Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va

Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va


Wuuzu Nɛɛ Ga E Jehova Ʋeli Gala Feli Wɔtai Wu

Wuuzu Nɛɛ Ga E Jehova Ʋeli Gala Feli Wɔtai Wu

“A nui nii ʋeli é zui ɓɛtɛni ta gee.” —FAA. 14:7.

GUI 93 Bless Our Meeting Together


1. Zɛɓɛi Gala ta ɣeelai boso, tɔwɔ da wulozu su-nu-ma ɣɛ le?

 SUPPOSE one angel come to talk to you, you will listen to the thing he get to say? Well, today, one angel talking “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” Wetin he saying? “Fear God and give him glory . . . Worship the One who made the heaven and the earth.” (Rev. 14:​6, 7) Jehovah that the only true God who everybody must worship. We really grateful that he na give us the wonderful opportunity to worship him in his great spiritual temple!

2. Zɛɓɛi e ga Gala feli wɔtai? (Wɛlɛ wɔnɔ kologi nii va “What It Is Not.”)

2 What the spiritual temple mean and where we can find information that talk about it? The spiritual temple not real building. That the arrangement Jehovah put in place to worship him base on Jesus ransom sacrifice. The apostle Paul talk more about this in the letter he write to the Hebrew Christian them that were living in Judea way back. b

3-4. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛni Pɔɔ yiɛ kɔlɔ wonɛ kaa yɔwɔ̃itiɛ wɔ Juda na ɣa ɣɛɛna e ɓɔni te va ɣɛ le?

3 Why Paul write this letter to the Hebrew Christians in Judea? Maybe, for two main reasons. First, to encourage them. Before they became Christians, most of them were in the Jewish religion. Maybe their former religion leader them use to make fun out of them because they became Christians. Why? Because the Christian them was not having any temple to worship in. They were not having any altar to make sacrifices to God, and no priests was there to work for them. Maybe all this one them discourage Jesus disciples and made their faith weak. (Heb. 2:1; 3:​12, 14) Maybe some of them were thinking about going back to the Jewish religion.

4 Second, Paul tell the Hebrew Christians that they were not doing anything to understand the new or deep teachings. And that the “solid food” in the Bible. (Heb. 5:​11-14) Some of them were still following Moses Law. Paul make it clear that the sacrifice them under the Law was not able to free people from their sin completely. Because of that, Jehovah stop using Moses Law. So Paul started teaching them some deep truths in the Bible. He remind his fellow Christians about the “better hope” that Jesus sacrifice make possible. And this hope can really help them get close to God.—Heb. 7:​18, 19.

5. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de gaa ɣa, tɔwɔ zɛɓɛ ʋaa ma?

5 Paul explain to his Hebrew brothers that the way they worshipping Jehovah now better more than the way they use to worship him in the Jewish religion. The way the Jews use to worship under the law was only the “shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.” (Col. 2:17) The shadow can only give the shape of something. But that not the real thing. So the way the Jews were worshiping Jehovah way back that just shadow because the better way to worship Jehovah was coming. We need to understand the arrangement Jehovah na put in place so that we can worship him the way he want us to worship him. Let compare the “shadow” (the way the Jews use to worship way back) with “the reality” (the way Christians can worship), just how the book of Hebrews explain it. Doing this one will help us to understand the spiritual temple good-good and see how we our self get part to play.


6. Zɛɓɛi tɔ kɛ Gala feli wɔtai la?

6 The Way the Jews Use to Worship. Paul base what he was saying on the tabernacle that Moses set up in 1512 B.C.E. (See the chart “The Way the Jews Use to Worship and the Way Christians Can Worship.”) The tabernacle was looking like tent. First the Israelite them use to carry it with them from place to place. They use it for almost 500 years until they build the temple in Jerusalem. (Ex. 25:​8, 9; Num. 9:22) This “tent of meeting” was the main place for the Israelites to worship God and make sacrifices to Him. (Ex. 29:​43-46) But the tabernacle also stand for something better that was coming for Christians.

7. Siɛ sɛɓɛi Gala feli wɔtai maʋai lɔɔ-zeini la?

7 The Way Christians Can Worship. The tabernacle way back was “a shadow of the heavenly things,” and it stand for Jehovah great spiritual temple. Paul say that this tent or tabernacle that just example for the great spiritual temple. (Heb. 8:5; 9:9) So by the time he write to the Hebrew Christians, the spiritual temple was already in place. It was put in place in 29 C.E., the year Jesus got baptize. He was anointed with holy spirit and started serving as Jehovah “great high priest” in the spiritual temple. cHeb. 4:14; Acts 10:​37, 38.


8-9. E ɣɛ velei Hiiɓuluitiɛ 7:​23-​27 boga la, zalaɣa wulo nu walai e ɣɛni Yezɔi e vɛɛ zalaɣa wulo nu walai Ziizɛ va, te yɔɔzu wulovɛ ɣɛ le?

8 The Way the Jews Use to Worship. That the high priest use to represent the people before God. When they were dedicating the tabernacle, Jehovah appoint Aaron as Israel first high priest. But Paul say, “plenty other people became priests in place of the high priest because of death.” d (Read Hebrews 7:​23-27.) And because the high priest them were not perfect, they needed to make sacrifices for their own sins. Here, we see the big difference between Israel high priest them and the great High Priest, Jesus Christ.

9 The Way Christians Can Worship. Our High Priest, Jesus that “minister . . . of the true tent, which Jehovah set up, and not man.” (Heb. 8:​1, 2) Paul say because Jesus can’t die, nobody will replace him as high priest. Paul also say that Jesus not sinner, so he not need to make sacrifice for his own sins everyday like Israel high priest them. Now, yor let look at the difference between the altars and the sacrifices in the way the Jews use to worship and the way Christians can worship.


10. Zalaɣai tɔ kulo takagi nii ɣa te kpɛtɛni ga kpaaʋai, togɛi e ɣɛni zɛɓɛ ʋaa ma?

10 The Way the Jews Use to Worship. The copper altar was outside the tabernacle. That on this alter they use to make animal sacrifice to Jehovah. (Ex. 27:​1, 2; 40:29) But this sacrifice them was not able to free the people from their sins altogether. (Heb. 10:​1-4) The animal sacrifice them they always use to make to the tabernacle, point to the one sacrifice that will free people from sin altogether.

11. Gala zeke-kɛɛ vana sɛɓɛi Ziizɛ zaani ma? (Hiiɓuluitiɛ 10:​5-7, 10)

11 The Way Christians Can Worship. Jesus knew that Jehovah sent him to the earth to sacrifice his life for human being. (Matt. 20:28) So when he was getting baptize, Jesus gave his self to do Jehovah will. (John 6:38; Gal. 1:4) The altar that Jesus gave his life on, stand for God will. It was Jehovah will for his Son to sacrifice his perfect human life. Jesus gave his life “once for all time” to free everybody who will exercise faith in him from sin forever. (Read Hebrews 10:​5-7, 10.) Next, we will talk about the thing them in the tabernacle and what they stand for.


12. Ɓɛɛ ɣa ɔ lɛ Gala feli wɔtai wu?

12 The Way the Jews Use to Worship. The tabernacle and the temple them that they built later on in Jerusalem was looking the same way inside. They were having two rooms inside. That was the Holy Place” and “the Most Holy” and that curtain was dividing them. (Heb. 9:​2-5; Ex. 26:​31-33) The golden lampstand, the altar for burning incense, and the table of showbread were inside the Holy Place. Only “the anointed priests” use to go inside the Holy Place to do their work. (Num. 3:​3, 7, 10) The Most Holy was having the golden ark of the covenant that stand for Jehovah presence. (Ex. 25:​21, 22) Only the high priest use to enter the Most Holy one time every year on Atonement Day. (Lev. 16:​2, 17) Every year, he use to enter there with animal blood to make sacrifice for his own sins, and for the sins of the whole nation. Finally, through his holy spirit, Jehovah make it clear what all the thing them in the tabernacle really stand for.—Heb. 9:​6-8. e

13. Vɛ na maa wuai ta vɛ maa wuai ga ʋikee te su-wulo-zu ɣa ga zɛɓɛ Kolai Maa Veaitiɛ faa ma?

13 The Way Christians Can Worship. Jehovah anoint small group of Jesus disciples with holy spirit, and they get special relationship with Jehovah. The 144,000 will be priests in heaven with Jesus. (Rev. 1:6; 14:1) The Holy Place in the tabernacle stand for the way Jehovah choose them to be his sons while they still on earth. (Rom. 8:​15-17) The Most Holy in the tabernacle stand for heaven, the place where Jehovah living. “The curtain” that was dividing the Holy from the Most Holy stand for Jesus body. So long he was still human being, it was not possible for him to go to heaven to be Priest for the spiritual temple. By sacrificing his life for human being, Jesus open the way for all the anointed Christian them to go to heaven. Anointed Christians must also die before they can get their reward in heaven. (Heb. 10:​19, 20; 1 Cor. 15:50) After Jesus came back to life, he went in the Most Holy of the spiritual temple. Then later on, all the anointed Christian them will join him there.

14. E ɣɛ velei Hiiɓuluitiɛ 9:​12, 24-​26, boga la zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ Gala feli wɔtai maʋai ʋize wogɛi?

14 It clear that Jehovah arrangement for Christians to worship Him base on Jesus ransom sacrifice and his priesthood, better pass the way the Jews use to worship. The high priest in Israel use to enter the Most Holy with animal blood. But Jesus enter right before Jehovah in heaven self-self that holy pass any other place. In heaven, he gave the value of his perfect human life for us “to do away with sin through the sacrifice of himself.” (Read Hebrews 9:​12, 24-26.) Jesus sacrifice make it possible for God to forgive our sin forever. Whether our hope that to go heaven or live on earth, all of us can worship Jehovah in his spiritual temple. And that what we coming learn about.


15. Ɓɛɛni ka tɔ tii ɣɛ Gala feli wɔtai la?

15 The Way the Jews Use to Worship. The tabernacle was having one courtyard. That was one big area in fence and the priest them use to do their work there. The big copper altar that they use to sacrifice burnt offering on was in the courtyard. The copper basin was also in the courtyard. It was having the water that the priest them use to clean their self with before doing their work. (Ex. 30:​17-20; 40:​6-8) But the temple them they built later on was having outer courtyard. This area was for the people who were not priest to worship God.

16. Ɓɛɛni ka zaa te tii ɣɛɛzu Gala feli wɔtai la?

16 The Way Christians Can Worship. Before Jesus anointed brother them go to heaven to be priest with him, they can serve faithfully in the inner courtyard in the spiritual temple. The big basin that was having the water inside was very important because it can remind the anointed and all Christians to remain clean in their behavior and in their worship to Jehovah. So, where the “great crowd,” who loyally supporting Jesus anointed brother them worshipping Jehovah? The apostle John saw them “standing before the throne.” This one mean, the great crowd in the outer courtyard on earth, where they serving Jehovah faithfully. (Rev. 7:​9, 13-15) We really grateful to Jehovah for giving us this wonderful opportunity to worship him in his great spiritual temple!


17. Tii zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de ɣaa-ɓaa diɛ kɛ?

17 Today all Christians get the privilege to worship Jehovah by using their time, strength and material things to serve him. Like what the apostle told the Hebrew Christians, we our self too can try hard to always tell other people about Jehovah. (Heb. 13:15) We can show that we grateful for the privilege we get to worship Jehovah by doing our best to serve him.

18. E ɣɛ velei Hiiɓuluitiɛ 10:22-​25 boga la, zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de ɣaa-ɓaa diɛ kɛ tɔwɔ zɛɓɛi dɛ lɛ ga dɔ yee la ma?

18 Read Hebrews 10:​22-25. To the end of his letter to the Hebrews, Paul talk about different-different thing them we must always do when we worshiping Jehovah. And this thing them that praying to Jehovah, preaching to people, going to meeting, and encouraging each other “all the more so as [we] see [Jehovah’s] day drawing near.” To the end of Revelation, Jehovah angel say, “Worship God!”. He say it two times to show that it really important. (Rev. 19:10; 22:9) So we must never forget this deep spiritual truth about Jehovah great spiritual temple and the wonderful privilege we get to worship our great God!

GUI 88 Make Me Know Your Ways

a One of the deep teachings in the Bible, that Jehovah great spiritual temple. What that temple mean? This article explain about some thing them in the book of Hebrews that talk about this temple. This article will help you to be more grateful for the privilege you get to worship Jehovah.

b To know what the book of Hebrews all about, watch the video Introduction to Hebrews on jw.org.

c Hebrews that the only book in the Christian Greek Scriptures that call Jesus the High Priest.

d One research material say, maybe by the time Jerusalem was destroy in 70 C.E, 84 different-different people serve in the position as high priest in Israel.

e If you want learn the meaning for what the high priest use to do on Atonement Day, watch the video The Tent on jw.org.

g See the box “How the Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual Temple” in the July 15, 2010, Watchtower, p. 22.