Vɔ í ló pɔɔ̀ waà yía mɔ̀

I vɔ i lo wɔ̃ wũlawe gbɛɛ gbɛɛ ya kpoazɛ gɛ̃pia


TÃ 111 Pɛ Ko Mɔɔ Geli Kɛɛ

Yekɛ I Go Gbɛɛ Ɓo Nukieba Lɛ E Nɔ Lɛ Paledaa Lɛ Ɓea Yi

Yekɛ I Go Gbɛɛ Ɓo Nukieba Lɛ E Nɔ Lɛ Paledaa Lɛ Ɓea Yi

Ka ge e li teele wɔ̃ ni lɛ maa kɛpiaa wɛĩ.”AAZ. 65:18.


Learn how the spiritual paradise can benefit us and how we can help other people to come and be part of it.

1. Mɛɛ e nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea ka pɛnɛɛ, ɛ̃ɛ̃ mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ laa mɔ ko ya ko ge ko kɛ?

 WE GET paradise on earth today where plenty good-good things happening. It get plenty people who enjoying real peace. Those who already in this paradise na decide not to move from there. They also want plenty people to join them and enjoy this special condition. This special condition that wetin? That the spiritual paradise! a

2. Nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓe e kea, mɛ a kɛ kpokpo ɓo ɓɛlɛ ɓɛlɛzɛ?

2 It really wonderful to see how Jehovah help his people to be peaceful and united in this wicked world where Satan na make plenty people to hate each other. (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:12) Our loving God can see how this wicked world na damage people lives. So he provide this peaceful condition where his people will be happy serving him. His Word the Bible say the spiritual paradise looking like safe “refuge” and “well-watered garden.” (Isa. 4:6; 58:11) With Jehovah blessing, those who in this spiritual paradise feeling happy and protected in this last days that hard to deal with.—Isa. 54:14; 2 Tim. 3:1.

3. Wɔ̃ lɛ a bɛ̃ɛ̃ɛ lɛ Aazaya wekpo 65 yia, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a pie wɔ̃ e kɛa mɔ beĩzɛ?

3 Jehovah use the prophet Isaiah to show how life will be looking for the people who in the spiritual paradise. You can find what he say in Isaiah chapter 65, and it was first fulfill way back in 537 B.C.E. That time, the Jews repent from their sin, so Jehovah free them and allow them to go back to their home. Jehovah bless his people and help them to go back and build Jerusalem again. He also help them to build the temple, the main place for true worship in Israel.—Isa. 51:11; Zech. 8:3.

4. Wɔ̃ lɛ a bɛ̃ɛ̃ɛ lɛ Aazaya wekpo 65 yia, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a pie wɔ̃ lɛ kɛpiaa pɛnɛɛ?

4 The second fulfillment of Isaiah prophecy started in 1919 C.E. when Jehovah free his people from Babylon the Great. After that, the spiritual paradise started spreading all over the earth small-small. The brothers and sisters were having zeal for the field service and they show Christian qualities. So they were able to form plenty congregations. For example, men and women who use to be violent and immoral started “putting on the new personality that was created according to God’s will.” (Eph. 4:24) We know that plenty of the blessings Isaiah talk about will happen in the new world. But even now-now we enjoying plenty blessings. Let see how we really benefiting from this spiritual paradise and why we must not move from there.


5. Lɛ zi a bɛ̃ɛ̃ɛ lɛ a ka Aazaya 65:13 yia, mɛɛ wɔ̃ yie yie lɛ ko sɔlɔɓo nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi pɛnɛɛ?

5 Healthy and refresh. Isaiah prophecy show the big difference between how life looking for people in the spiritual paradise and people who not in the spiritual paradise. (Read Isaiah 65:13.) Jehovah been giving his people plenty spiritual food. He na give us his holy spirit, his Word the Bible, and plenty other spiritual food so that we can “eat, . . . drink, . . . [and] rejoice.” (Compare Revelation 22:17.) But the people who not in the spiritual paradise can “go hungry . . . , thirsty . . . , [and] suffer shame.” They not get any spiritual food.—Amos 8:11.

6. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zoa 2:​21-​24 e nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea wɔ̃ gee a ka, ɛ̃ɛ̃ zi kpɛɛ lɛ e gbũa ko mɔ?

6 In Joel prophecy, he use important things like grain, wine, and olive oil to show that Jehovah can give His people what they need, including spiritual food. (Joel 2:​21-24) He can do it through the Bible, our Christian publications, our website, our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. We can benefit by making use of them every day. And because of that, we feel more healthy and refresh.

7. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ ni lɛ e ko zogeli kpokpo ɓo? (Aazaya 65:14)

7 Happy and satisfy. God people can be “so happy” because they grateful to him. (Read Isaiah 65:14.) The encouraging truths and comforting promises in the Bible and the sure hope we get because of Jesus Christ ransom sacrifice, can make us “happy and satisfy.” When we talk with our brothers and sisters about this thing them, it can really make us happy!—Ps. 34:8; 133:​1-3.

8. Yiikɔ peelɛ kpɛɛ lɛ mia lɛ o nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yia, o zɔ̃ɔ̃?

8 The two important things we can see among Jehovah people in this spiritual paradise, that love and unity. This “love and unity” we get among ourselves just show how life will be looking in the new world, where Jehovah people will enjoy more love and unity. (Col. 3:14) One sister tell us what she notice the first time she met Jehovah Witnesses. She say: “I never knew how to be happy, not even in my family. That among Jehovah Witnesses I saw people showing real love to each other.” Anybody who really want be happy and satisfy need to be in our spiritual paradise. No matter how people feel about Jehovah Witnesses, we get good name with Jehovah and all those who serving him.—Isa. 65:15.

9. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ Aazaya 65:16,17 a gee e gbɛ̃a zoda zizaa lɛ e pɛnɛɛ mɔ?

9 Relax and calm. Isaiah 65:14 say the people who decide to remain outside the spiritual paradise will “cry out because of the pain of heart [and] wail because of a broken spirit.” But what about all the things that can make God people to suffer and feel pain? Well, everything “will be forgotten [and] concealed from [God’s] eyes.” (Read Isaiah 65:​16, 17.) Jehovah will move all our problems, and we will not even remember how it use to make us feel.

10. Mɛ e kɛ lɛ ɓa gɛ̃ kelɛ lɛ lua kpokpo ka kɛɛ I kɛ i leege ni ba? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃.)

10 Our meetings can make us to feel good, and it can help us to relax and put all our problems behind us. We can help our brothers and sisters to feel good in this spiritual paradise when we show the fruitage of the spirit in our life, like love, joy, peace, kindness, and mildness. (Gal. 5:​22, 23) That not small blessing to be part of God organization! Those who remain in the spiritual paradise will see the time when God will fulfill all the promise he made about the “new heavens and the new earth.”

That real blessing to enjoy the spiritual paradise and to be part of God family (See paragraph 10) c

11. Lɛ zi Aazaya 65:18, 19 a gee a kaa, zi kpɛɛ lɛ nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓe, lɛ Zihova aa pɛkɛɛ, e bɛi gbũua ko mɔ?

11 Grateful and happy. Isaiah also tell us the reason why we must be “grateful and happy” in the spiritual paradise. Why? Because that Jehovah himself put this spiritual condition in place. (Read Isaiah 65:​18, 19.) No wonder he using us to help people to leave the world organizations, that not teaching them the truth. He want us to help them to come and be part of our beautiful spiritual paradise! We so happy for the blessings we enjoying because we in the truth, and it can move us to tell other people about the good-good things we enjoying.—Jer. 31:12.

12. Wedɔwe lɛ e Aazaya 65:20-​24 yia, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a kɛ ɓaa I yɛlɛtaa a ka, ɛ̃ɛ̃ mɛɛ wɔ̃ wɛĩ?

12 We who in the spiritual paradise happy and grateful for the hope we get. Just think about all the things we will see and do in God new world! The Bible say: “No more will there be an infant . . . who lives but a few days, nor an old man who fails to live out his days.” We will “build houses and live in them [and] plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.” We will “not toil for nothing” because we will be “blessed by Jehovah.” He promise to protect us and give us life that get real meaning. “Even before they call out,” he will know what everybody need and “satisfy the desire of every living thing.”—Isa. 65:​20-24; Ps. 145:16.

13. Wɔ̃ ni lɛ mia o mɛvɔɔ wa kɛɓe yi ye waa gbɛ̃ waa gbini Zihova lɛɛ, zi kpɛɛ lɛ Aazaya 65:25 e a wɔ̃ kelekelé a ka?

13 Peaceful and safe. With the help of God spirit, plenty people who use to be having bad-bad ways na make some big changes in their life. (Read Isaiah 65:25.) They na work hard to leave their bad ways. (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:​22-24) That true, God people not perfect, so we will continue to make mistakes. Jehovah na bring “different-different people” together who love him and in peace with one another. (Titus 2:11) That only the almighty God can perform this miracle!

14. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Aazaya 65:25 e kɛa wana ka ko leege doo lɛ kɛɓe yi?

14 You think it really possible for people to change their bad ways? Just think about this young man who been in jail plenty time before he even reach 20 years old. He was violent and living all kind na immoral life. They put him in jail for stealing car, stealing from people house, and other serious crimes. He was always ready to fight anybody. When he first learn the truth from the Bible and started attending meetings with Jehovah Witnesses, he was convince that worshipping Jehovah in the spiritual paradise give him reason to continue living. After he got baptize, most of the time he use to think on how he can apply Isaiah 65:25. He change from being violent person to peaceful person.

15. Mɛ e kɛ lɛ ko naa ko mia ye o toa suo kɛ o da ko ɓa nukiaba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi, ɛ̃ɛ̃ zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi a kɛɛa?

15 Isaiah 65:13 start by saying: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah say.” Then verse 25 end with the words “says Jehovah.” Anything Jehovah say can always come true. (Isa. 55:​10, 11) We in the spiritual paradise now-now. Jehovah na put his people together like one family to worship him. His people enjoying peace and they can feel safe in this wicked world. (Ps. 72:7) Because of that, we want help plenty people to join us in our Christian brotherhood. We can do it by focusing on helping people to come serve Jehovah.—Matt. 28:​19, 20.


16. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ mia o nu a ka nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi?

16 All of us get important part to play in making the spiritual paradise encouraging to other people. We can do it if we follow Jehovah example. He can’t force people to be part of his organization. Instead, he kindly “draw” them to himself. (John 6:44; Jer. 31:3) People with good heart who learn about Jehovah good-good ways na draw close to him. How our good ways can encourage people to come join the spiritual paradise?

17. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi a kɛɛa kɛ mia o nu nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi?

17 One way we can encourage people to come join us in the spiritual paradise, that by treating our brothers and sisters with love and kindness. When somebody come to our congregation meetings for the first time, we want them to feel the same way the people in Corinth was feeling when they attend the meetings in Corinth way back. They say: “God is really among you.” (1 Cor. 14:​24, 25; Zech. 8:23) So let continue following the advice to “be in peace with one another.”—1 Thess. 5:13.

18. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ e bɛi a kɛɛ kɛ mia o nu ko nukiebaa yi?

18 We must always try to see our Christian brothers and sisters the same way Jehovah see them. We can do it by focusing on their good-good ways instead of the small-small mistakes they can make. We can settle our problems with love by always being “kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another.” (Eph. 4:32) Then the spiritual paradise will encourage people who want people to treat them the same way. b


19. (a) Lɛ zi a zɔ̃ɔ̃ laá gbɔlɔ lɛ e “ O Go Yi O Nu O Mɛi” yia, mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ mia o nu o mɛia wa gee e gbɛ̃a nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea mɔ? (b) Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ kɔa bɛi a yaa kɔa ge kɔa kɛ? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃.)

19 We too grateful for our spiritual paradise! We really enjoying it and plenty people coming to serve Jehovah more than before. Let continue to be grateful for the paradise that Jehovah na make for us. Anybody who want be refresh, satisfy, calm, and safe must come in this spiritual paradise and never move from there! But let be careful because Satan trying his best to take us from there. (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:9) We must not allow him to do it. So, let all of us continue working hard to protect this clean and peaceful spiritual paradise that we enjoying today.

Those who remain in the spiritual paradise will also enjoy the paradise earth in the future (See paragraph 19)


  • Mɛɛ e nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea ka?

  • Wɔ̃ yie yie kpɛɛ lɛ ko nyɔnɔ si nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi?

  • Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi a kɛɛa kɛ mia ye o toa o nu nukieba lɛ e nɔ lɛ paledaa lɛ ɓea yi?

TÃ 144 Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

a MEANING OF SOME WORDS: “Spiritual paradise” mean the peaceful condition we enjoy serving Jehovah in. In this spiritual paradise, we can enjoy peace with Jehovah and with our brothers and sisters.

b Go on jw.org and watch the video Where Are They Now? Alena Žitníková: How My Dream Come True, and see the blessings one sister enjoy for being part of the spiritual paradise.

c WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: While plenty brothers and sisters enjoy lecturing with each other to the meeting, the other brother by himself.