Vɔ í ló pɔɔ̀ waà yía mɔ̀

I vɔ i lo wɔ̃ wũlawe gbɛɛ gbɛɛ ya kpoazɛ gɛ̃pia


TÃ 28 Kɛ Zihova Ɓɛɛ Ka

Zihova Lɛɛ Ko Suo Kɛ Ko Kɛ A Pie Kɛi

Zihova Lɛɛ Ko Suo Kɛ Ko Kɛ A Pie Kɛi

“Mm lo kɛɛ o pie ɛ̃ɛ̃ mm lo kɛɛ wa Wala ka.”IZI. 37:27.


This article will help us to understand what it mean to be guest in Jehovah tent and the way he can take care of us as our Host.

1-2. Zihova lɛ la mia ni lɛ o zodɔamɔzɛɛ suo kɛpia o kɛ kpɛ?

 IF SOMEBODY ask you Jehovah that who to you, wetin you will say? Maybe you will say, ‘Jehovah that my Father, my God, and my Friend.’ They get other titles that you can also use to call Jehovah with. But you na ever think about him as your Host? What the word host mean? Host that somebody who invite another person to their house. And the person they invite, that the guest.

2 King David compare the friendship between Jehovah and His loyal worshippers to the relationship between the host and his guests. He ask: “O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? Who may reside in your holy mountain?” (Ps. 15:1) We learn from this verse that we can be Jehovah guests, that mean, we can be his friends. Ehn that wonderful invitation here from Jehovah?


3. Deĩ lɛ e kɛ mi beĩzɛ ka Zihova pie kɛi, ɛ̃ɛ̃ zi kpɛɛ lɛ o fĩã e kɛa?

3 Before Jehovah start creating things, he was all by himself. But later on, he welcome his firstborn Son in His tent. Jehovah was really happy to be Host to his first guest. The Bible say that Jehovah was “especially fond of” his Son. Jesus, His first guest, also “rejoiced before [Jehovah] all the time.”—Prov. 8:30.

4. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zihova e gbɛ̃a aa la kaa lakpɔa?

4 Later on, Jehovah made the angels and he invite them to be his guests too. The Bible call His angels “sons of God” and it show that they happy to be with Jehovah. (Job 38:7; Dan. 7:10) For some time, God friend them was only those living in heaven with Him. Later on, he made human being and he invite them to be his guest too. And some of his guests were people like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Job. The Bible show that they were God friends because they obey him, or they were people who walk “with the true God.”—Gen. 5:24; 6:9; Job 29:4; Isa. 41:8.

5. Wɔ̃ lɛ Izikiɛ 37:26, 27 a gee mɔɔ, mɛɛ wɔ̃ lɛ ko mɛdãã mɔ?

5 For plenty years now, Jehovah continue inviting people to be his guests. (Read Ezekiel 37:​26, 27.) For example, we learn from Ezekiel prophecy that God really want his loyal worshippers to get close friendship with him. He promise to make “a covenant of peace with them.” That prophecy was talking about the time that those who get the hope to go to heaven and those who get the hope to live on earth forever, will be united in His tent to be “one flock.” (John 10:16) And this prophecy happening now-now!


6. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ mi do e bɛi kɛɛa Zihova pie kɛi, ɛ̃ɛ̃ mɛɛ zaa lɛ ko bɛi la ka e kilia gɛ̃ɛ̃ yi?

6 Way back, the tent was place for people to rest and to protect people from the weather. If you were guest in that tent, you will expect the owner to take care of you. When we give our life to Jehovah, we can become guests in his tent. (Ps. 61:4) We can enjoy plenty spiritual food and friendship with other people who also na become Jehovah guests. His tent not only in one place. Maybe you na travel to different country to attend special convention and you were able to see other people there, who happy to be in God tent. So Jehovah tent can be anywhere you find his faithful worshippers.—Rev. 21:3.

7. Mɛ e kɛ lɛ ko bɛi a gee mia zodɔamɔzɛ lɛ waa gaa o tĩã Zihova yɛlɛpie? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.)

7 What about faithful people who na die? You think we get good reason to say that they still guests in Jehovah tent? Yes! Why we say so? Because Jehovah remember them, so to him they still living. Jesus say: “That the dead are raised up, even Moses made known in the account about the thornbush, when he calls Jehovah ‘the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob.’ He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him.”—Luke 20:​37, 38.

Even faithful people who na die can be still be guests in God tent (See paragraph 7)


8. Mia o Zihova pie kɛia, zi kpɛɛ lɛ o gbumɔ sɔlɔɓoa?

8 The same way real tent can be resting place and it can protect people from the weather, that just how Jehovah tent can protect his guests from anything that can spoil their friendship with Him and it can give them real hope for the future. When we remain close to Jehovah, Satan can’t do anything that will harm us forever. (Ps. 31:23; 1 John 3:8) In the new world, Jehovah will continue to protect his faithful friends from anything that will spoil their friendship with him and from death.—Rev. 21:4.

9. Zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zihova a naa la mia ni o wɔ̃ kɛ a ka?

9 That real honor to be guest in Jehovah tent.We can enjoy close friendship with him that can last forever. What we must do if we want continue to be Jehovah guests? If somebody invite you to their house, ehn you will want know what the person want you to do? For example, maybe he want you to take off your shoes before entering the house, ehn you will do it? That the same way we want know what Jehovah want us to do if we want continue to be guests in his tent. Our love for Jehovah can make us to want do everything in our power “to please him fully.” (Col. 1:10) That true Jehovah that our Friend, but we also know that he our God and Father, who deserve our respect. (Ps. 25:14) Since we know that one, we must always respect him and never forget that he our God. This deep respect will help us to avoid doing anything that will make him feel bad and to always “walk in modesty” with our God.—Mic. 6:8.


10-11. Lɛ zi Zihova e liesia mɔ Eezɛlɛ mia ka yɛilaa, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃a kelɛ lɛɛ́ mia baɓo?

10 The way Jehovah can treat his guests, show that he can’t pick and choose. (Rom. 2:11) We can learn that Jehovah can’t pick and choose from the way he treat the Israelites in the wilderness of Sinai.

11 After Jehovah free his people from being slave in Egypt, He appoint priests to serve in the tabernacle. He assign the Levites to do other work in the tabernacle. You think Jehovah was taking good care of the people who were serving in the tabernacle or those who were living close to it, more than the people who were living far from it? No! Jehovah can’t pick and choose.

12. Lɛ Zihova e la mia ni si mɔɔ, zi kpɛɛ lɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃a kelɛ lɛɛ́ mia baɓo? (Ɛselɔ 40:38) (A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.)

12 Each Israelite was having equal opportunity to enjoy close friendship with Jehovah, whether they were having special privilege or whether they were living near the tabernacle or not. For example, Jehovah made sure that the whole nation was able to see the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire that was over the tabernacle. (Read Exodus 40:38.) When the cloud start moving in new direction, even the people who were far from the tabernacle were able to see it, then they will start packing their things, take their tents down, and start walking with the other people. (Num. 9:​15-23) Everybody use to hear the loud trumpets sound then they will know that it time for them to start moving. (Num. 10:2) So it clear that it not because somebody was living near the tabernacle, mean that they were having close friendship with Jehovah more than the other people. But all the Israelites could be Jehovah guests and they could be sure that Jehovah was coming guide and protect them. That the same way today, no matter where we living, we can benefit from Jehovah love, care and protection.

God arrangement for the tabernacle show that he can’t pick and choose (See paragraph 12)


13. Pɛnɛɛ, zi kpɛɛ lɛ Zihova a zɔ̃ɔ̃a kelɛ lɛɛ́ mia baɓo?

13 Some of God people today living near the world headquarters or the branch office of Jehovah Witnesses. Some of them even working there. Because of that, they can take part in plenty of the activities that can be there and some of them can even be friends with those who taking the lead. Some people serving as traveling overseers or other forms of special full-time service. So if you among the plenty people who not get opportunity them like this, be sure that our Host, Jehovah love all the people he invite to be his guests. And he can take care of each of them. (1 Pet. 5:7) All God people can receive the spiritual food, the direction, and the protection they need.

14. A gɔ̃a gbɛɛ kpɛɛ lɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃ kelɛ Zihova lɛɛ́ mia baɓo?

14 Another way Jehovah na show that he can’t pick and choose that by making it possible for people all around the world to be able to read the Bible. They first write the Bible in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. You think the people who can read the Bible in this language them get close friendship with Jehovah more than the people who not able to read this language them? No.—Matt. 11:25.

15. Mɛ a zɔ̃ɔ̃ kpokpoɓo kelɛ Zihova lɛɛ́ mia baɓo? (A bĩĩa gɛ̃ nɔ kili.)

15 Jehovah not invite us to be his friend because we know plenty book or because we know the language them they first write the Bible in. But Jehovah can give his wisdom to people all around the world whether they know plenty book or not. They na translate the Bible in plenty different-different languages so that people all over the world can benefit from the teachings in the Bible and learn how they can be Jehovah friends.—2 Tim. 3:​16, 17.

For the fact that they na translate the Bible in plenty languages, how it show that Jehovah can’t pick and choose? (See paragraph 15)


16. Lɛ zi Apɔsɔlɔ 10:34, 35 a gee a kaa, zi kpɛɛ lɛ ko bɛi kɛɛa mi lɛ Zihova ee kɔyaa wia ka?

16 Jehovah really honor us by welcoming us to be guests in his tent. Jehovah that the most kind, loving, and free-handed Host you can ever think about. Also, Jehovah can’t pick and choose and he can welcome us no matter where we living, our background, education, skin color, tribe, age, or whether we man or woman. But he can only accept those who obey him to be his guests.—Read Acts 10:​34, 35.

17. Mɛɛ zaa lɛ ko lo wɔ̃laũ bunuzɛ gɛ̃ɛ̃ yi e gbɛ̃a ko kɛ Zihova pie kɛi mɔ?

17 In Psalm 15:​1, David ask this question them: “O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? Who may reside in your holy mountain?” Jehovah use David to answer this question them. The next article will talk about some of the thing them we must do to continue to be Jehovah friends.

TÃ 32 Take Sides With Jehovah!