progress.—Jas. 2:26.


Noah and his family do what they learn before the Flood (See paragraph 14)

14. Pite dɛɛni ɣɛ le ga fize wogɛ ga de ziɛ ga niitiɛ de maa wolizu? (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa footei va.)

14 The apostle Peter show that it very important for Jesus disciples to continue doing the thing them they learning. He talk about Noah example in the Bible. Jehovah told Noah that He will use flood to destroy the wicked people during that time. Noah and his family knew that the flood was coming. But they were not coming to be save just because they knew that one. Remember Peter was talking about the time before the Flood “when they were building the ark.” (1 Pet. 3:20) Yes, Noah and his family do what God told them by building that big boat. (Heb. 11:7) Peter compare Noah action to baptism, saying: “Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you.” (1 Pet. 3:21) So we can compare the work you doing now-now to prepare for baptism to the work Noah and his family did for years to build the ark. So wetin you must do to get ready for baptism?

15. Nu ɣa leve ɣɛ le e dɛ ga e wulu ɣaa ʋega ɓɔɔ na faa yowũitiɛ va?

15 One of the first things we must do that to repent from our sins. (Acts 2:37, 38) If we repent from our heart, we will change the way we living. You na stop doing anything that you know can make Jehovah feel bad, thing them like living immoral life, using tobacco, or using bad-bad words or cussing? (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 4:29) If you not leave them yet, try hard to change. Tell the person who studying the Bible with you or the elder them in the congregation to help and guide you. If you young person and still living with your parents, then you must keep asking them to help you to leave anything that will stop you from getting baptize.

16. Faa taniga ta ga zɛɓɛ maa nɛɛ e ɣɛ ga de ɣɛɛ-ʋaa?

16 Another important thing that to always do the thing them that will make your friendship with Jehovah strong. That one mean you must always go to the meetings and take part in them. (Heb. 10:24, 25) And when you qualify to preach, you must try your best to always take part in this work. The more you preach, that the more you will enjoy it. (2 Tim. 4:5) Ask yourself: ‘My ma and pa must tell me about meeting and field service before I go? Or I can go by myself?’ When you do it on your own, you show that you get faith and that you love Jehovah. And also it will show that you grateful for the thing them He na do for you. This thing them that gift the Bible call “deeds of godly devotion.” (2 Pet. 3:11; Heb. 13:15) All the gift them we can give Jehovah from our heart, can make him happy. (Compare 2 Corinthians 9:7.) We can do thing them like this because we love to give Jehovah our best.


17-18. Tuɓo vele zɛɓɛi ya ɓɔ e va ga e bataizei maa zɔlɔwo? Tɔwɔ zɛɓɛ ʋaa ma? (Proverbs 3:3-6)

17 When you making progress to get baptize, you will face some problem them. Some people will laugh at you because of your new belief. They will even go against you or persecute you. (2 Tim. 3:12) Maybe you trying hard to stop something them that Jehovah not like, but sometime you can still do that wrong thing. Or maybe you feeling bad because you been trying hard to get baptize but you just not reaching that goal. Wetin will help you to continue trying? That one important quality, love for Jehovah.

18 The love you get for Jehovah that the best thing you having. (Read Proverbs 3:3-6.) When you get strong love for God, it will help you to go through problems. The Bible can talk plenty about Jehovah loyal love for his servant them. Loyal love mean Jehovah will never leave his servants or stop showing love to them. (Ps. 100:5) God made you in his image. (Gen. 1:26) So how you can show that same kind na love?

Every day you can tell Jehovah thank you (See paragraph 19) b

19. Ya dɛ ɣɛ le ga e wuuzu nɛɛvɛ niitiɛ ɓɔgapɛ faa ma Jehova kɛɛzu e vɛ? (Galatians 2:20)

19 Start each day by saying thank you. (1 Thess. 5:18) Everyday, ask yourself, ‘How Jehovah na show his love for me?’ Make sure that you tell Jehovah thank you when you praying. Talk about special thing them he na do for you. Know that Jehovah can do things for you yourself because he love you. That the same way the apostle Paul was feeling about Jehovah. (Read Galatians 2:20.) Ask yourself, ‘I want show Jehovah that I love him too?’ The love that you get for Jehovah will help you to continue to say no to temptation and to bear it when you facing any problem. It will make you to continue worshipping Jehovah and that will show that you love him every day.

20. Ga nu ɓɔɔ ʋe Jehova ya, faa taniga ta ga zɛɓɛ maa nɛɛ manui kɛ? Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ nii ɓɔɔ ga faa ɓi?

20 After some time, your love for Jehovah will make you to say one special prayer. In that prayer, you will give yourself to God. Remember, when you give yourself to Jehovah, you will get this wonderful hope: You will be his friend forever. When you give yourself to Jehovah, you promising him that you will serve him in good time and in bad time. That only one time you can make this promise. That true, when you give yourself to Jehovah, that serious decision you making. But think on this one: You will make plenty decision them in your life. Some of them will be very good but this one that the best. (Ps. 50:14) Satan will try to make your love for Jehovah weak because he not want you to remain faithful to Him. Don’t let Satan win! (Job 27:5) Your strong love for Jehovah will help you to keep your promise to serve him forever.

21. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ da ɣɛ tea bataizei ɣa dɛ nɔ ga Jehova ʋeli ʋai lɔɔ-zei zuvɛ?

21 After you give yourself to Jehovah, talk to the elder them in your congregation so that you can take the next important step. But remember, to get baptize it not mean you finish, that just the beginning. You starting to serve Jehovah forever. So make your love for Jehovah strong now-now. Set goals that will make your love to be strong every day. When you do this, it will help you to get baptize. That day will be wonderful for you. But that just the beginning. Let the love you get for Jehovah and his Son Jesus continue to get strong forever!

GUI 135 Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son”

a We must get the right reason if we want make progress to get baptize. We must also do the right things. In this article, we will use the example about the Ethiopian man to show what Bible student must do to get baptize.

b WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: One young sister praying to Jehovah and she telling him thank you for all the thing them he na do.