Vɔ í ló pɔɔ̀ waà yía mɔ̀

I vɔ i lo wɔ̃ wũlawe gbɛɛ gbɛɛ ya kpoazɛ gɛ̃pia


TÃ 10 Praise Jehovah Our God!

“PKa Tɔ Lɛ E Zihova Kaa Ɓɔ”

“PKa Tɔ Lɛ E Zihova Kaa Ɓɔ”

“Ka a tɔɓɔ, mia ka Zihova la mia ni kaa, ka tɔ lɛ e Zihova kaa ɓɔ.”SÃÃ. 113:1.


This article will talk about what can help us to praise Jehovah holy name any time we get the opportunity.

1-2. Mɛ e bɛi gbũũ ko mɔ kɛ ko zi lɛ Zihova ee yɛlɛtaa a kaa yima ye waa a tɔ siea ka?

 THINK about this example: Somebody who you really like say something bad about you. You know they lying on you, but some people still believe it. To make things worse, the people that believe it start telling other people about it, and plenty people believe it too. How you will feel? If you care about your relationship with people and your good name, that lie will surely make you feel bad, ehn that true?—Prov. 22:1.

2 This example can help us understand how Jehovah was feeling when they spoil his good name. One of his angels lie on him to the first woman, Eve. She believe the lie. That lie made Adam and Eve to disobey Jehovah. Because of this, all humans that sinner and in the end they can die. (Gen. 3:​1-6; Rom. 5:12) Because of the lie-lie things that Satan started spreading in the garden of Eden, we can see plenty problems in the world. We can see problems like wars, people dying and plenty other bad-bad things. You think Jehovah can feel bad because of Satan lies and the problems it na cause? Yes. But Jehovah not vex or keeping grudge. In fact, he still “the happy God.”—1 Tim. 1:11.

3. Yàla kpɛɛ lɛ a nɔɔ lɛ ko lɛɛ?

3 We can help to prove that Satan lie about Jehovah. We can do it by obeying this simple direction: “Praise the name of Jehovah.” (Ps. 113:1) We can do this by talking good-good things about the Person who get that holy name. You will do it? Let talk about three powerful reasons that will help us to praise Jehovah name with our whole heart.


4. Ye kɔaa Zihova tɔ ɓɔɔ, mɛ e kɛ lɛ e a geli? A gɔ̃a zɔ̃ɔ̃. (A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.)

4 We can make our heavenly Father happy when we praise his name. (Ps. 119:108) But you think it mean that the almighty God looking like imperfect people who looking for praise because it can make them feel good? No. See one example. Imagine the small girl who put her hand around her pa neck and tell him say, “You the best father in the whole world!” The thing his daughter do make him happy and it really touch his heart. Why? You think that because he need encouragement and he want his daughter to praise him? No. But that because he love her and he happy that she grateful and showing love. He know that qualities like this will help her to be happy when she getting big. That the same reasons why Jehovah who the greatest Father, can be happy when we praise him.

Just how any father can be happy when his child show him love and tell him thank you, Jehovah can be happy when we praise his name (See paragraph 4)

5. Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ ko zɔ̃ɔ̃ kelɛ yewa wana ka ye kɔaa Wala tɔɓɔɔ ka?

5 When we praise our heavenly Father, we help to prove that what Satan say about us that lie. Satan say no human being able to be loyal and defend God name. He say nobody will remain faithful to Jehovah when they go through problem. He also say all of us will turn our back on Jehovah if it will benefit us when we disobey God. (Job 1:​9-11; 2:4) But Job remain faithful to God and prove that Satan that liar. How about you? Each of us get the privilege to defend Jehovah name and make him happy by serving him faithfully. (Prov. 27:11) That real honor to do this one.

6. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi kɛa lɛ Liesimi Deɓe wa Liivaa miaa lɛ ɓe? (Niomaya 9:5)

6 People who love Jehovah will want praise his name with their whole heart. King David say: “Let me praise Jehovah; let everything within me praise his holy name.” (Ps. 103:1) David knew that praising Jehovah name that the same as praising Jehovah. When we hear Jehovah name we can think about the way he kind, all the fine-fine qualities he get and the wonderful thing them he can do. David wanted to treat his Father name holy and to praise it. He wanted to do it with “everything within” him, that mean with his whole heart. That the same way the Levites use to take the lead to praise Jehovah. They were humble to say that their words were not enough to really give Jehovah holy name the praise it deserve. (Read Nehemiah 9:5.) We sure that humble praise from the heart like that, use to make Jehovah happy.

7. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi Zihova tɔ ɓɔɔa wɔ̃laũ yiea geepia ɛ̃ɛ̃ ko kɛɓe yi?

7 Today we can make Jehovah happy by talking about him in the way that will show that we really grateful to him and that we love him. When we preaching, we want remember that our main goal that to help people get close to Jehovah and to help them feel the same way we feel about our loving Father. (Jas. 4:8) We happy to show people how the Bible talk about Jehovah, the way it show his love, justice, wisdom, power, and other fine-fine qualities. We also praise Jehovah and make him happy by doing our best to follow his example. (Eph. 5:1) When we do it, people will notice that we really different from other people in this wicked world. (Matt. 5:​14-16) And sometime when we around them, we can be able to explain to them why we can do things different way. Because of that, sincere people can get closer to God. When we praise Jehovah in ways like this, we will make him happy.—1 Tim. 2:​3, 4.


8. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zizɛ lɛ liesipia ka Zihova tɔɓɔɔ yi?

8 Nobody in heaven and on earth know Jehovah more than Jesus. (Matt. 11:27) Jesus love his Father, and he na take the lead in praising Jehovah name. (John 14:31) In one of the prayer he say to his Father on the night before he die, he talk about the most important thing he did when he was preaching on earth. He say: “I have made your name known.” (John 17:26) What he mean?

9. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zizɛ e pĩã vɔ a ka kɛ e e Daa wɔ̃ kɛ seĩ seĩ kɛɛ mia o yima?

9 Jesus not only tell people that God name Jehovah. It was because the Jews he was teaching already knew God name. But Jesus was the one who took the lead to explain more about Jehovah. (John 1:​17, 18) For example, the Hebrew Scriptures show that Jehovah merciful and he can feel sorry for people. (Ex. 34:​5-7) Jesus made that truth clear more than ever before when he tell the story about the lost son and his father. This story talk about how the father saw his son coming from far off, he ran to him, hug him and forgive him with his whole heart. This father example make it clear that Jehovah really merciful and can feel sorry for people. (Luke 15:​11-32) Jesus help people to really know Jehovah good-good.

10. (a) Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko yidɔa kelɛ Zizɛ e kɛ e Daa tɔ geepia ɛ̃ɛ̃ a naa mia ye o toa o kɛ nɔ kili? (Maa 5:19) A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.) (b) Mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ Zizɛ a naa ko kɛ?

10 You think Jesus also wanted other people to use his Pa name? Yes. Maybe some religious leaders living that time believe that it not show any respect to call God name. But Jesus not allow that thinking that was not from the Bible to stop him from showing honor for his Pa name. Let look at the time he cure the man with the demons in the area call the Gerasenes. Jesus not stay in that area because the people were scary, and they beg him to leave from there. (Mark 5:​16, 17) Still, Jesus wanted people to know Jehovah name. So he told the man that he cure to tell people what Jehovah do for him, and not what Jesus do for him. (Read Mark 5:19.) a He want us to do the same thing today. He want for us to show his Father name to people all over the world! (Matt. 24:14; 28:​19, 20) When we do it, we will make our King, Jesus happy.

Jesus told the man who he free from the demons, to go tell people how Jehovah help him (See paragraph 10)

11. Mɛ Zizɛ a gee la toapiemia o sɛnɛɓo a wɛĩ, ɛ̃ɛ̃ mɛ a kɛ kpanazɛ? (Izikiɛ 36:23)

11 Jesus knew that it was Jehovah purpose to make his name holy and to clear all the lies that Satan talk about his name. That the reason why our Master taught his disciples to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” (Matt. 6:9) Jesus knew that this matter that the most important matter everybody in heaven and on earth facing. (Read Ezekiel 36:23.) Nobody in heaven or on earth na make Jehovah name holy like the way Jesus na do it. But when they arrest Jesus, his enemy them say he not get any respect for Jehovah. Jesus knew that to cuss his Pa or to lie on his Pa holy name that the worst sin. He was really feeling bad to know that the people put this type of crime on his head and then they say he guilty. Maybe that the main reason why Jesus was “in such agony” before they arrest him.—Luke 22:​41-44.

12. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zizɛ e e Daa tɔ li a ka e yie ka kpokpo ɓo?

12 To make his Pa name holy, Jesus endure all the suffering, cuss, and lies they put on him. He knew that he obey all the things his Pa tell him to do, so he was not having anything to be shame about. (Heb. 12:2) When he was going through that hard time, he also knew that Satan was directly attacking him. (Luke 22:​2-4; 23:​33, 34) Satan really wanted to make Jesus to disobey Jehovah, but he fail completely! Jesus prove that Satan can lie bad way. And he also prove that Jehovah get people who loyal to him and who ready to remain faithful to him under any kind na test!

13. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi ko Liesimi geli wɔ̃ kɛɛ ɔ ka?

13 You want make your King happy? Continue praising Jehovah name, and help other people to know his good-good ways. When you do it, then you following Jesus example. (1 Pet. 2:21) Just like Jesus, you will be making Jehovah happy and proving that His enemy Satan, that liar who not get no shame!


14-15. Wɔ̃ yie kpɛɛ lɛ e kɛ, ye kɔaa pɛzɔ̃ɔ̃ mia lɛɛ e gbɛ̃a Zihova mɔɔ ka?

14 When we praise Jehovah name, we helping to save life. How? Well, Satan “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.” (2 Cor. 4:4) Because of that, they believe Satan lies like: God not real, God far away from us and he not get time for human being, God wicked and he can suffer wicked people forever. All this lies can only spoil Jehovah good name, so people can’t get close to him. But when we preach, we stopping Satan from reaching his goal. When we teach people the truth about our Father, we praising his holy name. What can be the result?

15 The truths in the Bible really get power. When we teach people about Jehovah and his good-good ways, we can see something wonderful. The people eyeball can open and they can’t be fool by Satan lies. And they can see the fine-fine qualities our Father get. So when people see how Jehovah really get power, their mouth can be full. (Isa. 40:26) Because of his perfect Justice, they can learn to trust him. (Deut. 32:4) They can learn plenty things because of his great wisdom. (Isa. 55:9; Rom. 11:33) And they can feel encourage to learn that Jehovah is love. (1 John 4:8) The more they get close to Jehovah, they can be convince about their hope of living forever as his children. That not small privilege we get to help people get close to their Father, Jehovah! When we do it, Jehovah can take us to be his “fellow workers.”—1 Cor. 3:​5, 9.

16. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ a pie e toa mia do mɔ ye waa Wala tɔ dɔɔ ka? A gɔ̃a zɔ̃ɔ̃.

16 When we start teaching people, we can just teach them that God name Jehovah. Even that one self can really touch people with good heart. Let look at the example of this young woman name Aaliyah b who was raise in one family that was not Christian. She was not satisfy with her religion and she was not feeling close to God. But things change when she started studying the Bible with Jehovah Witnesses. She started taking God to be her Friend. And she was surprise to learn that people move God name from plenty Bibles and they start using titles like Lord. Learning Jehovah name change her life. She say: “My best Friend get name!” What was the result? She say: “I get peace of mind now. I feel really bless to know Jehovah name.” One man name Steve was musician and he came from the strict Jewish background. He never wanted to be part of any religious group because of the plenty white teeth black heart that in religion. But when his ma die, one of his friend who was studying the Bible with Jehovah Witnesses invited him to sit down on the study and he agree. It really touch his heart to learn God name. He say: “I never knew God name before.” He also say: “For the first time, I knew that God real! He was real Person to me. I knew that I na find somebody to be my Friend.”

17. Mɛ e kɛ lɛ ɓaa ya i ge i kɛ Zihova tɔɓɔpia teele? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.)

17 When you preaching and teaching, you can tell people about Jehovah holy name? You can help them to see God good-good qualities? When you do it, you praising God name. Continue praising Jehovah holy name by helping people to know the Person who get that name. Like that, you will save people life. You will be following the example of your King, Jesus Christ. And the main thing, you will be making your Father, Jehovah happy. Continue to “praise [his] name forever and ever”!—Ps. 145:2.

We praise Jehovah name by teaching people about it and showing them Jehovah good-good qualities (See paragraph 17)


  • Zihova geli a ka?

  • Zizɛ Kɛlɛi geli a ka?

  • cmia wa kɛɓe la a ka?

TÃ 2 Jehovah Is Your Name

a We get good reasons to believe that Mark use Jehovah name when he was quoting what Jesus say in Mark 5:19. So we put the name back in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. See the study note on this verse.

b We change some name them.