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Anestēzijas paņēmieni asins zuduma mazināšanai

Kontrolēta (mākslīgā) hipotensija

Evaluation of sodium nitroprusside for controlled hypotension in children during surgery. (opens new window)

Drover DR, Hammer GB, Barrett JS, Cohane CA, Reece T, Zajicek A, Schulman SR.

Avots‎: Front Pharmacol 2015;6:136.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 26217225

DOI‎: 10.3389/fphar.2015.00136 (opens new window)

Blood conservation techniques in spinal deformity surgery: a retrospective review of patients refusing blood transfusion. (opens new window)

Joseph SA Jr, Berekashvili K, Mariller MM, Rivlin M, Sharma K, Casden A, Bitan F, Kuflik P, Neuwirth M.

Avots‎: Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2008;33(21):2310-5.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 18827697

DOI‎: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31818047f2 (opens new window)

Clevidipine for controlled hypotension during spinal surgery in adolescents. (opens new window)

Tobias JD, Hoernschemeyer DG.

Avots‎: J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2011;23(4):347-51.

Raksts indeksēts‎: PubMed 21623231

DOI‎: 10.1097/ANA.0b013e31821f92b7 (opens new window)