Vɔ í ló pɔɔ̀ waà yía mɔ̀

I vɔ i lo wɔ̃ wũlawe gbɛɛ gbɛɛ ya kpoazɛ gɛ̃pia


TÃ 56 Make the Truth Your Own

“Kɔa Lo Kɔa Lie, . . . Kɔa Pɛ Lɛ O Zɔ̃ɔ̃ Mia Die Lɛɛ Dã”

“Kɔa Lo Kɔa Lie, . . . Kɔa Pɛ Lɛ O Zɔ̃ɔ̃ Mia Die Lɛɛ Dã”

“Kɔa pɛ lɛ o zɔ̃ɔ̃ mia die lɛɛ dã.”HIIB. 6:1.


Learn how mature Christian can think and act in line with God will and make good decisions.

1. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ Zihova a naa ko kɛ?

 ONE thing that can make marry people happy, that when they born healthy baby. Even though parents can be happy to see their young baby, but they not want that child to be baby forever. In fact, if the child not growing it can really worry them. That the same way Jehovah can be happy when we start learning about him. But He not want us to stop there. (1 Cor. 3:1) He want us to “be full-grown” Christians.—1 Cor. 14:20.

2. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ ko lo kɛɛ wɔ̃ geepia e gbɛ̃a mɔ?

2 What it mean to be full-grown Christian? How we can grow to be mature Christian? How studying deep Bible truths can help us to grow? And Why we must continue growing to be mature Christian? We will answer all this question them in this article.


3. Ye waa gee I faa ɓa Wala wɔ̃ kɛɛ yia, a yi lɛ e mɛɛ ka?

3 In the Bible, the Greek word they translate for “full-grown” can also mean “mature,” “perfect,” and “complete.” a (1 Cor. 2:6) We can be full-grown or mature Christian when we continue to grow in our relationship with Jehovah, and become spiritual men and women. Even if we feel that we mature, we must never stop growing spiritually. (1 Tim. 4:15) Whether we young or old, all of us can be spiritually mature. But wetin can show that somebody na grow to be mature Christian?

4. Mɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃ kelɛ I Tokɛlɛipiemi mɛkpalaazɛ ka?

4 Mature Christian that somebody who trying their best to do all the things God say. That person can’t pick and choose among God laws. It not mean that the person can’t make mistakes. But every day in his life, he can think and act in line with God will. He na put on the new personality and he trying his best to think the way Jehovah can think. (Eph. 4:​22-24) He na learn to use Jehovah laws and principles to make good decisions. He not need plenty rules to tell him what to do. When he decide to do something, he can try hard to do it.—1 Cor. 9:​26, 27.

5. Tokɛlɛipiemi lɛ a mɛkpala wá a kaa, mia bekɛɓo wɔ̃ kpɛɛ lɛ e ɓɔ a la? (Ifisɔ̃ 4:​14, 15)

5 It can be easy for Christian who not mature to believe any false information. b (Read Ephesians 4:​14, 15.) He can be jealous of other people, make palaver with them, or be quick to get vex.e And most of the time, he can’t stand strong when he facing temptation.—1 Cor. 3:3.

6. Zi lɛ mi e bɛi kɛɛa Tokɛlɛipiemi mɛkpalaazɛ kaa gɔ̃a zɔ̃ɔ̃? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃.)

6 Just what we talk about before, the Bible compare spiritual maturity to the different-different stages children can pass through before they get big. Small child not know what to do, so they need big person to protect them and tell them what to do. For example, the ma will hold her little daughter hand so they can cross the road. But when the child start getting big, the mother will allow her to cross the road on her own. But she will still remind her to look left and right before crossing the road. When the child get big, she can know how to cross the road on her own. Just how small children need help from big people to avoid danger, that the same way, most of the time Christians who not mature yet will need help from mature Christians to avoid spiritual danger and to make good decision. Mature Christian not looking like that. Before they make decision, they can use Bible principles to know Jehovah thinking on the matter and follow it.

Christians who not mature need to make good decisions by applying Bible principles (See paragraph 6)

7. Kea Tokɛlɛipiemia mɛkpalaazɛ oo naa gbumɔ ka mia ye o toa kɛlɛ?

7 You think this one mean that mature Christian will not need help from anybody? No. Mature Christians also need to ask for help sometime. But somebody who not mature will ask other people to tell them what to do or make decision for them. Somebody who mature will ask other people to get more idea and experience, but at the same time he know that he need to make his own decisions. —Gal. 6:5.

8. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Tokɛlɛipiemia mɛkpalaazɛ o bɛi kɛɛa gbɛɛ gbɛɛ?

8 Just how big-big people can be looking different-different, that the same way mature Christians get different-different spiritual qualities like wisdom, courage, being free handed and feeling sorry for people. Beside that, when two mature Christians face the same situation, maybe they will make different-different decisions that will be in line with Bible principles. This one can happen especially when it get something to do with the conscience. Knowing this will help them to not judge each other. Instead, they will focus on remaining united.—Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 1:10.


9. Kea koo bɛi faa nɔ ɓɔɔ ko mɛ e kpala ko Wala yɛɓo kɛɛ yi? A gã pɛɛ.

9 Children can naturally grow up. But nobody can grow to be mature Christian without making any effort. For example, the brothers and sisters in Corinth accepted the good news, got baptize, receive holy spirit, and learn plenty good-good things from the apostle Paul. (Acts 18:​8-11) But some years after they got baptize, plenty of them were not still mature. (1 Cor. 3:2) How we can make sure for this one to not happen to us?

10. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ laa mɔ ko kɛ, kɛɛ ko mɛ e kpala? (Zude 20)

10 To be mature Christian, we must first get the desire to be mature. It can be hard for people who “love inexperience” and decide not to be mature to make spiritual progress. (Prov. 1:22) We not want be like people who na get big but still depending on their parents to make decisions for them. But we want work hard to make our own relationship with Jehovah more strong. (Read Jude 20) If you still trying hard to be mature Christian, pray to Jehovah to give you “both the desire and the power to act”.—Phil. 2:13.

11. Gbumɔ kpɛɛ lɛ Zihova aa nɔ ko lɛɛ kɛ ko mɛ e kpala? (Ifisɔ̃ 4:​11-​13)

11 Jehovah not expect us to be mature on our own. He na give us shepherds and teachers in the Christian congregation who can help us to be mature Christian. (Read Ephesians 4:​11-13.) Jehovah also give us his holy spirit to help us “think like Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:​14-16) Beside that, God also direct people to write the four Gospels to show us how Jesus use to think, speak and do things the time he was on earth. When you follow the way Jesus use to think and do things, you will be able to reach your goal to be mature Christian.


12. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ wa zɔ̃ɔ̃ mɔ e gbɛ̃a Kɛlɛi mɔ?

12 For us to grow to be mature Christian, we must not just be satisfy with the first things we learn about Jesus Christ. For example, teaching like repentance, faith, baptism, and resurrection. (Heb. 6:​1, 2) That some of the main teachings all true Christians believe. That the reason why the apostle Peter talk about all this thing them when he was preaching to the people on Pentecost. (Acts 2:​32-35, 38) For us to be Jesus disciples, we need to accept all this teaching them. For example, Paul say anybody who not believe in the resurrection, can’t be Jesus disciple. (1 Cor. 15:​12-14) So we must not be satisfy with the things we learn when just started studying the Bible.

13. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ laa mɔ ko kɛ, kɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ Hiibulu 5:​14 a geea e gbũ ko mɔ? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃.)

13 The things we learn when we started studying the Bible, different from deep spiritual food that include Jehovah laws and Bible principles that can help us understand his thinking. To benefit from deep spiritual food, we must study the Bible, think on what we read and try our best to apply what we learn. When we do it, it will help us to make decisions that will make Jehovah happy. cRead Hebrews 5:14

Deep spiritual truths can teach us how to make decisions that can make Jehovah happy (See paragraph 13) d

14. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Pɔɔ e gbumɔ nɔa Kɔleĩ mia lɛɛ kɛ o mɛ e kpala?

14 Most of the time, Christian who not mature can find it hard to think on Bible principles and apply them when they facing certain situation. When they not get direct law in the Bible, some of them can just feel that they can do anything they want do. Even when they not get direct law in the Bible for certain situation, some people can still ask for it. For example, Christians in Corinth ask Paul for direct law about whether they can eat food that they sacrifice to idol. Instead of telling them what to do, Paul help them to see that each of them get the right to choose what they want do base on their conscience. He talk about some Bible principles that were coming to help them make good decisions. And they were not coming stumble other people and get guilty conscience because of their decisions. (1 Cor. 8:​4, 7-9) Paul was helping them to grow to be mature Christians. He was trying to help them to use their own thinking to make decision instead of depending on other people or looking for direct law.

15. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Pɔɔ e gbũa Hiibulu mia lɛ o kɛ Tokɛlɛipiemia kaa mɔ kɛ o faa wa Wala wɔ̃ kɛɛ yi?

15 We can learn good lesson from what Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians. Some of them were not growing spiritually. In fact, they had “gone back to needing milk, not solid [spiritual] food.” (Heb. 5:12) They refuse to learn and accept the new things that Jehovah was teaching them through the congregation. (Prov. 4:18) For example, plenty Jewish Christians were still going by the Mosaic law even though Jesus sacrifice put end to it 30 years before that time. (Rom. 10:4; Titus 1:10) So this 30 years gave them plenty time for them to understand that they were not following the Mosaic law again. Paul was trying to help them to accept the deep truths that he was teaching them. His letter help them to see that the new way of worship that Jehovah put in place through Jesus, was better than the one they were doing before. It also gave them the courage to continue preaching even though some of the Jews were against them.—Heb. 10:​19-23.


16. E kã faa ko Wala wɔ̃ kɛɛ yi mɔɔ, mɛ wɔ̃ gbɛɛ lɛ laa mɔ ko kɛ?

16 We must work hard to be mature and also work hard to remain mature. We must be careful to not think that we already mature, so we not need to do anything again to make our friendship with Jehovah more strong. (1 Cor. 10:12) We must “keep testing” ourselves to make sure that we trying our best to make progress.—2 Cor. 13:5.

17. Kii lɛ Pɔɔ a bɛ̃ɛ̃ Kɔlɔsia mia piea, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃a kelɛ laa mɔ o kɛ mia mɛkpalaazɛ ka?

17 When Paul was writing to the Colossians, he encourage them to remain mature. Even though they were already mature Christians, Paul told them to be very careful so they can’t start thinking like the people in the world. (Col. 2:​6-10) Epaphras knew the people in the congregation good-good. So he use to pray all the time for them to “finally stand complete,” or be mature. (Col. 4:12) Wetin we can learn from this? Paul and Epaphras knew that to remain mature, we need God help and we need to apply effort. They wanted the Colossians to remain mature Christians even if they facing problems.

18. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ e bɛi kɛɛ Tokɛlɛipiemi mɛkpalazɛ ka? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃.)

18 Paul warn the Hebrew Christians that it possible for mature Christian to lose their friendship with Jehovah forever if they not careful. The person can be so proud to the point that they not even want repent for God to forgive them. It good to know that the Hebrew Christians never reach that far. (Heb. 6:​4-9) But what about some people today who inactive or disfellowship but later on repent? Because they were humble and repent, it show that they different from the people that Paul talk about. Still when they come back, they will need Jehovah help. (Ezek. 34:​15, 16) The elders will make arrangement for one mature Christian to help them to make their relationship with Jehovah strong again.

Jehovah can help people who want be spiritually strong again (See paragraph 18)

19. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ laa mɔ ko ya ko ge ko kɛ?

19 If you trying hard to be mature Christian, you can reach your goal! Continue learning deep Bible truths and try to think the way Jehovah can think. And if you already mature, continue to remain mature Christian.


  • Mi kɛ Tokɛlɛipiemi mɛkpalaazɛ kaa, a yi lɛ e mɛɛ ka?

  • Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi faaa ka ko kɛ Tokɛlɛipiemi mɛkpalaazɛ ka?

  • Mɛɛ e kɛ lɛ yewaa mɔ ko gɛ̃ kelɛ ko kɔ bɛi lɛ wɔ̃ seĩ mɔ?

TÃ 65 Lo I Lie!

a Even though the Hebrew Scriptures not use the word “mature” and “immature,” but it gave the idea for them. For example, the book of Proverbs gave the difference between somebody who young and not get experience with somebody who wise and get understanding.—Prov. 1:​4, 5.

b See “Protect Yourself From False Information” in the “More Topics” article series on jw.org and in JW Library.®

c See the part “Ideas On What You Can Study” in this Watchtower.

d WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: The brother applying the principles he learn from the Bible when choosing entertainment.