Iet uz pamatdaļu

Traumas un neatliekamā medicīniskā palīdzība

Flebotomija diagnostiskos nolūkos, lai izvairītos no jatrogēnas anēmijas

Phlebotomy in the intensive care unit: strategies for blood conservation. (opens new window)

Barie PS.

Avots‎: Crit Care 2004;8 Suppl 2:S34-6.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 15196321

DOI‎: 10.1186/cc2454 (opens new window)

The increasing burden of phlebotomy in the development of anaemia and need for blood transfusion amongst trauma patients. (opens new window)

Branco BC, Inaba K, Doughty R, Brooks J, Barmparas G, Shulman I, Nelson J, Demetriades D.

Avots‎: Injury 2012;43(1):78-83.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 21196005

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.injury.2010.12.003 (opens new window)